t h i r t y t h r e e

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Jisoo stood in the place where she was told, blocking out all students around her. Just looking for one boy. She caught his eye as he leaned against a wall.

He got up, fixing himself, shaking his head, in a 'i can't believe i'm gonna do this.' manner. He slowly made his way toward her, and students gradually quietened.

He reached her, and she smiled falsely at him. "Jisoo, you're the most beautiful girl I know. Will you go on a date with me?" Yoongi asked her, and she nodded fervently, taking his hand. "I'd love to!" She fake gushed, and they made their way inside.

But as they made their way in, she didn't miss Jin's shocked, betrayed and angry face staring at them. In just a second, she felt someone pull on her shoulder.

"Jisoo...please. What I did back then wasn't me! I swear. Please don't do this." Jin looked at her earnestly. She didn't know how he knew, but it was eating her up inside.

"No." She whispered, walking away from him. "And you! I thought you were my best friend. You knew how much I loved her—"

Jisoo froze when she heard him say 'love'. She hesitated, but decided to go inside. She could still hear Jin's yells from outside, and she thought her heart was breaking.

She turned a corner, just to see Seulgi taking pictures of the things that were happening outside through a window. "What are you doing?" She asked sharply. Seulgi jumped like she was on fire.

"Uhm— nothing, Jisoo." She mumbled, running past Jisoo and down the corridor.

"Weird..." Jisoo muttered to herself.


Lisa smiled up at Mingyu. They were sitting outside with Jennie and her new boyfriend, Kai. Lisa was laying her head on Mingyu's lap, and Jennie was telling some sort of story.

She admired the blue sky without a cloud in sight, and the leaves that were beginning to fall off the trees. But her eyes landed on a figure that was leaning against a tree.

Jeon Jungkook.

She felt a pang of guilt in her chest, and she didn't know why. It wasn't like she was cheating on him. They were nothing. Plus, she really liked Mingyu.

She diverted her eyes, making sure not to look at him.

But just ten minutes later, someone called out her name. They all looked up, Jungkook catching the four's attention. "Lisa." He said again, more stern this time.

Lisa sat up. "Y-Yes?" She asked. "We said we were gonna meet now, you still up for it?" He asked her. She nodded, picking up her purse.

"Sorry, babe. I'll see you later. Bye guys!" She excused herself from their little group, going with Jungkook.

"I don't like your boyfriend." Jungkook said bluntly. "Ok, and I care, why?" Lisa shot back sarcastically. He rolled his eyes. "He's bad news, Lisa. I swear." Jungkook said, taking her hand.

She shook it off, "Why would you care, anyways?" She muttered under her breath. Jungkook chuckled darkly, scaring the blonde a small bit, but she would never let it show.

"You're so clueless." He said suddenly, causing the girl to tilt her head in confusion. "Huh?" She asked. "You still think I don't care about you?! You're fucking crazy, Lisa. Of course I care about you." He raised his voice, walking away in frustration.

Lisa stood, her feet rooted to the ground, shocked at what just happened.

Mingyu watched all this from the corner, grinding his teeth.


Mingyu walked down the rusty stairs, and under the lamppost. He sighed in relief, knowomg that she wasn't there yet. Or that's at least what he thought.

"You're late." He jumped at the snarl, and the girl revealed herself from the shadows. "Look, Seul-"

"It's okay. Just give me the information, I have to bring it back to her highness." Seulgi tried to lighten the mood by joking about their 'boss'.

Mingyu rolled his eyes, getting ready to break the news. "It isn't going well. Jungkook seems to be desperate to get her back, it's like he's in love with her or something." He muttered.

"Ugh, the boss told me that they were only fuck buddies. She said that Lisa could have been developing feelings for him, but she stayed away so that wouldn't happen." Seulgi bit her fingernails in thought.

"What should I do?" Mingyu asked, alarmed at the fact that he could lose Lisa. The boss would kill him. Literally.

"Oh! I've got it. Have sex with her." Seulgi said, like it was simple. "What? I've only known her for like, a week." He exclaimed. "Ugh, it doesn't matter. I know a whore when I see one, she'd fuck me if I offered." Seulgi scoffed.

(a/n: i'd fuck seulgi)

"Fine, whatever. Just tell the boss I'm working on it." Mingyu said, leaving.


ahh, i didn't know what to call her so i had to keep calling her the boss lol. so now seulgi is added into the equation. hmmm.

-mina 💓

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