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Jennie looked around her bedroom. It was decorated, all in pink. She sighed. Her closet was full of designer clothes.

"I have everything a girl needs to be popular.." She said, walking to the mirror. "But why aren't I?" She asked, staring at her reflection. "Am I not pretty enough?"

"Jennie-ah!" She heard her younger brother call. "Yes, Hyuka?" She sighed. He burst the door to her room open.

"Guess what?! We won the game!" He yelled happily. "That's great!" Jennie said, hugging him. Jennie loved her brother so so much. He grinned his toothy grin.

"Look!" He said, shoving a trophy in her face. "Oh..that's lovely!" She said. "I really have to do some homework now, but I'll come get you when I'm finished so we can hang out?" Jennie lied. He nodded happily before departing his big sister's room.

Jennie had already finished all her homework. She just wasn't in the mood to play with him right now. He wasn't even that much younger than her, only two years.

She opened her phone, only to see a new notification.

[💌] New message from Unknown Number

Get your brat of
a friend out of our way.
Or someone will have to pay.

She scrunched her eyebrows, confused. "Huh..?"

who are you?

it doesn't matter sweetie.

"Tsk." Jennie dismissed the texts by blocking the number. They didn't freak her out one tiny bit. Not her.

Not Jennie Kim.


Hoseok and Namjoon stood at their lockers. Namjoon was talking about something to Hoseok, but Hoseok was too busy judging everyone.

"Hobi, are you even listening?" Namjoon sighed impatiently. "Queens don't have to listen when they don't want to." Hoseok said airily. Namjoon narrowed his eyes at the boy.

"Hobi, this is important—" Namjoon tried to begin explaining again, but was interrupted. "Oh my God! That is possibly the cutest boy I have seen, like, ever." Hobi said dramatically, staring at a boy.

"Hobi, he's like two years younger than us." Namjoon said. "Who cares? I wouldn't mind reaching him how to have a good time!" Hobi said, wiggling his hips.

Namjoon stared at him, before walking away, completely done with the conversation. Hobi scrutinized the boy, tracing his every feature. He was about to walk over to talk to him, until he saw him put his arm around a girl.

He rolled his eyes. "Ugh, straight boys." He complained to himself, before walking away. He saw Yoongi, and decided he was bored enough to talk to a human rock.

"Hey, Yoongs." He said. Yoongi grunted in response. "Hey, do you have the answers to the english homework?" Yoongi asked Hobi, while Hobi shook his head.

"Shit." Yoongi said. "Just go to those weird girls. They always have the answers." Hobi said lazily.

"Good idea. I'll be back in a minute." Yoongi said, patting Hoseok on the shoulder, and left.

"He patted my shoulder. What does he think I am, one of his Buddy boys?" He said to himself, frowning in disgust.


Chaeyoung couldn't stop laughing at Jisoo, who was scolding Lisa. "You took his jacket?! Why?" She demanded. Lisa shrugged.

"Hi, guys." Chaeyoung turned to see a tired looking Jennie. "Hey Jen. What's up?" Chae asked the girl.

"I didn't sleep well last night." Jennie sighed. Someone appeared in the door of the deserted classroom, and all four heads turned to the person.

Ten minutes until class starts, only they would usually be there this early. "Uhm, hi. We're in the same English class, right?" The boy asked. Chaeyoung recognized him as that scary guy from Bangtan.

Jisoo nodded. "You want answers?" She asked, grabbing a book out of her bag and handing it to him. He nodded, taking it without even saying thank you. He copied the answers into his book, before leaving.

"What an ass." Jisoo commented. "Jisoo! He might still be out there!" Jennie hissed. Jisoo rolled her eyes, before resuming her scolding to Lisa.

At The End Of The Day

Chaeyoung walked out of school, schoolbooks in hand. She stopped at a bench, and put them into her baby pink backpack. She popped in her earbuds and made her way to the train station.

She sat down, waiting for her train to arrive. She looked around, making sure no one from her school was there. She turned on her phone, and gasped at a message she had received.

[💌] New message from Unknown Number

What would your friends think
if they knew where you really lived?

Without asking the person who they were, she responded:

don't tell them.


She didn't even realize that she was trembling. She quickly blocked the number.

Her friends could never know her secret. Not now, not ever.


so i decided to put a little anonymous blackmailer into the plot. oops.

this chapter was really just a filler. hope you enjoyed though.

me binge watching high school musical the musical the series 😌🤡

also hi huening kai my bias in txt 🥰

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