t w e n t y

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Taehyung looked around the party, bored as hell. The only people he knew that were there was Namjoon and Hobi.
Yoongi, Jin, Jimin and Jungkook has disappeared.

Hoseok was currently dancing on the table. He was definitely drunk. "How many shots has he had?" Tae mumbled to Namjoon. "Too many to count." Namjoon sighed.

He went to get another drink, but was stopped by a girl. "Taehyung! ." She smiled brightly at him. "Irene." He gave her a stiff smile, trying to move past the girl.

He mentally rolled his eyes when she stopped him. "How are you?" She asked. "Good. You?" He asked. "Better now that you're here." She smirked.

Then, straight out of the blue, she shoved him against the wall, making him drop his empty cup. She picked her lips on his, making him push her away.

"What the hell are you doing?!" He exclaimed. "Come on..just one.." She winked, kissing him again. Then, he lost it. He hadn't been kissed in so long, and he had been especially depressed ever since..well.the girl who's name won't be mentioned.

He kissed her back roughly, and she pushed him into an empty room. She started to leave a trail of sloppy kisses down his neck, unbuttoning his shirt.


"Jennie!" He moaned. They both froze. "W-What?" She snapped. "NOTHING! Nothing at all. I said..uhh..baby." He smiled seductively at the girl, and she smiled again, but this time, it wasn't as confident.

"Oh.." She said, looking down, unsure of what to do. He didn't know either, so he just kissed her.

He wasn't proud of what happened next.


"Look man, I'm sorry, but I only have 20 dollars! Can you please just let it slide?" Jimin slammed his hand on the table.
"No, there's five of you for God's sakes. That's 30 dollars." The ticket man said.

They were waiting for a train, and Jimin was trying to persuade the man to let them on for twenty dollars. They had all pooled their money together, and twenty dollars was all they had.

Suddenly, Jennie jumped at the loud noise of the train coming into the station. They all started to panic. It was the last train to Lakedale that day.

"Guys, just go!" Jimin yelled, and he jumped over the ticket thing. The rest made a dash for it, all doing the same.

"Hey! Get those kids!" The man from the desk yelled, just as the five jumped in the door. Just in time, too, as the doors immediately closed. Lisa was last, and as she was jumping over the gap, the doors began to close.

Jungkook grabbed her hand, pulling her to his chest just in time. They all stood inside the doors breathlessly as the train slowly took off.

Lisa awkwardly took her hands off Jungkook's chest. "Thanks." She muttered. Jungkook stared at the brunette in despair.

"What did I do, Lisa?" He whispered sadly. Lisa closed her eyes, but not quick enough for Jungkook to miss the tear slipping out of it.

Meanwhile, the three elders were arguing which carriage to sit in. "Come on, I say we should chance first class. Free snacks!" Jimin said.

"No, we've used up all our luck. Let's sit in economy. It's only a twenty-five minute trip, anyways." Jisoo reasoned, and the blonde boy nodded reluctantly. "Fine."

They made their way to the seats, Jungkook ending up opposite of Lisa. He watched as the girl looked out the window, happily staring at the flashing scenery. "So cool.." She whispered.

Jungkook chuckled, causing her to blush. He tapped her foot with his, but just as he thought he was making progress, she pulled her foot away.

His phone beeped. He reluctantly looked down at it.

she hates you.

Jungkook stared around in a panic. "She's here!" He said. "Who?" Jennie asked in confusion.

"Chaeyoung?!" Jimin asked hopefully. "No, the messenger." He said.The four others looked in confusion.

Everyone in the school had been getting messages. Everyone thought they were alone, but when Nayeon's death happened, the whole school was alerted through the messenger. Therefore, they all knew other people were getting them.

Jungkook stood up in his seat, causing quite the commotion. Everyone was now looking at the shouting boy.

Just then, Lisa caught a flash of brown hair run through the door to the next cart. She pointed down, just for Jungkook to see it too. He stood up, and began to run after, Jimin on his tail, and the three girls followed.

"Hey! Boy! Sit your ass back down." One of the conductors yelled at him. "No! We need to-!" He was grabbed by his hand.

"Come on, Jungkook." Lisa mumbled, pulling him back. "No! We need to find her!" Jungkook argued, trying to pull away from the girl.

Now everyone was staring at them. The three others had began to go back to their seats. "No, we don't! Come on, we need to find Chae!" Lisa said sternly.

"I'm doing this for you! You're so afraid of this person, don't you want them gone?!" He yelled. Lisa stared at him in shock, dropping his hand.

He could see her eyebrows furrow in fury as she lowered her head. "Come on." She said quietly, before returning to her seat. Jungkook knew he fucked up when she wouldn't even look at him.


sorry that this chapter was so bad. this was just a filler.

i'm writing this five minutes before my history exam 😂😂

have a great day :))

-mina 💓

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