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"Let me out, Mingyu." Lisa said through gritted teeth, struggling to get out of the ropes she was tied to in the front seat. He just laughed at her attempts.

"What do you want? For me to get back together with you?!" She yelled. He just laughed again, causing her blood to boil. "Oh, Lalisa. Poor, sweet Lalisa. So innocent, so naive...yet so corrupted."

When the blonde looked at him in confusion, he decided to continue. "You see, in plans there's always the bad guys and the good guys. In your perspective, you'd call me the bad guy. But I think differently, very differently. To me, you and your friends are the bad guys. I guess you could say I had you all fooled." He smirked.

Lisa stared at him in disbelief, going over all the secrets she had shared with him. "I'm not a liar. A job needed to be done, and I volunteered. See? Me, the good guy. I had you all fooled. Well except that Jeon brat. He always knew there was something going on. I had wanted to get rid of him, but my boss told me that he was more than just your stupid little wannabe boyfriend. You broke up with me just in time, so I can't feel bad for what I'm doing-"

"And what are you doing?" Lisa butted in.

"Oh, my Lalice. Let's just say you won't see the light of day..ever!" He laughed like a maniac as Lisa's stomach sunk. She didn't want to believe his cruel words, he was acting like an utter nutcase after all. But she had a feeling he wasn't bluffing, so she stayed silent.

Please come get me..


"Irene!" Taehyung yelled over the phone. There was music in the background, and due to the suicide, the ball had ended, so she must have been at an after party.

"What?!" She spat back. "Be honest with me. Where would your friend, Seulgi, hide if she didn't want anyone to find her?" He asked. There was a moment of silence before Tae's Ex spoke again.

"That's a secret—"

"This is serious. It goes past secret keeping. Please, Irene. This is another person's life!" He said, all anger stripped from his voice, and now he sounded scared.

They were in the car, trying to find Lisa. Of course, her location was on, but it was dark and wet, so it was hard to understand where Mingyu was taking her. They wanted to know where they were going so that they could maybe even get a head start.

"Fine. There's this abandoned diner on the edge of town, it used to be her uncle's. She goes there when she doesn't want to see anyone." Irene muttered, hanging up.

"Hey, I know that place! I went there to—"

"We don't care, just get us to Lisa," Jennie shut Jungkook up, causing him to pout. He was more worried than anyone else in the car. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he knew that Lisa had been taken and he had done...bad things to her. He couldn't bare to think about it.

"Let's go."


Lisa opened her eyes slowly, to see two figures in front of her. She was hazy at first, but then woke up fully to realize who they were. "Ah, she's awake. And you're sure no one is following her?"

It was Kang Seulgi, talking to Mingyu. Mingyu nodded, smirking. The one thing that kept Lisa going was the thought of her friends possibly finding her. Otherwise it was over.

"Let me out!" She yelled, struggling in her ropes. The two chuckled. "So, how are we doing this?" Mingyu asked, rubbing his hands together in excitement.

"Gun, knife, rope. Whatever the boss likes."

Lisa's stomach churned, gagging. They were discussing ways to kill her. In front of her.

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