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Jisoo walked through the halls. She was meant to be in class, but she had a headache so the teacher told her to go on a walk. Usually Jisoo wouldn't give up on class time for the world, but she had already thoroughly studied the topic they were doing like, two years ago.

That was Kim Jisoo for you, always ahead of the game. She walked past the Spring Fling banner, rolling her eyes. Jisoo actually cared about learning things in school, not just the parties that it had to offer.

After walking around for a while, she decided to return to class to get her books. The bell that ended the school day rang just as she walked in, and everyone dashed for the door.

"Ah, ah, ah, get back her Kim Seokjin." Miss Hwang said, and Kim Seokjin, or Jin, a member of Bangtan turned around. "I didn't even do anything this time." He said, glaring at the teacher.

Jisoo put her books in her bag, and went to leave. "Jisoo, you stay here too." Jisoo looked back at the teacher in confusion. She hadn't even done anything! "Huh?" Jisoo said, before going to stan beside the boy.

"Seokjin, you're failing most classes." Miss Hwang said. Jisoo stood from one foot to another. "And? I don't care." Seokjin said.

"Miss, I don't think I should be here—" Jisoo said awkwardly, but the teacher held up her hand, signaling for Jisoo to stay. Jisoo sighed.

"You should care. How are you ever going to get a job if you barely even manage to graduate?" The teacher narrowed her eyes at him. "Simple, I'll be a model. I've got the looks." He shrugged.

The teacher rolled her eyes. "Jisoo here is beautiful enough to be a model, and yet she cares about school." Hwang said. Jisoo's face reddened at the comment of her attractiveness.

Jin stared at Jisoo's face, before agreeing reluctantly. That was the difference between him and the rest of Bangtan, he was actually nice when he wanted to be. Any other members of Bangtan would've made a snarky comment, or would have just laughed.

Well, except for Hoseok. He probably would have said something like "You go girl!"

"Good, so you agree?" Hwang asked, to which Jin nodded. "Great. So Jisoo will be your tutor until you get straight A's." The teacher grinned.

"What?!" Both Jisoo and Jin exclaimed in unison. "Did I forget to mention that? Oopsies. Tomorrow, straight after school at the library." The teacher said, packing her things and getting ready to leave.

"But—" Seokjin tried to argue. "Ah, ah, ah. Either you get straight A's or you're cut from the soccer team." The teacher said. Jin shut up and this, and they both watched the teacher leave.

"I'll see you then I guess?" Jisoo said awkwardly, not knowing what to say. He ran his hand through his hair. "Yeah, I guess." He sighed.

And with that Jisoo made her way home.


Lisa waited by the locker that she had been told was Jungkook's with his jacket. After around 15 minutes of waiting, she decided to just leave it on the ground in front of his locker, and began to walk off.

But a voice made her stop. "Aye, Babydoll! I give you my jacket, and you just leave it on the floor like that?" He yelled. Lisa turned to see Jungkook, smirking as he walked to his locker.

"Sorry. It just didn't seem like you were coming." She muttered, refusing to meet his eyes. "Hey, why are you acting like I'm gonna eat you? I gave you my jacket, didn't I?" He asked.

"Uh..yes. Thank you about that, by the way." She said. "You don't need to be so formal. Why are you so quiet all the time?" He asked.

"I was loud enough to stand up to Seulgi." She replied, still looking anywhere but his eyes. "That's not loud enough for people to hear you." He argued.

She glared fiercely at him. "If I'm loud, I may say too much and let something slip. There, happy now?" She hissed.

Jungkook was taken aback by her sudden change of mood. "Hey, don't get all worked up, Babydoll. It's none of my business." He said, slowly approaching the girl.

Lisa didn't seem to notice, too caught up in her own thoughts. When she had finally noticed how close they were, it was too late. Jungkook almost had what he wanted, and he wasn't giving up on it yet.

He looked into her eyes, down to her lips and then back up to her eyes, smirking. "J-Jungkook.." Lisa said nervously, as he put his arm on the wall behind her, trapping her.

"Jungkook, what are you—" He cut her off by enclosing then in a soft kiss. She pushed him away, and stared at him for a moment. But then she grabbed his collar, pulling him into a heated kiss.

She could feel Jungkook's smirk against her lips.

Is it bad that I like this?


oof, i feel like i could have done a way better job with the last scene.

how are you guys holding up in quarantine?

this book hasn't gotten any reads yet, but i'm like addicted to writing it lol.

the anonymous texts will be back next chapter ;)

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