t w e n t y o n e

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Jin sighed as he sent another message. He didn't want to stay at the party. But the person he was messaging wasn't answering.

"What's with the face, Seokjinnie?" Hoseok chirped as he appeared beside Jin. "I'm handsome, I know." Jin smirked.

"No, I meant why do you look so angry." Hobi face palmed. "I just want to spend time with my Girlfriend. Is that too much to ask?" Jin said in frustration.

"Jisoo isn't answering, huh?" Hobi said sympathetically, earning a pathetic nod from Jin. "She's probably with those little friends of hers. I wouldn't worry." He tried to calm the boy.

"But I've barely seen her all week. She seems preoccupied." Jin said sadly. "Do you think she's cheating on you?!" Hobi gasped. Jin's eyes widened. "Well now I do!" He yelled at the boy in pink.

"Jeez, I was just saying." Hobi said, walking away to join another drinking game. "Jisoo wouldn't cheat. Hobi's just had lots of alcohol...right? She'd never cheat."

"Would she?"


There was something going on between Lisa and Jungkook, Jimin was sure of it. He could tell by Lisa avoiding Jungkook's sad gaze that something was going on.

Did he miss something? Jungkook had a girlfriend. Plus, Lisa was totally not his type. Not that Jimin knew anything about her, but she just seemed too..good for Jungkook.

Jimin didn't mean that in a mean way. Chaeyoung was too good for him, yet she still liked him.

"Chaeyoung.." Jimin sighed softly, thinking of the delicate girl again. He missed her so much. When she was with him, he never thought about what it would be like if she was gone.

'I wonder if she was getting messages. Something happened to her..' He thought. 'I miss you, Chae. Please be safe.' He stared out the window at the flashing scenes.

They were coming into the small town of Lakedale. The train abruptly stopped, and a bell went, signaling they should get off.

Everyone avoided them after the scene they made earlier. Jungkook and Lisa walked with their heads down, Jennie and Jisoo walked with their heads up, looking around.

Jimin just watched them all. 'How did I get here?'

Just a few months ago, he would've laughed if you told him that he would be looking for the shy, nerdy girl with her strange, but nice friends.

Yet, here he was. The things that girl did to him.

Lisa could feel heat emitting from Jungkook's body behind her. She didn't want to talk to him. She didn't even want to see him, but she knew that wasn't an option.

Her focus should be Chaeyoung, yet Jungkook was ruining it all. She knew deep down, that she missed him. She missed him so fucking much. But she couldn't. If she fell even deeper in love with him, she knew she would be in even more trouble.

She knew that the feelings she felt right now were reversible. She hoped. At least for now they were. She wasn't going to make a fool of herself. Not her. Not Lalisa Manoban.

She stepped cautiously over the gap, looking around the busy station. People were dressed up, waiting for a train. Probably going to a party back in their town.

"We're gonna go get directions to this covent." Jisoo said, pulling Jennie along with her. "W-What about me..?" Lisa asked quietly.

Jimin never wanted someone to be sad, so her grabbed the girl's arm. "Let's get snacks! I'll pay." Jimin said, taking a coin from his pocket.

They hadn't payed any money for the train. They had just ran.

Jungkook glowered at Jimin and Lisa's retreating backs. He followed them slowly. They had already bought the snacks by the time he caught up for them, and Jensoo had sought them out.

Jisoo was holding a sheet where someone had written down directions. "Let's go, I guess." She said, and they walked out of the train station slowly.


After around 20 minutes of walking, they faced a huge grey building. "This is it." Jennie sighed. "Let's go." Jimin said, not wanting to waste another second.

He opened the small iron gate and began to make his way up the path. He looked around, making sure they were all okay, before knocking on the door with the huge lion knocker.

A few moments later, the huge door groaned, and opened. "Oh! What a handsome young man. And such pretty girls!" The old woman complimented. The teens thanked her.

"Thank you, Unnie. Can we speak to you? If it's not too much trouble." Jisoo used her charm. "Of course. Come in, I will get you some tea. Girls, can you bring them to the sitting room?" The Nun asked three girls stood at the bottom of the staircase.

One was staring at them like they each had eight heads. Her two friends nodded for her, and approached the group. "Hello, I'm Nancy, this is Yeeun and Chanmi." The one with brown hair said.

"You look strangely familiar...have we met before?" Lisa asked the one who was staring. "Chanmi, answer her!" Yeeun urged the blond.

"Uhh- no. But I know you. Y-You're Lisa. And you're Jisoo and Jennie..Chaeyoung's friends." Chanmi's voice trembled as she pointed to each of the girls.

"Ah, you know Chaeyoung?" Jimin piped up. "Yes..but you..who are you?" The blond asked, pointing an unsteady finger at the boy.

"I'm Jimin and this is my friend Ju-"

"J-Jimin?! Like, Park Jimin?!" Chanmi's voice became frantic. The two others became frantic as soon as their friend said this.

"Yes? What's the big deal?" Jimin asked, completely and utterly confused. "You need to get out of here. Now." Yeeun said suddenly, and the trio began pushing the group out.

"What? No, we can't leave!" Jisoo said to them. "Look, we'll explain everything. Meet us tomorrow night at midnight, at the 24 hour diner down the street. We'll be there." Chanmi said, still pushing.

"No, we need to find things out about Chaeyoung!" Jimin said firmly, though his friends could see he didn't really know what to do.

"Look, if you stay, you'll only make things worse for her. Now go, run! Get on the last train back." Nancy panicked, and then they were gone just as fast as they came, and the door was slammed in their face.

"What should we do now?" Jungkook asked after about a minute of silence. "You heard her.." Jennie began, looking at the group.

"Let's run."


the plot thickens :) i really hope you're enjoying. i know i've been focusing a lot on liskook, but i did say that in the start of the book so i don't think there's a need for me to apologize.

anyways, i hope you're staying safe & healthy :)

p.s. chanmi is chungha's real name if anyone is confused.
-mina 💓

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