t h i r t y o n e

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"So, have any ideas on who it is?" Jungkook asked Lisa as he sat down in front of her. "No, that's why we're doing this, remember?" She rolled her eyes.

"Oops." He grinned. "But I have had some people in mind. I'm thinking Seulgi from Red Velvet." Lisa said, and Jungkook thought about it for a minute.

"Lis, I get that she's mean, but do you really think she'd kill her best friend?" Jungkook asked her. "All the motives are there." Lisa shrugged.

"Yeah, but—"

"Look, if you're not even gonna accept the fact that it could be her, then maybe I should do this with someone else." Lisa glared, standing up to leave.

"Yah, wait! I'll listen, alright?" Jungkook called after her, and Lisa turned around, sitting back down in front of him. "Perfect." She flashed a pearly white smile.

"So, first of all, there's Chaeyoung. Seulgi obviously likes Jimin, and with Chaeyoung gone, she could get with him. Second, why would the girls and I be getting texts if we used to be nobodies? Because she liked bullying us. Third, Wendy always tried to be Seulgi, this could've annoyed Seulgi to a point where she killed her. And when we were 'together'.."

The air quotes she did with her fingers at 'together' made Jungkook's chest tighten. Why?

"...she always threatened me to leave you. Remember that? And since Yeri is the youngest, they all care for her. You were dating her, and she wanted me out of the way so Yeri wouldn't get hurt." Lisa crossed her arms, satisfied.

"Did the messages get to you?" Jungkook's question took her off guard. "W-What?" Lisa asked, a little flustered.

"The messages about making you leave me, did they get to you? Is that why you left? Because you know that I'd always be there to beat them—"

"No, Jungkook, they didn't get to me." Lisa said, her voice icy cold. "Then why'd you leave?" Lisa shivered at the pain she heard in his voice. They stared at each other for a moment, but when Lisa couldn't look at him anymore, she looked away.

Jungkook didn't care, taking her chin to make her look at him. "Why'd you leave?" He asked again, whispering again. "I..." Lisa began.

Her phone lit up. "...have to go!" She said in a hurry, getting up. "What? Where? We didn't even discuss anything yet." Jungkook asked as she put her faux fur jacket on.

"I have a date." She wiggled her eyebrows. Jungkook's chest tightened again. "What?! With who?!" He asked, trying not to sound too angry.

"The new kid, his name is Kim Mingyu. Bye, Kook! I'll text you." She said, rushing out the door. Jungkook watched her from the window as she ran to the sign of the diner, and hugged a tall boy, around his age.

He gritted his teeth, watching them. Then, suddenly the boy's eyes met his, and he smirked. What he did next shocked Jungkook.

He leaned in, and kissed Lisa. Right there. Jungkook clenched his fists, breaking the plastic spoon in his hand.

"Oh it's on, new boy."


"Are you sure about this, Taehyung?" Jennie mumbled nervously as she walked up Taehyung's driveway, her blanked trailing behind her.

He didn't answer, just simply nodded as he let her and her brother go in in front of him.

"Choose any room you want upstairs, make yourselves at home. My sister is in the kitchen, come down when you're ready." He said pointing to the stairs.

Jennie thanked him as Huening Kai ran up the stairs past her. Jennie made her way up  after him, and chose the first room that she could find.

She cannon-balled onto the soft mattress, pulling out her phone. She had two new messages, one from Jisoo and one from..

living in his house?

why can't you leave me alone?

he has a girlfriend. 

Jennie's heart sank and she didn't know why. She didn't like Taehyung, she even rejected him just a few weeks ago.


ha now you want to listen to

just leave us the fuck alone.

She threw down her phone after blocking the number for the nth time.

Unknown always found their way back to her.


i know it's not the best and i'm sorry :( but idk if i mentioned it on this account yet but BLACKPINK COMEBACK!! finally, the drought is over.

it's so weird that blinks will read this in a few years after blackpink's full album is released. hi from the past!

i've been trying to make it more obvious who unknown is. you guys have some interesting theories. so far i've seen some that are close to the truth, but none have hit the nail on the head.

-mina 💓

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