t w e n t y s i x

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Three Months Later

Lisa peered at the crowded footpaths through her Dior sunglasses. All heads turned to look at her. It was new..it was different. She finally found a spot to park in, and pulled up. She got out of the car, her white Dior pumps making no sound on the concrete.

Her shoes were simple, but probably more expensive than another girl's entire wardrobe. She grabbed her bag and car keys, and began to make her way into school.

She heard many whispers around her, and she listened to them, smirking. Her phone began to buzz, and she picked up immediately.

"Hey Jen." She muttered. "Hey, Lis. We're at the cafeteria. Are you here yet?" Her best friend's voice came over the phone. "Mhm. I'll be there in a second." She replied, hanging up.

"Yah, no way that's Lisa Manoban!" She heard a hiss behind her. She turned on her heel, placing her hand on her hip. "Do you want ID?" She snapped. The girl froze, before shaking her head.

Lisa smiled, then continued to the cafeteria. She walked in, and all eyes were on her friends. She strutted over to the desk, her three friends grinning at her.

"I hear everyone's talking about The Lalisa Manoban!" Jisoo grinned widely. "Yeah, some people need to learn to mind their own business." Lisa said, rolling her eyes.

"D-Do you see Red Velvet anywhere?" Chaeyoung looked around nervously. "No need to fret, Chaengie. This year's gonna be different." Jennie smiled, taking the brunette's hand.

Yes, Chaeyoung's hair was now brown. And Lisa had dyed her hair blond. Jisoo had gone red, and Jennie had stayed the same. After the Chaeyoung drama, they had decided that this year was gonna be different.

Lisa looked fondly at the now brunette. Her friend was still traumatized from the situation, and she still wasn't able to tell her friends what she saw in that place.

They didn't force her to, either. But Lisa's good mood was immediately ruined when her eyes locked with brown ones across the cafeteria. She saw them twinkle when the boy smiled. He blinked, breaking the spell.

She looked back to her friends, who were all immersed in conversation, and luckily didn't notice her looking at him. "I wonder where Jimin is." Chaeyoung said sadly.

"Chaeng, you need to forget him. He's a jerk." Jennie said, but Jisoo gave Lisa a very unsure look, while Jennie began to bite at her nails.

When Chaeyoung had returned, just a few days after Jenchuli had broken her out of that hellhole, her and Lisa had gone to the diner to pick up dinner.

Just as they walked in, they saw Jimin and Kang Seulgi, Lisa and Chaeyoung's biggest bully, swallowing each other at the last booth. But once Jimin saw Chaeyoung, he immediately pushed Seulgi away, and began to walk to Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung had immediately glared at him, saying "You disgust me. I hope you rot in hell."

Lisa had been shocked at the whole exchange, it wasn't like her soft Chaeyoung at all. But once she stepped outside the diner with the dinner, she saw Chaeyoung leaning up against the wall, a sobbing mess.

Lisa was sure Chaeyoung had been heartbroken. She didn't leave her room for three days straight after that. Chaeyoung had been pretty fucked up this summer, and it had impacted all of them. They didn't want to be the shy, nerdy girls anymore. So they knew they had to make a change.

And they did.

"I just...I don't know if I'm ready to see him." Chaeyoung said hesitantly, bringing Lisa back to the present. "If you're not ready, then that's fine. We won't talk to him, Chaengie. Whatever you need." Jisoo smiled warmly at the younger.

Lisa saw tears spring in her friend's eyes. She embraced her, and they all sat, hugging. But then the bell rang, breaking them away. Jisoo sighed, looking at her friends,

"Let year two of the games begin."


Jin sat at the back of the classroom, bored out of his wits. Suddenly, his phone lit up, and so did his face. It was a text from his girlfriend, the love of his life, Kim Jisoo.

He opened it.

Jisoo ❤️
wanna hang out after school?

of course! i'll text you
in a minute, i'm in the middle of
AP science 😔

Jisoo ❤️
ew, good luck with that 😭👋

He chuckled as he put down his phone. Jisoo was perfect. She was kind, caring, responsible, smart. not to mention beautiful. But she was also funny. He didn't know how in the world he had managed to stumble upon the jackpot, but he did and he was so thankful.

"Yah! Kim Seokjin! I just asked you a question three times!" The teacher slammed a ruler on the desk, waking Jin from his daydream.

"Uhh..sorry, Sir, I don't feel that well." Jin mumbled, rubbing his head. The teacher's expression immediately softened. "I knew you weren't acting like yourself. Go outside and take some air." The teacher melted like honey, and Jin dashed from the room with his phone in hand.

He started to go through Instagram, glad to get out of the warm, stuffy bathroom. But he received a notification that actually did make him feel sick.

your relationship with jisoo won't
last much longer.

empty threats aren't funny.
empty threats are all you do.

don't count on it, golden boy.

His heartbeat fastened as he read the text, and could feel something was wrong as soon as he turned the corner. A scream erupted through the hallways, coming from deep inside him.

His phone dropped from his hands, colliding with the ground, smashing. Students ran out to him, only to be met with the living nightmare.

Why are they so scared, you ask?

Because they were all met with the same thing. The body parts of Son Seungwan, or Wendy, dismembered, and stuck to the wall to form a body shape, small gaps in between each part. Her eyes were gauged out, just empty sockets, and written on the wall beside her, in blood, were the words,

'Let round 2 of the games begin.'



hope you enjoyed ;) also, more and more is literally the biggest bop ever! if i had to rank m&m, feel special and fancy it would be:

1. more and more
2. fancy
3. feel special

what about you guys?

-mina 💕

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