t w e n t y e i g h t

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Lisa opened her locker, and three love letters immediately fell out. She smirked, picking them up. "Lisa?" She heard a voice say.

She turned to see one of her close friends. "Tzuyu! So great to see you!" Lisa said, embracing the girl. Tzuyu looked at the girl in shock. "What?" Lisa asked.

"You- You look so...different! A good different, haha.." Tzuyu said, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. "Thank you so much! We still take history together, right?" Lisa asked her, crossing her arms.

Tzuyu nodded quickly. "Great! I'll see you then." Lisa flashed a blinding smile, before walking away, leaving Tzuyu dumbfounded.

As Lisa walked down the halls, she opened the first love letter. It was from some little freshman who thought she was beautiful. She smiled at it. Even though she seemed cruel, she still had a sweet heart.

The second one said that she seemed very beautiful, smart and independent. It also asked her to meet them at the roof after school. Lisa sighed, knowing she wouldn't go.

But...the last one..was different. It told her she was ethereal, and she really did have a good heart. Lisa stared at it strangely, before shaking off the feeling, and walking to her first class.

She heard her get a text, taking out her phone. The text made her drop the letters.

where's chaeyoung?

Lisa picked up her letters, shoving them into her backpack. She then took off, running like a mad woman. She knew where Chaeyoung's first class was, and she shoved the door open, her heart beating wildly.

"Chaeyoung!" Lisa yelled, and Chaeyoung looked up at her friend from her seat, surprised. "A-Are you okay?" Lisa asked, running to her brunette friend.

"Yes? Why wouldn't I be?" Chaeyoung asked, shocked to see her friend here. "Well, I got a text that said—"

"Miss Manoban! What in the world are you doing here?" Lisa turned quickly to meet a very angry Mr Park. "Uhh..sorry, mister. I'll be on my way!" Lisa said in a hurry, running out before she could get a punishment.

She sighed, walking through the mostly empty halls. And she received another text.

ha. that was funny.

why'd you do that?
chaeyoung was fine.

i was bored.
i wanted to have some fun.

Lisa rolled her eyes, placing her phone back in her purse.

"What a bitch."


The death of Wendy shocked everyone. But what shocked everyone even more was the message written in her own blood. "I don't want the games to begin again." Lisa sniffled, cuddling into Jisoo. It was lunch, and everyone was silently whispering between themselves.

Jin had been questioned yesterday, and the police were going to go around a question possible suspects after lunch. "I know, Lis. Nobody does." Jisoo comforted their youngest.

Jennie watched the two, trying to figure out what to do. "Okay, guys. I think the task at hand is very clear here. Find 'unknown'. Then we'll be able to enjoy our senior year in peace." She said.

The three others nodded, all watching her intently. "We won't be able to do this by ourselves. This is all a game, and we're the pawns. But..we need to figure out who else is getting the texts like we are, so that we know who else is in the game." Jennie said thoughtfully, and then her face lit up with an idea.

"J-Jen? What are you doing?" Jisoo asked nervously as Jennie stood up on the table. "Yah, listen up! We need to know something!" Jennie yelled, silencing the rest of the cafeteria. They all turned to look at her.

"Who else has been getting regular, threatening texts from 'Unknown'?" She yelled. There was a pause, before some hands were raised. Jennie nearly choked on air. All of Bangtan's hands were raised, and Joy from Red Velvet's.

Jennie nodded, sitting down again. She smiled so sickeningly sweet. "Problem solved."


"Did you see what that Jennie weirdo did at lunch?" Seulgi asked Irene, who nodded. "Yeah, what the heck? And Joy, you never told us you were getting messages. We'll sort the anonymous person out." Irene said, rubbing her friend's arm.

Joy shook her head. "They aren't that bad. They don't worry me, anyways. I hear that they're much worse with the four girls and Bangtan, anyways. I just..." Joy's voice trailed off.

"What is it?" Yeri asked. "I miss Wendy." Joy sniffed. They all immediately hugged. The loss of one of their best friends was devastating, and they tried not to think about it.

"We'll be okay." Irene whispered. "So much has happened. This has not been a good year. Y'know, Jungkook breaking up with me, Wendy being murdered, the four weirdos taking our spots." Yeri said, rolling her eyes.

"They won't take our place for long. I am dating the handsomest boy in school, Taehyung." Irene bragged. "Yeah, and I'm playing hard to get with Jimin!" Seulgi added.

"And I know Jungkook still likes me." Yeri smirked. They all turned to Joy, waiting for her to say something. "What? I have nothing.." She muttered, moving past them. They all looked at each other weirdly, before shrugging it off and following her.


things are starting to happen again 😌 just wait until the chapter after next, blackbangtan will slowly begin to reunite 😳😳

-mina 💓

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