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Jisoo fought the urge of shouting at the boy who sat in front of her, a smirk plastered on his handsome face. He was being so uncivil!

"It's simple, you just divide this by this number, thus getting the answer." She said, grinding her teeth. He burst out laughing.

Jisoo couldn't hold it anymore. "Ugh, what's so funny? That I'm trying my best to teach you, and you're being so rude, so stupid—" she began to scold.

"Nonono, it's just..you're cute." He chuckled. Jisoo felt heat rising up within her, and reaching her face. She tried to hide her blushing state, but he already knew.

"That's sweet." She mumbled, not sure what to say. "I never knew nerds could be so funny." He said, tying his best to act cool. Jisoo jumped up.

"Ya! I am not a nerd, just a smart girl who is beautiful enough to be a Queen." She said, flicking her hair over her shoulder. This caused him to burst out laughing for their nth time this study session.


Lisa walked into class with Tzuyu, her only friend in her History class. Tzuyu was talking to her about some TV show, but Lisa was barely listening.

Her breath hitched when her eyes met with those dark orbs. Almost immediately, she looked away, her face heating up.

"Oooo, why are you as red as a tomato?" Tzuyu asked. "Lalisa's got a crush~" She sung, causing Lisa to clap a hand over her friend's mouth.

"Shut up!" Lisa hissed. On the other side of the room, Jungkook watched the interaction, a smile creeping onto his face.

But, once Tzuyu caught who Lisa had been looking at, her face turned to horror.

"Lisa, don't tell me it's him." Tzuyu whispered, discreetly pointing a finger in the confused boy's direction. Lisa rolled her eyes. "As if. Who do you think I am, Tzu? Some hoe like Kim Yerim?" Lisa scoffed, lying through her teeth.

Tzuyu breathed a sigh of relief, and they made them way to their seats.

The teacher walked in, and they began to discus a Princess who had given up her crown for a stable boy. Lisa was trying her best to listen, but it was so dreadfully boring.

"But that's so stupid. She could have been a ruler." She heard Jungkook's voice emit from the back of the room.

The teacher sighed. "Yes, but she did it for love, Mr Jeon." She said impatiently. "Love, schmove. She was way out of his league." He scoffed.

This caused Lisa to stiffen. Way out of his league.

"Have you ever been in love, Mr Jeon?" Teacher asked, and now all eyes were on Jungkook.

Everyone knew he was dating Yeri, a girl who looked to be a sweetheart. But my friends' and I knew the real her. The girl who had posted mean things about us online, who had told us to harm ourselves.

Yeri was in this classroom, staring at him, all lovey-dovey. He hesitated. "No." He said, loud and clear.

We could hear Yeri gasp from the other side of the room. "Now I see why you don't understand." The teacher smiled, before stating that we should move on.

The rest of the school day went by like a breeze, and I was now walking out to get the bus home. I was skipping along, happy that I had finally gotten above 70 on a math test.

[💌] New message from Unknown Number

Meet me at the tree outside the english
room right now.

Lisa looked around nervously.

Who is this?

Just come, Manoban.

She sighed, before making her way cautiously to the tree outside the english room. She peeped around seeing a figure standing before the tree.

She slowly made her way up to them, trying to be quiet, but a twig gave her away as she stepped on it and it snapped in half. The figure turned, and her breath hitched.

"Lalisa, finally." Jeon Jungkook smiled at her. That smile, it looked so genuine, so..real. Lisa stood in a stunned state, while he snaked his arm around her waist.

"Wait..before we do this.." She said, and he looked at her intensely. "..what are we?" She continued, looking him in the eye. He shrugged. "Fuck buddies?" He suggested.

"Fuck buddies it is." The girl said impatiently, before pulling him to her. Their breath entangled, their mouths dancing in perfect synchronization with each other.

He pulled back breathlessly. "My parents aren't at my house." He said, and Lisa immediately nodded. So they rode to his house on the bus, only managing to keep their hands off each other.

Lalisa kept reassuring herself in my head.. "Sex can't be that bad..sex can't be that bad..sex can't be that bad.."

To try and ease her nerves, she turned to the guy beside her. "Jungkook." She said urgently. He hummed in response. "Uhm..I'm a..I'm a virgin." She whispered. His eyes widened.

"Oh..ah..well..surprise, surprise..me too." He gave her a small grin, to which she gasped. "No..no way! You're the Jeon Jungkook." She said, making him groan.

"Shut up. At least after this, I won't be the only virgin in Bangtan." He said. She retreated back to her own personal space bubble, nodding while in a daze.

They arrived at his house, rushing inside, not wanting to wait any longer. Jungkook led her to what appeared to be the master bedroom.

"Woah, you own the master bedroom? Cool." She commented. "Not mine." He grinned, pointing to a picture of the infamous Marie and Marcus Jeon.

"Your parents' bedroom. Jungkook, are you crazy?!" Lisa hissed. He grabbed her face, cupping it. "I'm crazy about the way you say my name." He said, and with that he kissed her.

And let's just say, that after that day, neither Lalisa or Jungkook were the same.


i'm sorry if you were expecting smut, i'm just so very bad at writing it lol.
so yea, thanks for reading ig

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