t h i r t e e n

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( Trigger Warning: Death? I guess. )
3 Weeks Later

Jisoo couldn't believe that it was 11 pm on a school night, and she wasn't at home curled up in bed. No, she was on the now empty streets of Seoul, running and laughing in the rain.

Of course, she wouldn't be here without her boyfriend, Jin. They had been out for some ice cream and time seemed to just..slip by. They didn't realize how late it was until they looked out the window of the 24 hour convenience store and saw rain.

Now it was pouring down, and the couple were rushing down the sidewalk, their pounding feet causing a small splash with every step they took. Jisoo blinked away a drop of rain that had landed on her eyelash, laughing.

She was wearing Jin's sweater, and she felt like the luckiest girl in the world running around in the rain with him, wearing his sweater and holding his hand.

"Are you cold?!" Her boyfriend yelled over the sound of the rain. "No!" She yelled back, still smiling like an idiot at the whole situation.

They finally reached their destination, the sheltered bus stop. The next bus would arrive in 4 minutes, and the pair sat down to catch their breath.

"I hope everyone is safe inside, that rain is really cold." Jisoo murmured. Jin turned to her, grabbing her face and closing the gap between them.

"What was that for?" Jisoo asked him as he pulled away. "It's because..." He began nervously.

"What is it?"

"I-I think I love you, Jisoo.." He said, not wanting to see her reaction.

But he was reassured when her cold hand grabbed his and squeezed it.

"I love you too, Jinnie." She smiled, laying her head on his shoulder.


Chaeyoung emerged from the closet, the same one Jimin had come from just a few minutes ago. She peered around to see if anyone had noticed, and she was about to breath a sigh of relief, but she was stopped by a pair of gleaming green eyes watching her from a corner.

It was Wendy. She wasn't alone, Yeri was standing beside her. But Yeri was on her phone, not paying attention to anything around her. Wendy's fierce eyes pierced into Chaeyoung's scared ones.

She froze on the spot, before composing herself and quickly making an exit.

2 Hours Later

The four girls laughed at the small table in the very corner of the cafeteria. But just then a deafening amount of 'bings' went off in the cafeteria. It seemed like every single student had received a message at once, causing a lot to jump.

Chaeyoung assumed it was an announcement from the school, but as she lay eyes on the text, she looked around in confusion.

"Hey, I just got the weirdest text-"

"Me too.." Jennie cut Chaeyoung off. "Same." Lisa and Jisoo said at the same time. They showed each other their phones, other students doing the same.

But, when Chaeyoung saw who the text was from, fear overcame her body. It was from the anonymous messenger.

the back of the school.
beside the recycling bins.

As everyone had seemingly gotten the same text, people started to make their way to the back of the school. The four girls nervously followed the crowd, unsure of what was happening.

But the second that the first student reached the bins, a blood-curdling scream was heard all around the school. Some people burst out crying, some vomited, and some even fainted.

Some students couldn't even process the situation, including Jisoo, Jennie, Chaeyoung and Lisa.

The sight was the most horrible thing many students had ever seen.

They were all met with the body of their fellow student, Im Nayeon, hanging from a pole, just beside the garbage bins.

Everyone was shaken, to say the least, but one student in particular seemed more shook than anyone else.

Lisa felt like she couldn't breathe, her now huge eyes staring at the hanging body. Her legs felt like jelly, like they were about to buckle.

She grabbed on to Chaeyoung, before excusing herself and running back into the school. Nobody seemed to notice, but one student did.

Jeon Jungkook snuck away from his hyungs, following the brunette. He ran when he got into the now empty school, seeing the girl's figure turn a corner up ahead.

He sped up, trying his hardest to catch up with her. His shoes squeaked as he turned the corner, now able to see that the girl was slumped on the ground beside the water fountain.

"Lisa?" He said softly while approaching her. She looked up, tears streaming down her face. He kneeled down beside her, but before he could say anything, she leaned into his chest, her body shaking.

He slowly wrapped his arms around her small frame. Lisa tried her best to contain her sobs, shaking in the boy's arms.

Her phone, now thrown on the floor face up, lit up. Jungkook looked at the screen, and was met with a horrible message.

[💌] New Message from ???

i knew you wouldn't like the little
surprise i planned.
what does it feel like to be in
jeon jungkook's arms again?
i thought you made a promise to yourself,
i guess you don't have much willpower.

Jungkook's brows furrowed in confusion as he read the text. 'Promise to herself? Is this person making Lisa stay away from me?' He thought to himself.

He felt his own phone vibrate, but he didn't want to move from the position they were in. He just held her as she sobbed, like they were the only two people in the world.


sorry nayeonie :( i guess she won't win class president now 😔

oop did i just reveal too much?

if you think you know what i meant, don't say it in the comments ;)

as always, thanks for reading! also, do you recommend any k-dramas?

bye loves!

-mina 💓

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