s i x t e e n

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They walked in silence up the path leading to the front door of the address. Jennie looked at the rest, took and deep breath and knocked twice.

They all held their breath as they waited for someone to open the door. Finally, the door opened, and a lady with a baby slung around her hip appeared.

"Can I help you?" She smiled politely, looking at the four suspiciously. "Uhm- yes, Unnie. We were told that Park Chaeyoung lived here, and we were wondering if she was here?" Jisoo asked.

The woman's face paled for a second, but she quickly recollected herself. "Oh..no. They used to live here, the Parks, but not anymore. I assume you're talking about the youngest girl, the pretty strawberry-blonde haired girl. They moved out when she was around nine, and I have never heard of them since." The woman said.

They thanked her and walked away in confusion. "If they don't live there, then why is that her address?" The boy asked. "Beats me. But we can't give up yet." Lisa said, always positive.

"Something doesn't settle right with me about that woman.." Jisoo mumbled. Jennie agreed. "What is it?" Lisa asked, getting into the back.

"Her story seemed too...specific. She knew exactly which girl we were talking about, and she also knew her exact age. It just seems like it was down to the detail.." Jennie's voice trailed off.

"Too perfect." Jisoo added. "Maybe there was only girl. She doesn't have any sisters, right?" Jimin asked. "No, Ive heard her talk about 'Hani Unnie'. That must be her sister." Lisa said.

"The plot thickens." Jisoo said as Jimin started up the car.

"Chaeyoung, where are you?" Jimin whispered desperately.


Jungkook stared at his phone, frustrated.

Lisa 🤪

Lisa, can we meet at the diner for dinner?
I'll pay!
read 10:46 PM

"Why isn't she answering?" He sighed. "Who, Yeri?" BamBam said beside him. They were in History class, waiting for the teacher to come. He looked up at the exact moment that a brown haired girl walked in.

Lisa's friend who was messing around with her that one day. "I-I'll be back in a second." Jungkook said, getting up from his seat. "Okay."

"Hi, Tzuyu, is it?" Jungkook said as he sat down in the vacant seat, Lisa's seat. Tzuyu jumped at his voice, looking up cautiously.

"Yes.." she muttered. "Good. Do you know where Lisa is?" He asked, getting straight to the point. "Why would you want to know?" She asked suspiciously.

"Answer the question." He rolled his eyes. "Her, Jennie Unnie, Jisoo Unnie and Jimin Oppa disappeared right before lunch. Where have you been, everyone was talking about it." She said, clearly judging him.

" 'Where have you been, everyone's was talking about it'." Jungkook imitated the poor girl in a high, squeaky voice.

"You're welcome!" She called after him as he walked back to his seat. "Why did he want to know about Lisa?" She said under her breath, but quickly forgot about the subject as the teacher waltzed in.

"Okay class, so.."


Jin stared at his phone in silence. He had been doing this for the past two hours, not knowing what to do about the text he had been sent. He could barely understand it, but he had a vague thought of what it meant.

unknown number
perfection doesn't last forever.

Everyone thought of him as perfect. And even though Jisoo wasn't that popular, she was liked by most people. She was pretty, smart, funny. Many had been calling them the perfect couple.

He finally picked up the phone and decided to type something.

who is this?

"Tsk." He clicked his tongue in frustration. He decided to just ignore it and brush it off. "Only three more days of school. It's probably just a prank." He whispered.

That's what he hoped anyway.


wow, i was so busy saving future chapters to drafts that i forgot to post one hehe. hope you enjoyed! so, prediction time, who do you think is sending the messages? i won't tell you who it is, i love reading your guesses.

thanks for reading!

-mina 💓

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