t h i r t y e i g h t

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Jisoo sat underneath the fluorescent lights, face in her hands. All her walls had been knocked down. She tried to stifle the sobs coming from deep within her chest, but she wasn't doing a good job.

She couldn't believe she had let this happen. The 'person' had called her, they had given her a warning. And yet, she had been selfish enough to let Jin talk to her again.

She was sure that she was the one who was to be hurt. But no, the person knew just what hurt her the most.

earlier —

Jisoo looked around cautiously. These days she never let her guard down, even if it was only 6 pm. It was like her every move was being watched. By who, she didn't know. And she didn't want to.

She stood at the zebra crossing, the fall breeze sending a tingle down her spine.

A warning.

Her eyes locked with his dark brown orbs across the street. She almost felt like her heart stopped beating. Just as the traffic light gave her the clear of crossing over, she turned, hurriedly walking back the way she came.

But she knew it was too late when someone brushed up beside her, and she smelled the scent she knew all too well. "Jin." She sighed, slowing down.

"Jisoo, please. Just talk to me. I can talk to your mother." He offered. But she ignored his pleas, not even looking at him. "I get that you're not allowed talk to me. But you could at least acknowledge me. Maybe you're not who I thought you were." He scoffed, turning away.

"Wait!" She called, making him halt in his tracks. "Come." She said, turning into an alleyway.

He followed cautiously, looking around. "It's not just my mother." She whisper-yelled. "What? If anyone is threatening you, then you just tell me and—"

"Shush! Don't. That will make it worse." She slumped, looking down at her feet. "Jisoo?"


"This isn't...the end, right?" He asked slowly. His question took her by surprise as she started to breathe faster, the familiar feeling of excitement and nervousness rush through her body. The feeling she got when she was with him.

"No. We'll make it through this." She sighed, looking into his pained eyes. He brought his hand to her cheek, caressing it. "Can I kiss you?" He whispered.

She shook her head softly, trying to remove his hand. "Jisoo." He said, his voice becoming a tiny bit louder. She looked at him again, and he took this chance to press his lips against hers.

Jisoo fought back at first, until she gave in. He was everything she ever wanted. They would get through this.

present —

Now the whole room was silent as she relived him. Everything about him. She missed him, and he wasn't even gone. At least he hoped. He had been rushed into the emergency room. Four hours ago.

They had all been called by Taehyung. Jennie was on her phone, sitting beside a jittery Tae. Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon were talking quietly among themselves.

Chaeyoung, to everyone's surprise, was laying her head on Jimin's shoulder as they both slept. Jisoo didn't have the energy to question it.

But what surprised her the most was Lisa and Jungkook, on different sides of the room to each other, shooting death glares at each other every so often.

She thought they had been friends?!

But again, she didn't have the energy to question it.

Just then, a doctor rushed out of the room. They all stood up, temporarily distracted from their activities. "He's awake." The young doctor said breathlessly.

Jisoo felt like a load was lifted off her shoulders as everyone rejoiced. "How is he?" Namjoon was the first to speak. "He has some minor head injuries, but he also has a broken left rib. He won't be in school for a while." The doctor said grimly.

Jisoo felt a stab in her chest, but nothing could top her joy that Jin was awake.

The love of her life was awake and breathing.


It was two days after the incident. Jin was being kept in hospital, and Jisoo tried to see him as much as she could. She stayed there most nights. The rest carried on with there lives, the lingering fear of anonymous always in the back of their minds.

But something else was present in the mind of bangtan's maknae. Lisa.

He had kissed her. The day after he told her he loved her, he wanted to talk to him. She refused, saying she was still thinking. But he couldn't bare it. He needed her.

So he kissed her.

As he looked back now, he saw how unbelievably stupid that had been. She was angry at him, and so was Yeri. Boy, had he gotten a mouthful from Seulgi.

But he didn't understand why. Why couldn't Yeri accept that they were over?!

He sighed, walking past a poster for the 'Fall Ball' two nights away. Something about the whole dance didn't sit right with him, but he tried his best to ignore it.

It was the annual halloween dance, where they all had to dress up with masks. A masquerade ball, if you will. This year he was planning on going as Romeo from Romeo and Juliet.

He wanted to win the 1,000 jelly beans for best costume. So he was going all out.

Little did he know what someone else was planning for that night.


hi :) i'm writing the last chapter rn! so exciting. i've been thinking about it for the past weeks, and i have a plan figured out. also, here's the q&a questions, so please ask some! they will be answered in the outro.

leave a comment under the character you would like to ask your question to;

Me (Author)



















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