t w e n t y s e v e n

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Lisa tapped her foot impatiently on the sidewalk, leaning against the wall of the police station. She was waiting for Jisoo to drive her home, and Jisoo was waiting for Jin, who was being questioned.

"Lalisa Manoban. Who would've guessed it?"

Lisa heard a voice that made her heart jump, but she concealed her emotions very well. "Ah, Jeon Jungkook. Lucky me," She muttered sarcastically, not even turning to face him.

"Now you don't even want to look at me?" She heard him say in a mocking tone. "What are you, afraid?" He asked.

Lisa clenched her fists, turning on her heel. "If you think for one second that I'm actually afraid of—"

She stopped when her eyes met his chin. She hadn't known how close he was to her, and she didn't like it. She forgot everything, her eyes looking up to meet his, who was looking at her lips.

Just as he put his arms around her and began to lean in, she shoved him away. "No!" She yelled.

"What?! What's wrong!?" Jungkook asked her. "You can't just kiss me! You don't know me anymore! I'm a new person, okay?! I've changed because of you!" She screamed, unable to control herself, taking Jungkook by surprise, but he composed himself.

"Come on, Lisa, don't kid yourself. We both know that deep down, you're just that sweet nerdy girl who I found covered in milkshake." He said, his voice low.

"No. You're wrong. I don't need this right now." She sighed, rubbing her temples, beginning to walk away. "We're not done yet, Doll!" He said, grabbing her ankle. She turned around and pulled away from him, like he burnt her.

"You don't decide when I'm done. I do. Goodbye, Jungkook." She said forcefully, walking away. He sighed, watching her leave.
But then he kicked a stone, trying to make himself feel better.

"She's not worth it, JK. She doesn't mean shit to you." He mumbled. But he knew that deep down, she did mean something to him. She meant a lot to him.


Jimin watched as the now brunette laughed at something Jennie had said. He smiled longingly, wishing he was still the one who made her laugh.

He was missing her like crazy. He knew that she had been through a lot of shit. But he had been going through some stuff, too. Well, not really. He just missed her.

Seulgi had been the one to kiss him, not the other way around. But he was just so..depressed, that he went along with it. He kicks himself everyday for not stopping it.

But when he saw the only girl that he ever really liked walk through that door and freeze when she saw them, it was like an alarm went off in his head. They say you can pinpoint when a heart breaks, and he swore he saw hers.

He shoved Seulgi off him, running to Chaeyoung. But she looked at him like she hated him, and the coldness in her voice sent shivers down his spine. And that's when his heart shattered into a million pierces.

He hadn't tried to talk to her after that, it was too much. But lately he had been missing her more than ever, and he would do anything just to hold her again.


Taehyung smiled as he liked Irene's newest post. Irene had like, one hundred thousand followers because she was an Ulzzang. Her newest post was a picture of him, and she was feeding him with a spoon. Almost immediately, he gained like, two hundred new followers.

Then, it appeared.

new follower: jennierubyjane

His breath hitched, and he clicked on her profile, looking at all her posts. One in particular caught his attention. He clicked on it.

It was Jennie and Lisa, surrounded by a group of boys, all smiling widely. One was kissing Jennie on the cheek, as Jennie gave her biggest gummy smile to the camera.

He stared at the photo angrily, clenching his fists. "Who the fuck is that boy." He muttered, clicking on the 'tagged' button.


He then clicked on that username, taking him to the boy's profile. And to Tae's dismay, he had Jennie in his bio. He slammed his fist on the table.

"It's so unfair!" He yelled angrily. But he looked up in surprise.

"What's wrong with me? I have Irene now..I'm so over Jennie." He muttered cockily to himself, but deep down, he heard a voice,

'You are so not'


"Ayeeee!" They all yelled as a girl did the worm on the floor. "So basic." Hoseok mumbled under his breath. Yoongi turned to him, "Why don't you dance?"

"What? Me!? You're joking, right?" Hobi scoffed. "No. I've seen you dance, and you're really good." Yoongi nodded seriously. Hoseok sighed wistfully.

"What in the world are you doing, Hobi Darling?" Hoseok's mother asked, walking into his room. "I'm dancing, mommy! Look, isn't it good?" A five year old Hobi asked, wiggling his hips and then doing the splits.

"Oh, no, Hobi. Dancing is for girls. Why don't you go outside and play basketball?" His mother said in horror, picking up her son and putting him outside the door, like that was going to stop him from dancing.

"What? But I like dancing more than basketball, Mommy." Hobi pouted. "Oh, be quiet. Just go play basketball." His mother snapped, walking away, leaving a sniffling Hobi there.

Hobi tried to shake off the memory, but it was there whenever someone mentioned dancing. Hobi's parents didn't accept their son being gay. Luckily, they were never at home.

They lived in America, Hobi and his sister lived in Korea. "Hobi?" Yoongi said, waving his hand in front of the taller boy.


"So, are you gonna dance?"

Hobi sighed. "No, I'm not gonna dance—"

"Can Hobi dance?!" Jihyo, a girl in his year, yelled. "Yes, Oppa can dance! He's very good!" Momo, his sister, said proudly.

"W-What? No, I d-don't think—"

He was pulled into the middle of then circle. He looked around, everyone cheering his name. "Oh, fuck it." He smiled, and began to feel the music. Everyone was shocked with how good he was.

Yoongi watched the boy move with the music, like he was the music. And for some reason, his stomach erupted with butterflies. He tried to shake it off, but it wouldn't go away.

"What's wrong with me?"

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