t h i r t y f o u r

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Hobi glared at Jisoo and Yoongi sitting at the lunch table in the corner of the cafeteria. They were talking quietly, and even though the cafeteria was eerily quiet for some reason, no one was able to hear them.

"What's with the death glare, Hobi?" Yoongi said across from him. "Them. Who knew she'd break his heart. Bitch." He muttered, taking Yoongi by surprise.

"A pretty face with no soul." Hobi spat, further shocking Yoongi. "Damn, Hobi, that's cold." Yoongi commented, taking a sandwich out from a bag.

Suddenly, the door to the cafeteria opened, and all heads turned to see the queen bee herself, Lalisa Manoban. Jennie Kim and Park Chaeyoung beside her.

They were walking like on a mission, and only then did the two boys realize they were bulldozing over to Jisoo and Yoongi. "Woah.." Hobi heard Jungkook say.

"What? Do you like her?!" Hobi turned to the younger excitedly, wanting fresh tea. Everything had been too weird lately. "No. I-I was talking about, uhh...Chaeyoung." Jungkook said, shifting his eyes from the blond to the brunette.

"Mhm." Hobi said, rolling his eyes. Jennie grabbed and pulled Jisoo from the table, dragging her out. The door slammed behind the four, and they were gone just like that.


Jennie walked home after a long day of school. Well, not home. She was going to Taehyung's house. She and her brother and been sleeping there, and she was getting along with Taehyung's sister.

Huening Kai trailed behind Jennie as Taehyung walked ahead of them, earphones in. She sighed, taking out her phone and opening instagram. Only to see that an anonymous had followed her.

"Huh?" She whispered. She clicked on the account, and there was one post. It was of a knife, dripping in blood, the bright pink floors of the girls bathroom in the background.

It was captioned, 'wendy darling was so quiet, she didn't even have time to scream ❤️'

Suddenly Jennie felt nauseous, feeling dizzy. That was so vile, as annoying as Wendy was, for someone to kill her like that was so extreme.

She looked up, going to ask Taehyung what he thought about it, only to see him embracing a black haired girl.


Jennie felt a pang or jealousy. She didn't know why, she was the one who had rejected him. "Wow, Tae Hyung has a girlfriend. So cool." Huening Kai breathed beside her.

"Whatever." Jennie muttered. "Did you know that I have a girlfriend?" The boy chirped. "No. Who is she?" Jennie asked, smiling at how happy her brother was.

"Her name's Yuna. She's really pretty and nice." He beamed, and Jennie almost pinched his cheeks. She jumped at someone dropping something behind her, and she turned to see Joy.

"Oh, sorry for startling you. I'm waiting for Irene to be done. Third wheeling." She said jokingly, picking up a notebook from the ground. Jennie smiled and nodded, before turning away. She didn't want to talk to her.

The bus pulled up, and she watched as Tae kissed Irene goodbye. He walked on to the bus, not sparing her a glance. She sighed and followed, her brother doing the same.

She missed how they used to be.


"Jungkook, we haven't gotten anywhere with this." Lisa said impatiently. "Well, it's not like your boyfriend is any help." He muttered. "What?" Lisa asked, not sure if she heard him right.

"I'm just saying. Okay, so, do we have any clues?" He asked, steering away from the subject. She shook her head, causing the boy to sigh. "Okay, well...Nayeon was the first victim. Who would have a motive to kill her?" He asked.

"I don't know. She was always nice to everyone...the perfect girl. She was smart, funny. She would've made the perfect class president...wait." Lisa's brows furrowed, grabbing her phone.

"Wait, what? Tell me!" Jungkook whined as she ignored him, tapping her phone screen. "Lisa!"

"Fine. I've always sort of expected Red Velvet as suspects, because...you know. And well, I was thinking of motives and, you know the way Nayeon's votes were going up?" She asked, and he nodded impatiently.

"Well, Irene was in the running, too. And she won in the end because...well, Nayeon was dead. But it was shaping up that they were gonna be neck to neck. Now, I know it sounds stupid, but this killer doesn't sound exactly rational, but what if it was Irene, and she was so desperate to become class president?" Lisa finally finished.

"You could be on to something...but I don't know about Irene. I've received texts from anonymous when I've been in the same room as her when she wasn't on her phone." He tapped his chin thoughtfully.

"Okay, what about Yeri? Whenever I was...with you, I'd always get texts to leave. She was your girlfriend at the time, so maybe that's why?" Lisa suggested, but Jungkook shook his head. "No, Yeri wouldn't do that."

"Okay, Joy? It could be her. She seems really sweet and innocent, but maybe that's all just a cover." Lisa said. "Hmm....I don't think so. I actually used to be good friends with her, and she always seemed upset by the messages she'd get. That girl doesn't have a bad bone in her body. Plus, she'd receive texts from anonymous."

"Okay, Seulgi it is." Lisa muttered. "She seems the most likely." Jungkook admitted, for which he earned a grin from Lisa.

She grabbed Seulgi's picture, and stuck it on to the cork board, drawing a red circle around it. "Great work, Nancy Drew." Jungkook smiled as she took a bow.

"Wanna get something to eat?" He asked, not trying to sound too hopeful. "Sorry Kook, but I can't. I have a life, too." She wiggled her eyebrows, waving goodbye to him as she walked out.

He sighed frustratedly. "That girl has no idea what she does to me."


hi lol. the end is nearing! should i do a q&a for the characters and the answers will be at the end? let me know!

-mina 💓

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