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2 Months Later

It was 2:44 AM, and Lalisa Manoban was awake, reading every single text message from her fuck buddy, a Jeon Jungkook.

She sighed, reading his flirtatious messages, and her prim responses. She jumped as her phone vibrated, and she was brought back to the most recent messages.

Kook 🤦‍♀️ [active now ]

Kook 🤦‍♀️
babydoll, u up?
it says ur active

yeah i'm up
what do you want?

Kook 🤦‍♀️
i think i'm in love with you

Lisa's heart almost stopped for a moment as she read the message. Small tears pricked in her eyes as she stared at it. It couldn't be true..it was too good to be true.

i love you to|
i love y|
i lov|

what the fuck

Kook 🤦‍♀️
i'm just kidding lmao.

Lisa should have felt relieved. But instead, small tears dripped from her tired eyes. Lisa left him on read, and decided to just turn her phone off and cry herself to sleep.


Chaeyoung walked into the busy classroom, and made her way to her shared desk. "Hey, Chaeng." Jimin said, turning away from his friends to talk to her.

"Hey Jimin." She replied, taking out her macbook. "H-How was your weekend?" Jimin was staring at her adoringly, but she didn't even notice.

"Good." Said Chaeng. Jimin's face dropped as she took a book out to read. "Oh, my weekend was great, thanks." He said sarcastically.

Chaeyoung looked up in surprise from her book, and laughed at the pouting boy. "Oh, Chim. Don't be upset. I just began this book, and I suddenly can't put it down." She laughed, ruffling his hair.

But then the teacher walked in, and the whole class silenced. "Hello, class. Today we will be discussing the Science Fair next week. Every student in my class is going to be participating." She said, and the whole class groaned.

"Please do this in pairs, I will let you choose your own. You are free to discuss the project now." She said, and turned to her laptop, where she began typing.

Jimin turned to Chaeyoung, who's face was completely white, staring at her phone. "Chaeng?" He said, and she jumped.

"S-Sorry, Jimin." She breathed, putting the phone away and tried her best to smile. "Wanna be my partner?" He asked, and she nodded. "I'd love to."


Jisoo grabbed her books out of her locker, getting ready to go to her next class. She slammed her door shut, and she was met with a grinning face.

"Hi, Jisoo!" Seokjin said. She sighed, though inside she was secretly thrilled. "Hi. What's wrong?" She asked. Jin's smile quickly changed to a frown.

"Why do you always think there's something wrong? I came to tell you good news." He said. Jisoo nodded.

"I got an A+ !!" The boy said, delight clear in his voice. "Wow, that's amazing!" She grinned, staring at the huge red A+

"I- uh..wanted to go out to celebrate.." He said, scratching his neck. "Okay, fine. You can cancel our study session just this once." Jisoo smiled at him.

His eyes widened. "No, no. You have it wrong! S-Since you were the o-one who helped me, I was w-wondering if I could b-bring you to the chicken place d-down the street? My treat." He said.

Jisoo was taken aback, but smiled nonetheless. "Well why are we still talking?! After school, I'll meet you here." She said, winking. She then walked to class.

"She has no idea the effect she has on me.." Seokjin breathed as he watched the girl walk away.


Jennie walked home with Taehyung, something they did most days. But today Taehyung wanted to take a detour to the park, and Jennie had no idea why.

Taehyung got noticeably more nervous as they approached the park, and Jennie wondered what was wrong with the boy.

They reached a small fountain, where Taehyung stopped walking and turned to face her. "What's up?" She asked, staring up at him.

"Jennie..I need to tell you something.." He said, staring right back down at her huge eyes. "Go on. You know you can tell me anything." She smiled encouragingly.

"Jennie..I-I..I like you." He said. Jennie froze, and she felt her cheeks heat up. "Is this s-some sort of prank?" She whispered, looking around for a hidden camera.

"What? No, of course not. I really like you, Jennie Kim." He said, taking both her hands. Jennie stared down at their now intertwined fingers.

"T-Tae.." Her voice trembled as she slowly removed her hands from his, and dread was evident on the boy's face.

"I-I'm very flattered, but-"

"N-No..dont say it. It's okay. I shouldn't have said anything. God, I'm such an idiot." He muttered, running his hand through his hair.

"It's not you.." She said. "Then who is it?" He asked. "I-Is there someone e-else?" He asked. Jennie looked away, and disappointment settled in the pit of his stomach.

"I have to go. I'm so sorry." She said, before walking away quickly. Taehyung sat at the edge of the fountain. He had shown Jennie his soft side, and now he wasn't sure if he'd ever show it again.


thanks for reading :)) i told you i was gonna have to do a time skip, and here it is. i guess this chapter is kind of a big one? i tried to make all of their relationships clear in this. and i'm sorry for taennie shippers, but don't worry, it's not the last of them ;)

you'll see more things happening with the other's in the next few chapters. i hope you're enjoying, and all your votes really keep me going! have a great day!

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