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Jimin kept stealing glances at the shy girl walking beside him. "Why are you so quiet?" He asked.

The question seemed to take her by surprise. "U-Uh..well..I was always t-told to be seen, not heard." She said.

The pair were walking along a busy street of Seoul, making their way to the café for their project. They had come straight from school.

Walking by, you'd think they were just two shy teenagers on their first date. But no, it was a flirtatious boy with a shy girl, wanting to get to know her better.

"Oh..well you can be heard with me, if you'd like. Shout all you want." He grinned. She stared at him, before giggling softly.

She looks like that if you just tapped her, she'd fall over and smash. Jimin thought to himself.

Chaeyoung tried to control her nerves, but she found it very hard. She saw lots of girl walking and staring at them, at him.

Probably wondering why he was walking with her.

But little did Chaeng know, he enjoyed her presence more than any of those girls'.


Jisoo stood at the edge of the crowd of people at the bleachers, Jennie right beside her. "I can't believe you made me come." Jennie muttered angrily under her breath.

"I can't believe I ever came." Jisoo said in disbelief.

The two were most definitely not enjoying the football game, but it was when someone spilled their nachos on Jisoo's new Dior shirt that she decided it wasn't worth the chicken.

Her and Jennie got up, but as they began to walk away, the referee blew for half time and someone pulled Jisoo's shoulder. She turned to see a worn out Kim Seokjin staring at her.

"Hey, what about the chicken?" He asked her breathlessly. "Not worth it." Jisoo said simply. Jin's face fell at her words, and she couldn't help but feel the tiniest bit bad.

"Please..just stay Jisoo? Please?" He clasped her hand in his two string ones. Jisoo didn't even hesitate before nodding, as if he'd hypnotized her.

Jennie stared at her best friend in disbelief, before flicking her hair over her shoulder and saying "Well I'm going home."


Jennie hummed quietly to herself and she walked from the football field, making her way to the nearest bus stop just outside the school.

She would walk home, but she didn't want to have another staring-man incident. Her mind ran to Kim Taehyung, but she immediately pushed the thought away.

She couldn't let boys distract her from her plan. Well, her parents' plan. They owned the richest company in Korea, and she was planned to take over one day.

She didn't want anyone in the school to know about this. This was partially why she studied so hard, but for the most part, it was her drive for success.

Jennie had been in such deep thought that she didn't even notice the cars coming, and she froze in the headlights.
"Watch out!" Someone yelled, and she was yanked back on to the pathway, just as the car roared past. Jennie felt pain pulsing through her body.

She had hit the path pretty hard. She opened her eyes slightly, and saw a boy. "J-Jennie?" He breathed heavily, looking down at the girl.

"Taehyung?" She whispered. She tried to sit up, but it hurt. "Here, let me." He said, gently holding her arm and urging her up.

She stood up, and suddenly it didn't hurt as much. "What the fuck were you thinking?" He asked her. Jennie looked at her feet, embarrassed.

"I wasn't paying attention. T-Thank you for saving me." She said meekly. "I thought you were a girl who could save herself." He mocked.

"Oh trust me, what I was thinking about will save myself. I'll be the best one day, you'll see." She spat back. If looks could kill, Taehyung was pretty sure he'd be dead by now.

With a flick of her hair, Jennie was slowly making her way towards the bus stop. Taehyung bit his lip. "Gosh, I really fucked up this time, huh?" He chuckled to himself.


thank you for all the reads! i will have to speed up a bit, maybe a few time skips. the story is only getting started! i hope you're enjoying <3


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