n i n e t e e n

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Jungkook followed the GPS, and in less than 30 minutes they had arrived at a normal-sized house. They walked to the door, Jisoo knocking slowly.

A pretty woman came to the door. "Hello?" She asked, smiling at the teenagers. "Hi! Sorry to bother you, but do you know Park Chaeyoung?" Jennie asked. The woman's face turned serious.

"And who's asking?" She asked. "Her best friends. We can't find her, she won't respond to our messages." Lisa said. The woman looked at the five, as if she was deciding something. "Come in." She finally said, stepping aside to let them in.

They stepped in cautiously, and the woman shut the door behind him. "So are you Park Sandara?" Jisoo asked, and the woman nodded. "Sit down, I'll get some cookies." She said, going to the kitchen.

They all sat down, looking around awkwardly. Jennie and Jisoo were whispering to each other, while Lisa sat beside them quietly, almost like she was in a trance.

Sandara came back with two plates of cookies, and each one of them took one. "Oh my, Unnie! These taste amazing!" Jisoo smiled.

"You like food?" The woman asked, smiling. Jisoo nodded enthusiastically. "I can see how you and Chaengie get along then." The woman laughed.

"Anyways, so tell me what's happened?" She said. They explained everything, how Chaeng had mysteriously disappeared, without even cleaning out her locker. About how she had never told them where she lived, and about the address that the school had in their records. About that house, and the woman that answered the door. About the notebook, and how they were led here.

"Wow, that's a lot to take in. You can call me Dara, that's what my friends call me." Dara said, still processing all the information. "So..do you know anything?" Lisa asked hopefully.

"Let me tell you my story now. Well, Chaeng's story." she said, preparing to speak.

"When Chaeyoung was very little, her mother died of pneumonia. Chaeng must have been three or four at the time. Her father, my brother, took it pretty hard. After around three years, he moved him and Chaeyoung to this town, where he met a woman. Around a year later, he ended up marrying her. They seemed like the perfect family, but what he wasn't aware of was that Chaeyoung's stepmother was abusing her, mentally and physically. One day, her father walked in on his wife beating Chaeyoung up. In an act of rage and sadness, he lashed out at her. They got in a fight, and poor Chaeyoung, not knowing what to do, called the cops.

The cops came, taking both of them away. She was sent to me while they faced a court case. Her father was sent to jail for 10 years, and her stepmother was originally sentenced to the same, but she was released early because she found out she was pregnant. Everything was fine until about two months later, when I fell ill. Chaeyoung had no where to go, so the poor nine year old was sent to The Sisters of Pieta, it's a convent that young girls from troubled backgrounds go and have a home. That's the last I heard of her."

They all took a minute to take this in. Jungkook was the only one who noticed the tear rolling down Lisa's cheek. He reached out his finger, wiping it off. She looked at him for a moment, before grabbing his hand and holding it. It took him by surprise, but he didn't say anything.

"W-Where is the Sisters of Pieta, Dara Unnie?" Jisoo stuttered. "Lakedale." She replied. Jennie hugged Jisoo, taking in her friend's sad past.

Jimin stayed silent, mostly from shock. "We have to go there." He stood up. The girls looked at each other. "He's right.." Jisoo sighed, also standing up.

"Thank you, Unnie." Jisoo said, turning to leave. They all left.

Lisa opened her phone for the first time since that morning. She shivered as she saw a text from the scary messenger.

don't show that book to your unnies.
you'll regret it.

"Guys." She whispered, showing the text to Jisoo and Jennie. Their eyes widened. "The messenger knows something about Chae!" Jisoo whispered again.

"What are you guys whispering about back there?" Jimin asked from the front, looking at the trio in the rear view mirror. "Nothing!" The three girls replied. He eyed them suspiciously, before leaning the subject.

Jennie leaned back in her seat.


"I think we just got our third lead."


i hope you enjoyed :) i'm trying my best to update. thanks so much for 4 thousand reads, it means so much!

have a great day!

-mina 💓

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