f o u r

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Jennie walked slowly down the nearly empty street. It was 8 PM on a Tuesday. Her Aunt and cousins were visiting her house, and everything was too chaotic for Jennie, so she had decided to go on a walk.

Everything was going fine until she heard footsteps behind her. She didn't worry at first, thinking it was just a late night walker, like herself.

But that was until she bent down to tie her shoelace, and the steps stopped. She turned, just to see a man who looked to be in his mid 50s. He was leaning against the wall, looking anywhere but at her.

She stared at him, before picking up her pace and walking ahead. But he did the same. She was almost running.

She reached the main part of the town, and to her relief she saw a figure standing outside of a closed café, looking at his phone.

She walked to the figure. "Hey! I'm glad you came, I was scared you wouldn't show." She forced a smile. When the guy looked up, she realized she could've just made a big mistake. It was Kim Taehyung from Bangtan.

"What?" He asked, confusion clear on his face. "We said we'd meet here. Remember?" She asked, forcing a smile on her face again. "That man's staring at us." Taehyung stated.

"I know." Jennie hissed, giving him a small nod. "He's following me. Play along." She said, not caring who he was anymore.

"Oh, Babe! I remember now, we agreed to meet last Sunday. Sorry, it slipped my mind." He said, putting his arm around her. Jennie stared at him in confusion.

"Babe?!" She whispered. "Do you want my help or not?" He deadpanned. Jennie quickly smiled again.

"I'm glad you remembered." She laughed. He smiled a boxy smile at her. "Do you wanna come back to my house?" Jennie looked at Taehyung cautiously, not wanting to go back to his house.

"Say yes." Taehyung whispered, and she nodded. "Great." He smiled. They walked a few feet, before turning around to face the man.

"Hey, could you stop staring at my girlfriend? Please?" Tae asked the man, polite as ever. "H-Huh? Uh..I wasn't looking at her." The man stuttered, before rushing off.

"Now, where do you live?" Taehyung asked the girl. "Huh? Why do you wanna know?" She asked. "So I can walk you home. I don't want you getting raped." He said, almost jokingly.

"Ah..okay. It's ######." She gave him her address, but she was most definitely surprised by his actions. Who knew he could be so nice?

So they walked home in silence. If you were walking past them, you would have thought "Oh, what an attractive couple!" but no, it was a boy, making sure a girl he didn't even know didn't get hurt.

They stopped at Jennie's gate, and she turned to face him. "Thank you. A lot." She said. He gave her a small smile before leaving.

"What the hell.." Jennie whispered to herself. She had no idea what had just happened. Then her phone binged.

[💌] New message from Unknown Number

don't even try to block me, jendeukie.
i'll find a way back to you.

who the fuck is this

calm down.
don't get involved with bangtan.
i'm fucking warning you.

Jennie sighed and turned off her phone, looking around before entering her house.


"Ok..uhm, Tzuyu, you go with Yugyeom and Chaeyoung..you go with Jimin." The Science teacher ordered.

Chaeyoung sighed as she got up from her normal seat to sit beside Jimin. In all honesty, she was scared of him. Like, really scared.

She sat down next to him, not looking at him. "Hello?" He said, waving a hand in front of her face. "O-Oh..hi." She muttered. "What's wrong?" He asked her.

She looked around, making sure he was talking to her. "Oh! Uh..nothing." She avoided the topic. He looked at her suspiciously. She felt as if he was seeing her naked, that he knew every one of her secrets.

(a/n: maybe he will, someday 😉)

She gulped down her uneasiness. "What's your name?" He asked her. "P-Park Chaeyoung." She stuttered. God, how she wished that her words wouldn't fail her this one time.

"I've noticed you before." He said casually, before turning away, effectively ending the conversation. But Chaeyoung kept replaying what he had just said. Noticed her?

Her eyes grew wide, trying to understand it. Jimin could see her out of the corner of his eye. This is gonna be fun.


this book still has no reads at all :O , ngl i'm kinda shocked lol, maybe it's the cover? like, i expected it to have at least one read, but nope. i don't care, i love writing it! maybe one day i'll get noticed :')

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