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2 Weeks Later

It was 8:23 PM, and the school's Science Fair was in full swing. Chaeyoung proudly showed off their exploding volcano to the other students, while Jimin stared at her the whole time.

He didn't know what he felt for the girl, it was all so strange. He had never felt like this before. Like she was his to protect, and if anyone ever hurt her they would have him to deal with.

He wanted to touch her, and hold her..and kiss her. He smirked as he thought the last thing. He had been having these thoughts, and seeing her there today, his thoughts were confirmed.

He liked Park Chaeyoung.

"Hey, I'm gonna go grab a chocolate milk from the cafeteria. Want one?" She asked him, breaking him from his thoughts.

"I'll come too." He smiled, and they left the gym, into the dimly lit corridor.

"It's going well, don't you think? Maybe we'll win." She said excitedly. But suddenly her phone binged, the noise that the poor girl dreaded the most these days.

She pulled out the phone, and glanced at it quickly.

[💌] New Message from Scary :(

Scary :(
the way jimin looks at you really is
something else, isn't it?
i wonder what would happen if he had
nothing to look at.
don't forget where you come from.

The message, short but scary, sent chills down her spine. "Chaeyoung? You okay?" He asked, and she nodded dismissively.

Suddenly they heard a noise behind them. Jimin turned, and saw Seulgi and Irene. Chaeyoung's stomach dropped.

He pulled her into the janitor's closet, hoping they hadn't seen them. He didn't want them to be mean to her.

"Did you hear something, Seul?" They heard Irene's voice. Seulgi turned her head toward the closet, and it seemed she was staring into his soul through the tiny lined window.

"Nope." Seulgi smirked, turning back to her friend. As their voices faded away, Jimin realized how close him and Chaeyoung were.

He could feel the girl's hand on his shirt. He stared down at her, and she looked straight back up at him. "Jimin?" She squeaked,

"Chaeyoung." He said huskily, before kissing her roughly. Her eyes almost popped out of her head, but it felt...right.

If anyone saw them, they wouldn't believe it. The popular boy and the nerd. It only happened in movies..in books.

Jimin held the girl he had wanted for so damn long, and he wasn't letting her go.


"Yes..right there.." Lisa moaned as Jungkook lay soft kisses on her collarbone. He knew all her soft spots.

Jungkook smirked at her, before lifting his lips away. "Hey!" She pouted. "Let's just talk, I'm tired." He said, laying back in the bed.

Lisa glared at him. "Sure, 'cause that's much more fun!" She said sarcastically, and he chuckled.

"So..do you think we could ever be anything more than just 'fuck buddies'?" He asked her. Lisa felt her heart beat quicken. Why did he have this affect on her?

"W-What?" She croaked, unable to catch her breath. Jungkook laughed out loud at the poor girl.

"Was that another joke? 'Cause it's r-really not funny, y'know.." She stuttered, and he cupped her small face.

"I'm sorry, babydoll. But maybe get a sense of humor." He laughed. And suddenly Lisa's biggest fear was confirmed.

She took a deep breath, before getting up. "Hey, where are you going?" He asked as she put on her clothes. "H-Home.." She muttered.

"If you don't wanna talk, there are other things we can do." He smirked, getting out of the bed. Lisa covered his eyes.

"C-Cover that!"

"C'mon babydoll, you've seen it before." He smiled. "I'm serious, Jungkook." She said sternly. He seemed to notice the seriousness in her tone, because he got the sheet of the bed and covered up his wood.

"Lis, if the joke scared you away, can't we just pretend it never happened?" He asked. He was clearly distressed now, not wanting to scare the girl off.

"I-I gotta go..I'll talk to you later." She said absentmindedly. She then fled the room, leaving a baffled Jungkook behind her.

"What did I do?" He muttered sadly, sitting down on the bed.

He didn't do anything on purpose, it was her fault. Because she did something terrible.

As Lisa ran from the Jeon house, she took out her phone and called the only person who could know.

"Jennie?" Lisa said urgently.

"Lis? What's up? Aren't you meant to be at Jungkook's house?"

"Jennie, something terrible happened."

"What did he do to my poor Lis? I don't care if he works out everyday, I'll beat him up!"

"No, Jennie, it's..me."


"Jennie..I think I love him."


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