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Lisa 🤨

Lisa i miss you
Lisa i miss y|
Lisa i mi|
Lisa i|

Jungkook sighed as he stopped typing. He didn't know why he felt like he missed her, she was nothing to him, just a fuck buddy..

..right? That's what he kept trying to convince himself. The poor boy, he was so confused as to what he was feeling.

"Jungkook?" He jumped at a voice behind him. "Jesus Christ, Yeri.." He held his heart. "Sorry if I scared you, Baby~" She smiled. He mentally rolled his eyes, she was just so annoying.

"You're not meant to be in here. This is the Boys Locker Room." Jungkook sighed, turning his back on her.
"Oops, I guess I didn't see the sign." She giggled.

"Well, now I've just told you." He said. "What?" The confused girl asked.

"Now you know, so get out." He said, gesturing to the door. She pouted. "Jungkookie-" She began to say.

"Yeri. No." He said. She glared at him and left. Like an announcement that she had left, Jungkook got a notification.

rude to your girlfriend, are you?
and why's that?

Jungkook shut off his phone, and just about to leave, he received another text. He rolled his eyes before opening his phone.

do you think if you ignore me i'll go away?
try again.
if you don't leave lalisa alone..
i'll tell her your secret.
she'll hate you.

Jungkook's heart dropped. "N-No..they can't know.." He whispered.

halloween night, two years ago :)
i know everything, jungkook.

He couldn't breathe for a second. "S-Shit.." He whispered, grabbing his chest, trying to feel his heart.

Jungkook was torn between going after the girl he thinks he liked, or her hating him.

He didn't know which to choose.


Jimin stared into space. He was seated in the outdoor bar of his back garden. His family was home, his Mom, his Dad and his younger sister.

"Jimin-ah!" She called. He turned around, smiling at the young girl who just ran out of the door.

"Yeji!" He said, kneeling down so she could give him a hug. "I missed you. Our school trip was fun, but too long." She said. Jimin loved his little sister a lot, he used to think he could never love anyone more.

Used to.

"Jiminie?" She asked. "Huh? Oh! S-So how are you?" Jimin asked, clearly not paying attention. "What's up?" She pouted.

"It's nothing." He laughed, pinching her cheek. She stared at him for a moment. "I'll cheer you up! C'mon, dinner's ready!" She giggled, running inside.

He watched her with sad eyes. He was too sad to be cheered up.

"I'll find you, Chaeyoung." He whispered, before making his way inside to eat with his family.


"ARGH!" Tae jumped as his Dad screamed. "What's wrong, Dad?" He asked quietly. He didn't want to anger the beast.

"That son of a bitch, Kim Hyojin, has beat me in this month's ratings! Again!" He yelled. "You go to school with his girl, don't you?" He turned to his son, pointing a finger in his face.

"Hmm, what's her name?" Tae asked, pretending to be interested to please his father. "Jennie or something. Have you ever spoken to her? She's ugly, right?" His father sneered.

But Tae froze. "Oh- Jennie Kim? Y-Yes, I've heard of her. I d-don't know what she looks like, though. I have to g-go, Dad. Lots of homework." Tae excused himself, running to his room, two steps at a time.

"What's up with him?" His father asked, before rolling his eyes and going back to his work.


hope you enjoyed :))

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