1.b. Talking About Having A Baby

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Jun 💜

Jun and I have been together for a while. He proposed to me a few months ago and I said yes of course. We haven't decided when we are getting married yet. We definitely want to as we are engaged to be married. I'd like to start a family with Jun in the future. Either before or after we get married. Either would be good. We have talked about having a family and we've both agreed it's something we want in the future. We are both living and working in Seoul atm and it's an incredible city to live in. Jun is from China but obviously Seventeen are based in Korea. I am taking Jun somewhere tonight. I'm taking him to a baby store but he doesn't know of course. I want to tell him I'm ready to have a baby with him anytime. I mean if he's ready I am. We are in the car on our way now. Jun has a blindfold over his eyes so he doesn't know where we are going. "Babe, will you tell me where we are going?" he asks. "Nope. Not till we are there" I reply. "Awe it sucks not knowing" he said. "Well it will have to suck. We'll be there in a few minutes" I say. 5 minutes later we arrive at the baby store. I drag Jun out of the car and we go into the store. I'll remove his blindfold in a minute. "3, 2, 1" i say. He looked surprised to see that we are in a baby store. "What? A baby store" he said. "Yes" I reply. "Are you tryna tell me something?" Jun asks. "No well yes kinda" I say. "You're pregnant. OMG" he said. "No I'm not yet but Junnie, I want to tell you that I'm ready to have a baby with you" I reply. "Well I am too. I think I am, babe" he said. "Jun, I'd love a child with you. I'm not making you if you're not ready yet but I am" I say. "I'm ready, babe. I'm ready" he said. "Are you sure?" I reply. "Yes. I love you, Y/ N and I want you to have my babies" he smiles pulling me in for a hug and a kiss. "Oh, baby" I giggle. "Let's look at baby things for our future babies" Jun said. I smile. He drags me by the hand and we look around the store for ideas. So Jun is just as keen as I am to have a baby with me

Seungcheol 💙

Seungcheol and I got married last summer. It will be our one year wedding anniversary in July. It's April now so we will be celebrating year of marriage soon. We love each other so much and we are so happy together. We said when we've been married for at least a year we want to have a baby and start a family. It would be amazing to. What if I find out I'm pregnant on our one year anniversary in July. Seungcheol and I will be so happy. We can't wait to start a family and have children. Seungcheol and I are going for a walk around our neighbourhood. It's a beautiful day so we get our shoes and jackets on and we go for a walk together. "Let's go" Seungcheol said. "Of course. I need some fresh air" I sigh. We walk out the front door and start walking around the neighbourhood. "Beautiful afternoon but not as beautiful as my wife" he said. "Awww, Cheol. You're trying to make me blush" I reply. "Baby, I always make you blush. Don't I?" he smiles. "You do" I reply. Seungcheol and I carry on walking around our neighbourhood. "Y/ N, you know it would really be great if we had a baby soon. We said we would like to be parents around our one year wedding anniversary" he said. "I know, Seungcheol. I would really love to too. I think we would make great parents" I say. "We definitely would. I want about five children. Four boys and a girl" he said. "Wow! Five that's a lot of kids" I say. "I know. It depends if you're body will cope" Seungcheol said. "I know. I can't say as I haven't experienced pregnancy yet" I say. "But you will as we'll have a baby soon" he said putting his arms around me and tickling me. "Love you, Cheolie" I say. "Love you too, sweetie pie" Seungcheol said. We share a kiss outside before we go home. We had a nice walk this afternoon and discussed our future family plans. Seungcheol and I will have a baby soon

Minghao 🖤

Minghao and I are not a couple. We are best friends well friends with benefits actually. We started a sexual relationship a few months ago and we like it. We are not boyfriend and girlfriend but we like it that way. We do love each other though. We said we will get together if we don't find anyone else in the next few years. I think we will end up together in the future. Minghao is a great guy. Very cute and loveable. Tonight I'm over at Minghao's place and we are hanging out and spending the night together like we usually do. We are sat on the couch watching something on TV with a takeaway in her hands. Minghao is a messy eater. He either ends up getting food all on me or the couch. Haha. That's just him. "Is it nice, Y/ N?" he asks. "Of course it is" I reply. We carry on eating until we were done. When Minghao and I were finished eating we take things into the kitchen and wash up and then sit on the couch again. "Y/ N, can I talk to you about something" he said. "Sure" I reply. "Well you know this relationship thing we got going on" Minghao said. "Yeah" I reply. "I like it" he said. "But I love you too" I say. "I love you too, Y/ N. You're an amazing girl" he smiles. "Minghao, I could really see us having a future together lols being together long term and having a family together maybe" I say. "Me too, Y/ N. I do have to agree. Maybe give it a bit more time" Minghao said. "Yes, Minghao. That's fine with me. As long as you know where is no one else for me" I say. "Yes I know" he said. He pulls me in for a big hug and then we go and do you know what. I think me and Minghao might become a couple soon. We do love each other and maybe the only way is for us to be together for real

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