47. b. Date Night

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Jun 💜

Jun and I are at the beach tonight. Just him and I. Timmy is at home with my best friend. She is babysitting while we go out. We said we wanted a night to ourselves and she said she'd babysit. She works in a nursery so she'd great with children. We've been at the beach for about 45 minutes. We decided to go as it's a nice and peaceful evening and it's summer too. Not that we are going to swim or anything. We have just been for a stroll on the beach. Now we are taking a rest on the sand. Jun and I didn't really celebrate our wedding as we only got to a few weeks before Timmy was born but we are kinda celebrating tonight. "Beautiful night, babe" Jun said. "It is" I reply. "But not as beautiful as you, Y/ N" he smiles. "Awww, Junnie. You're the cutest" I say. "Nope you and Timmy are the cutest. I miss him" Jun said. "Me too" I say resting my head on his chest. He smiles and caress me gently. I check in with my best friend and she says Timmy is being a little angel. He always is. Jun and I sit for a bit longer and then go for another stroll on the beach. We decide to paddle our feet in the water for a few minutes. We got tired so we went home and we needed to get back for Timmy too. Timmy was asleep when we got home. My friend left when we arrived. We thanked her a lot for looking after our boy while we had a nice evening on the beach

Seungcheol 💙


Me and Y/ N are having dinner at a romantic outdoor restaurant tonight. It was my surprise to her. She didn't know about it till just before we left. I thought we needed a little time to ourselves after being busy parents to our son for the last month. Vernon and Mingyu are at home with Chanwoo tonight. I asked the boys to babysit and both of them volunteered. Me and Y/ N have just had our appetisers now we are waiting for mains to come. "Cheol, this is one of the best surprise you've ever done for me. I would say second behind you proposing to me onstage" Y/ N said. "Awwww, sweetie. You know I'd do anything for you" I smile. Our food comes and we tuck in. "Ummm delicious" Y/ N said. "I know. Just what we needed" I reply. We have ice cream to finish off with before returning home to our little boy and Vernon and Mingyu. I tell them we are on our way. We arrived home not long after and opened the door. "We are home" I say. We walk into the lounge and Mingyu was holding Chanwoo on the couch and Vernon was next to him. "Oh hey" Vernon says. "Hi, you two" Mingyu said. "How was he?" I ask. "Great" Vernon said. "Very well behaved. He's so cute" Mingyu said. "Thank you for looking after him. Seungcheol treated me to the most amazing night" Y/ N said. "Awww so cute" Vernon said. "We should get going soon and leave y'all to get this little guy off to bed" Mingyu said. Mingyu and Vernon leave soon. We got Chanwoo to bed and had a little time to ourselves. I'm so happy I treated Y/ N to the most amazing night at dinner tonight

Minghao 🖤

Minghao's parents are still over from China. They go back in a few days. They wanted to stay for a few weeks to spend time with Mingmei. Me and Minghao are going out tonight just the two of us. His parents have paid for us to go out to a nice restaurant. They got us a voucher that we can use for it. We are looking forward to going out. We haven't really been for a romantic meal together because you know we just got together when I got pregnant. Minghao and I are about ready to go. His parents are at our place with baby Mingmei. We don't really want to leave our lovely baby girl but it'll be nice to go out together for the night. "Okay mom, dad, Mingmei. We are going now" Minghao said. "Have a wonderful time" his mom said. "I don't want to leave my baby girl" he said. "I know. Me neither" I say. "Mingmei will be just fine here with us two" his dad said. We kiss Mingmei goodbye before we leave. We get in the car and get the directions to the restaurant we are going to. We've never been before. We arrive and it looks really fancy. "Are we at the right place?" I say. "Yeah I think we are" Minghao replies. We go in and yes we are in the right place. "Wow! This is so nice. Your parents shouldn't have done all this for us" I say. "I know. They're the nicest people in the world" he smiles. We realise that they booked us a four course meal at this amazing restaurant. We are gonna be so stuffed after. We choose what we wanted from the fixed menu. Appetisers first of us. A sharing platter of different things. It was delicious then we ordered our other courses. "Wow! That is amazing. My mom and dad are the best" Minghao said. "They are indeed. I can't believe they would do all this for us" i smile. He smiles back. Our other courses come and it was so delicious. We were absolutely full after. So stuffed. Minghao's parents treated us to the most amazing dinner tonight. It was just what we needed after what we've been through but we wouldn't change having our little girl for the world

Mingyu 🧡

Mingyu and I are going out to the movies tonight for a date night. We are looking forward to spending sometime together and doing what we love doing. Not that we don't love being parents to our little Minhyuk. Mingyu's sister Minseo is looking after Minhyuk tonight for us. She offered to babysit while we went out. We just left home and we are on our way to the movies now. The showing is in around 30 minutes so we will be there in plenty of time. "Looking forward to our movie date, babe" Mingyu said. "Me too. Can't wait to have a little us time" I reply. "Me too but I miss Minhyuk already" he said. We arrived and parked up and walked in. We got our tickets from the front desk and then got popcorn and drinks. Mingyu and I used to go to the movies a lot when we started dating a few years ago. It brings back memories. It was one of our favourite things to do. We go in and find our seats and wait for the movie to start. Our seats were in the middle of the theatre. It goes dark and the movie starts after the trailers. Mingyu and I nibble on our large bucket of popcorn and sip on our drinks. He always kicks me when we go to the movies. You know like we play a little game of footsie. He is kicking me right now. "Stop" I whisper. "No" Mingyu said. "Okay just another minute" I reply. He sniggers. Mingyu stops kicking me a few minutes later. He then started to cuddle me. Anyway we enjoyed the movie and our time together tonight. Minseo did a great job looking after Minhyuk. She said she'd like to do it again soon

Chan ❤️

Chan and I are out together this afternoon just the two of us. We are bowling and having a lot of fun. Chan's parents are at home looking after little Hyunsuk. It's the first time we've been away from him since he was born and we are missing him already. So much. We haven't been bowling in ages so we thought we'd go and Chan's parents said, anytime you want to go out just tell us and we'll babysit. We've played one round always and now we are playing another one. Chan won the first one but I don't really care about winning. "You first, babe" he smiles. "Okay" I reply. I have my go first and knock over half of the pins. Chan has a go then. We play for a while till there was a winner. Chan won. "Well done. I'm proud of you" I say. "Thanks but not as proud as I was of you even you gave birth to our son" he smiles. I smile back. We decided to finish and go and play on some of the games at the bowling place. We will then get something to eat before going home. Chan went straight for the car racing machine. I joined him too. "Let's see who wins" he said. I look at him. We do that for a while and I best Chan by just a few points. "That was fun" I say. "Yes it was" he said. We stopped for a pizza before going home to Chan's parents and our beautiful little boy. Chan and I had a really fun date this afternoon. We will probably do it again in the next few weeks

Soonyoung 💛


Me and Y/ N are going out on a date night tonight. We are going to a nice sushi restaurant in town. Seokmin, Mingyu, Joshua and Jun are babysitting the girls for us while we go out. They all offered to babysit when they were over meeting Haeun and Eunmi. Me and Y/ N are leaving soon. Seokmin and Joshua are here. Mingyu and Jun are on their way. "You look beautiful, my darling. You would never know you had twins only a month ago" I say to Y/ N. "Thanks, Soonie. I love you" she smiles. "Love you too" I smile. The other two guys arrive when we were about to leave. "Okay we are going. If you guys need anything don't be afraid to call" I say. "No we'll be fine" Joshua said. "Three girls and four men. Nothing could go wrong" Mingyu said. "Eomma, Appa. Don't go" Kyungmi said grabbing onto my leg. "We'll be back soon. Don't worry, sweetie" I say. "Awww" Y/ N said. We say bye to the girls and the guys. Kyungmi doesn't like it when we go and leave her. We get in the car and arrive at the restaurant soon. I open the door for Y/ N as we go in. "After you, my lady" I say. She smile. We find a table. You can help yourself to different sushi's if you sit by the bar. It's the best place to sit and we got there. "It feels weird without the girls" Y/ N said. "I know. It does. I miss my babies" I reply. "Kyungmi really didn't want us to go. Did she?" she said. "She didn't. I told her we'd be back soon" I say. We got drinks brought to us and then we could selected what sushi's we wanted. There is lots of good choice. We got what we wanted and tucked in. "Jun says everything is just fine and the girls are being little angels" I say. "Great. They always are" Y/ N smiles. Y/ N and I had a great couple of hours on our date at the sushi restaurant. We like going here. We missed our baby girls at home but they were in good hands with the guys

A/ N: hope Seungcheol and Minghao's are not too similar. I have never had sushi and I don't think I'd like it but I thought of something different. I do like this part though

So we now know details of SVTs comeback in two weeks. I'm still confused by the titles. Don't know what Heng:garae means or how to pronounce it. I guess I'll find out but obviously can't wait for it

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