16. b. Gender Reveal Party

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Jun 💜

Jun and I are going to reveal the gender of our son to our friends and family today. We have bought a blue bath bomb and we are going to drop it in the bath and it will fizz out so yep people will know we are having a baby boy. Can't wait to reveal to everyone today. We won't get everyone in the bathroom though. Maybe just our family first. We didn't think that through. Jun's parents are still in China and they couldn't be here but we've already told them that we are having a boy. We did buy another bath bomb the same and it worked really well. "This little gender reveal thing we are doing. One thing everybody won't fit in the bathroom. Sorry we didn't think that through. We really want to do this reveal though" Jun says to everyone. "Why don't you just tell us now?" Wonwoo buts in. "No we won't" Jun said. "Come this way" I say to my parents. They follow us in with a few other people. "So we are going to drop this bath bomb in the water and it will fizz pink or blue so here goes" Jun said. "We will do it together" I smile. We countdown to 10 and drop it in the water. "Blue. We are having a baby boy" I say. "I'm so excited to be having a son" Jun said putting his arms around me. "I know you are" I say. "That's amazing. There's going to be a little boy in the family" my mom smiles. "That was so cool" my cousin said. We brought the boys in and showed it to them. Everyone was really happy to find out that we are having a baby boy. The gender reveal thing was fun today

Seungcheol 💙

The boys are over at our place today. Seungcheol and I have set up a little scavenger hunt for the boys to find out the gender of the baby. We thought it would be a cool and fun idea. They have no idea that our baby is a boy but they are going to find out soon. They have just started the scavenger hunt in the kitchen. Me and Seungcheol are not giving any clues to where things are. We laughed at Jihoon trying to reach up to the top cupboard. He couldn't do it because of his height. "Let me help you" said Mingyu the tallest member of the band. "Where's the next one, Cheol?" Chan asks. "We can't tell you that" Seungcheol said. They find the next clue and move into the lounge. One of the clues we have tucked down the couch. Don't know if they'll find it. Jeonghan started to look underneath the couch. "You won't find anything there" Vernon said. "You never thought" Jeonghan said. After sometime they found the clue in the couch, Wonwoo does. They move into our bedroom next. "So this is where the baby making took place?" Jun said. "Ummm you don't have to know about that" Seungcheol said. They begin to look. There are several clues in our room. Jihoon and Joshua find them. It leads them into what will be our baby boys room. We haven't decorated it yet but we will soon. We have made a banner that says 'Hello, this is going to be my room soon' in blue writing. "Surprise" me and Seungcheol said. "Are you having a boy?" Seungkwan asks. "Yes we are" I say. "Ahhhh that's brilliant. That hunt was so cool" Seokmin said. "It was. A mini Coups" Minghao said. "Yes we are calling him baby Coups till we think of a name for him" Seungcheol said. The guys loved the scavenger hunt we arranged for them today and they know we are having a boy

Minghao 🖤


Me and Y/ N are going to reveal the gender of our baby girl to our parents today by giving them pink flowers. We can't wait to tell them that we are having a baby girl. They do know that our little girl has spina bifida and they will support us no matter what. We can't wait to tell them that it's a girl. We gave picked out some beautiful flowers to give to our parents today. We are now talking and we are going to give them the flowers very soon. "So when do you have your next scan, Y/ N?" my mom asks Y/ N. "In about a month I think" she replies. "Do you all want to know what the gender of our child is?" I say. "Ohhhh yes please" Y/ N's Mom said. "Well we are about to reveal to you in just a minute" Y/ N said. Me and Y/ N go into our bedroom and get the flowers. We come back and present them to our moms. "Pink flowers. It's a girl" my mom said. "A baby girl. How precious?" Y/ N's mom said. "Beautiful flowers" my dad said. "This little girl already has the best parents in the world" Y/ N's dad said. "I love these flowers it reminds me of her" my mom said. "How sweet of the both of you" Y/ N's mom said. "We we're dying to find out the gender of our grandchild. We knew it would be a girl" her dad said. "Me and Y/ N are so happy to be parents to this little girl. She is so special and loved already" I say. "Oh yes she is and no matter how hard it is we will get through it" Y/ N says. "Oh yes we will" i smile. So we revealed to our parents in a unique way that we are having a baby girl

Mingyu 🧡

Since Mingyu and I don't want to know the gender of our baby till he or she is born, we are obviously not having a gender reveal party. Instead we are going to ask the boys what they think the gender of our first child is. We are hanging out with them now. We are going to ask them now. "Why are you not finding out the gender of the baby?" Jihoon asks. "Because we don't want to. We want it to be a surprise" Mingyu replies. "Yes we do. Although we were kinda thinking of it" I reply. "What do you think guys? Boy or girl?" Mingyu said. "Boy definitely" Minghao said. "Yeah boy" Chan said. "A little girl I think" Vernon said. "If you have a boy. He'll be tall just like his daddy" Jeonghan said. "That's what I said" Mingyu said. "It could be either but I'm gonna guess a girl" Wonwoo said. "Boy" Joshua said. "Boy" Seokmin said. "Girl" Jun exclaims. "Soonyoung, Seungcheol, Seungkwan. What do you think?" I say. "Girl" Soonyoung said. "Yes a girl" Seungkwan said. "A baby boy" Seungcheol said. "Well thank you guys for guessing. Who will be right when? You'll find out when he or she is born" Mingyu said. "You will" I reply. It was fun the boys guessing the gender of the baby. Boy or girl? Who will be right?

Chan ❤️

Chan and I have been busy making cupcakes with blue icing on as we are going to reveal the gender of our baby to our family that way. Chan's parents are over at my aunt and uncles place. My parents are still not talking to me but my extended family are supporting me through my pregnancy. We can't wait to tell everyone that we are having a baby boy. Such an exciting time for us. We are going to give the cupcakes soon so we are  revealing the gender soon. Can't wait to see people's reactions. We leave people to continue talking and find a good time to hand out the cupcake. We've hidden the cupcakes at the back of the fridge so no one sees them. We quietly sneak them out of the fridge. "Okay so everybody we are going to do our gender reveal right now" Chan said. "Oh yes we are. Me and Chan right here have been busy making cupcakes for the gender reveal. Will it be pink or blue icing?" I said. "Well we are about to find out right now" he said. "3, 2, 1" i say. Chan and I open the box to reveal the blue iced cupcakes. "We are having a baby boy!" we both exclaim together. "Yay!" my cousin Jiyeon cheers. "A boy that's great" Chan's dad. "We are so happy to have been blessed with this little baby boy" Chan said. I smile and whisper in his ear "Oh yes we are". We share the cupcakes to everyone. We calculated the amount of cupcakes per person and one each for us too. Everybody loved them and they said they were delicious

Soonyoung 💛

Today me and Soonyoung are throwing a gender reveal party for everyone at our place. Nobody knows the genders of the babies but we are about to reveal them today, soon. We are doing it with the help of Kyungmi of course. I am wearing a plain white shirt. Soonyoung is going to paint Kyungmi's hands pink and she's going to place her hands on my belly and reveal the genders of our twins girls that way. We thought it would be a cute way of doing it. We are outside in our backyard and it's a beautiful summers day and really warm. Almost too warm for me. We are going to do the reveal soon and we can't wait to. Think everyone assumes the twins are a boy and a girl but no it's two girls. Soonyoung manages to gather everyone around. "Is everyone ready to find out the genders of the two newest members of the clan" he said. Our friends and family cheers. "Our little princess Kyungmi is going to help us. Aren't you, darling?" I say. Soonyoung takes Kyungmi's hand and leads her over to him. "I'm going to paint your hands and you're going to place them on mommy's belly" he said. Soonyoung takes a few minutes painting Kyungmi's hands. She comes over to me and places her hands on my bump. "Pink" she says. "Pink. That means we are having twin girls" Soonyoung said. "Two more little princesses in the family and we couldn't be happier" I reply. "I'm such a lucky man having the most beautiful girls in the world" he said. He kisses me and everyone cheers by our news. Kyungmi was so cute. She's going to be the best big sister in the world to her little sisters

A/ N: so that was the gender reveal parties. Thanks to MelanieWood780 for suggesting a few of these ideas to me (and in the last part too). I don't think I would've thought of enough new ideas if it wasn't for her so thank you

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