16. a. Gender Reveal Party

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Vernon 💙

Today Vernon and I have invited the boys and some friends to the park and we are going to do a little gender reveal thing. Vernon's family is still in the US so is my family too but they can't be here for the party but we've already told them that we are having a baby boy. Everyone is gathered in the park ready and waiting to find out the gender of our baby. We have bought a piñata. It's in the shape of a baby bottle and filled with blue confetti as we are having a boy of course. Can't wait to crack it open and reveal the gender to everyone. Everyone keeps asking us to start so we are going to start now. "Okay so the moment you've all been waiting for. We are about to reveal the gender of our baby to you all. Most of you think it's a boy" I say. "Yes we are about to find out now by cracking open this piñata we got especially made" Vernon said. I blindfold him and spin him around till he's dizzy. "Whoa, babe" he said. Vernon gets near the piñata and tries to crack it open but obviously he can't see as he's blindfolded to make it hard. I guide him and direct him to where it is. He starts hitting it and little bits of blue confetti fall out. He whacks it harder and all the confetti falls out. "It's a boy!" Vernon and both exclaim together. "Yay! A boy" Minghao said. "So good" Seungkwan said. "We are so happy to be having a baby boy" Vernon said. "Oh yes we are" I reply. "We are ready to meet this boy" he smiles. So the gender reveal party went well today and everybody were pleased to find out that we were having a boy

Joshua 💜

This afternoon friends and family are over at our place and we are going to do a little gender reveal party. Me and Joshua are going to quick change into a pink outfit. In that way we will be revealing that we are having a little girl. Nobody knows that we are going to reveal the gender of our baby soon. Cannot wait to. We are putting a screen up in the lounge so we can quickly throw on our pink clothes. I have a loose fitting pink dress and Joshua has shorts and a pink t shirt. "Should we do it now" he whispers. "Yes if we can get everyone's attention" I say. "Excuse me. Can we get everyone's attention please?" Joshua says. "We would like to do a little something" I say. "Yes we would. I'm sure you're all dying to find out the gender of our child. Only we know" he said. "Yes we do. We are going to do something a little different. Me and Joshua are going to do a quick change into a blue or pink outfit" I say. "We need this screen" he said bringing the screen over with the clothes. They were in bags so no one knew. "We will just me a minute" Joshua said. We throw our clothes on behind the screen. "Are you ready? Are we wearing pink or blue?" I said. "3, 2, 1" Joshua said. We move the screen. "It's pink. We are having a baby girl" I said. "Yes we are indeed. A little princess" Joshua said putting his arms me. "I know. It's the best feeling ever" I reply. Everyone was impressed by the way we did that. We are in pink and having a baby girl. We couldn't be happier

Jihoon ❤️


Today me and Y/ N are doing a little gender reveal thing for our friends, families and the boys at my parents place. We are going to reveal the gender of our baby girl in a different and unique way. I have a friend who is a rocket engineer and he's made us a rocket and filled it with pink confetti. He's gonna launch it and that's how people are gonna know we are having a baby girl. We thought it would be cool as we have nicknamed our baby pocket rocket baby. We have since she was conceived. The rocket in sitting in the middle of my parents lawn in the backyard ready to be launched and revealed soon. "Can we touch the rocket?" Chan asks. "No it might blow up in your face" I say. "Will it" Seokmin says touching it. "Hey. Don't" I yell. "Just launch it" Jeonghan says. "Okay we will soon" I say. When the time was right it was time to launch the rocket. Well my friend did it as he's a rocket engineer. "Okay this is the moment you've all been waiting for. This rocket is ready to be launched. Is pocket rocket baby a boy or a girl?" I say. "Ohhh yes" Y/ N said. My friend gets the rocket ready to be launched. "Stand back, everyone" he said. A minute later he latched the rocket and it files into the sky with pink confetti. "Whoooooo!" I say. "We are having a girl" Y/ N said. "Pocket rocket baby is a baby girl" I say. "A girl" cheers. Everybody loved the way we revealed our baby's gender today. Me and Y/ N thought it was such a cool idea. The party continued with more fun

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