36. Labor/ Delivery- Minghao 🖤

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I am 36 weeks and our precious baby girl will be delivered in two days. They are delivering her early as she has Spina Bifida, which is a birth defect. We found out there was something wrong during my first scan. We don't know how serve her condition is yet but we hope it's not too bad. She will most likely need surgery when she's born. Minghao and I have decided on the name Mingmei for our little girl. We thought it was a beautiful name for her and it sounds a lot like Minghao too. Named after her daddy. Awe. We cannot wait to to meet her in a couple of days and just hope everything goes well and our little girl will be here safely. I am laid on the bed having a rest when Minghao walks in. "Hey, honey. Are you alright?" he asks. "Yeah" I sigh. "Our baby girl will be here in the next couple of days. I cannot wait to be a daddy now" he said. "I know, Hao but I'm worried as to what the outcome may be" I reply. "I know. Me too, baby but we've gotta believe in God and everything" Minghao said. "I know, babe. I just hope Mingmei will be okay" I said. "Sweetie, she will be most beautiful thing in this earth" he smiles. "I know she will be. There's no doubt about that" I say. "She will be beautiful because her mommy is the most beautiful and incredible woman on this earth" he smiles. "Awe, Hao. I love you so much, baby" I reply. "I love you so much too, Y/ N. Now just relax please. I know what you're like" he said. "Okay I will try to" I smile. He leans in and kisses me. I should try not to worry and trust in everything. Little Mingmei will be here very soon and we cannot wait to meet our little angel

Two days later and we are heading to the hospital for my c section and the birth of our baby girl. Today is a big day for many reasons as we get to meet our little girl but we also get to find out what the outcome of her condition is. We hope all will go well. I've been a nervous wreck all night and haven't really slept much. Minghao has been awake with me most of the night so he hasn't really slept well himself. We are getting ready to go to the hospital now and we are ready to meet our baby girl Mingmei. She will be here soon. "Are you ready soon, babe?" Minghao asks. "Yeah soon" I half smile. "Don't worry, darling. Everything will be okay" he smiles. "Yeah I hope so. Minghao, I'm still worried" I say. He smiles and puts us arms around me. Soon we leave and we arrive at the hospital soon. My c section isn't scheduled for another couple of hours but we wanted to get there earlier. Minghao and I wait patiently and anxiously for me to be taken in to the operating room. "Mingmei will be here very soon and don't worry, sweetie. Everything will be okay" he said. I smile and he kisses me. Soon I get taken into the operating room. Minghao could come in with me of course. The doctor talked through the procedure before she started the c section. "This is the moment we've been waiting for, my love" he smiles. I smile back. The c section starts but it was a little while before Mingmei was born. We couldn't hold her as they needed to take her away to asses her since she has a disability. But the doctor held her up so we caught a glimpse of her. "Oh my gosh. She's the most beautiful thing ever" Minghao said with a tear in his eye. "She is. She's so tiny and precious" I reply. "We will let you know the situation when she's all checked over. We hope to know the severity of her spina bifida. She really is a beautiful baby" the doctor smiles. "Thank you" I smile back. The doctor takes little Mingmei away to check her over. Me and Minghao might have a long wait to know the news but we will try and keep calm

It was almost two hours after Mingmei was born and we were still waiting to hear about her. We just hope everything is okay. As we are talking in the delivery room, the door opens and the doctor walks in. "Y/ N, Minghao. We have checked your newborn daughter over. She's healthy but she seems to have to second most severe type of spina bifida, Meningocele. Don't worry we can do a little operation to repair it and she should be okay. We are going to wait a few hours though as she's just been born" the doctor said. "Oh okay. We were hoping it would be the least severe type. What will surgery involve?" I ask. "I will drain the excess spinal fluid from the sac in her spine and close the opening and repair the area of defeat" I say. "Okay. How long will it take, Mingmei to recover?" Minghao said. "We would probably like to keep her here a couple of weeks but you can see her as soon as she's okay" the doctor said. We could see Mingmei in the nursery but we couldn't hold her. 10 hours later she had surgery to repair her Meningocele and it went well. We could see her about an hour after her surgery in the NICU where she was recovering. We couldn't hold her yet as she was laid on her front in an incubator. Me and Minghao had to wear a mask and gloves as we entered the NICU. We got taken to where Mingmei is. "Hello, our precious girl" Minghao said. "Hello, Mingmei. You're so beautiful. Mommy and daddy are here" I say. "Y/ N, she's so beautiful. We made this beautiful and precious little girl and she's all ours" he said. "Oh yes. She is. Minghao, she's the best thing ever and I just hope we can take her home soon" I reply. "Of course we will. The doctor said in a couple of weeks" Minghao smiles. We could spend sometime in the NICU with Mingmei. She had surgery so hopefully she should be okay. Me and Minghao got a little emotional in the NICU. She's so precious and beautiful and she's here now. It's not the ideal start we wanted for our daughter in the world but she's perfect and she's all ours

 It's not the ideal start we wanted for our daughter in the world but she's perfect and she's all ours

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💗 Xu Mingmei 💗
Born July 11th @ 7:15pm
Weight 5lbs 7oz

A/ N: awwww little Mingmei. She's so precious and adorable. How sweet is this baby girl? See I told you it was going to be a bit emotional but don't worry it'll be happy in the end as she gets older. I wanted to mix it up and do something different with one of the stories

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