15. b. First Kick

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Jun 💜

Jun and I are on our way back from the studio. I picked him up and we are on our way home from the studio now. He's been working hard all week and for the last few weeks too so I surprised him by picking him up from work. We are almost home now and we can't wait to get home and spend the evening together. I pull up in the parking lot of our apartment. I get out of the car and start to feel a little butterfly sensation in my tummy. I clench it and feel our baby boy kicking me. "Are you okay, Y/ N? What's the matter?" Jun asks. "Our baby boy is kicking me, Jun" I say. "Is he? Wow!" he replies coming over to me and feeling where the baby is. "Wow! He's kicking pretty good" Jun said. "He is. That's our boy" I reply. "Yes that's our boy" he smiles. We go inside and I still feel the baby kick till we got to our apartment then he stopped. It felt so good and Jun agreed too. It was such a special moment our baby boy kicking today when we got home from work. He kicked again after dinner. Must've been the dinner I had that made him kick again. He was kicking real good too. That's our boy. Can't wait to meet him

Seungcheol 💙

I'm at home sitting on the couching waiting girl Seungcheol to come home from the studio. It's been my day off so I've been at home all day. Can't wait to see my love when he gets home. Seungcheol will be home soon and I can't wait to see him and spend sometime with him. I'm sat on the couch texting my friends on my phone while I wait for my lovely husband to walk through the door. Soon the front door opens and Seungcheol walks in. "Hello, jagiya" he said. "Hey, Cheol. In here" I reply. "I've missed you okay" he smiles. "I missed you too" I reply. "How's you and baby Coups?"
he asks. "We are both doing just fine" I reply. "Great" he smiles leaning into kiss me. I feel the baby kick a moment later. "I think that was a kick" I say. "Our baby bit is kicking. Has he done it before" Seungcheol replies. "Nope he hasn't. His first time kicking mommy" I reply. "Awwww. That's amazing. I can feel him" he said. "He's kicking a lot" I reply. "Oh yeah he is" he smiles. "He waited for when his daddy came home" I said. "Oh yeah he did. Already a daddy's boy" I Seungcheol smiles. It was so great that our baby boy kicked when Seungcheol got home tonight. He waited for his daddy

Minghao 🖤

Minghao and I have been trying to deal with the diagnosis of spina bifida to our unborn baby girl. We won't get to find out the severity of the condition till she is born. It's gonna be a long time but she might be born early due to the disability. I'm 24 weeks now and I haven't felt her kick yet. I hope she will soon. I just want my baby girl to kick. I'm sat on the couch watching for Minghao to finish in the shower. It's the weekend so neither of us are at work. It's good not to be working. He always takes a long time in the shower but it's okay. I know he wants to look and smell perfect. As I'm sat on the couch I feel a movement in my belly. What? It feels like our baby girl is kicking. I go into the bathroom and tell Minghao straight away. He's been anxious to know when she's started kicking. "Minghao" I say. "Yes, sweetie" he replies. "Our baby girl just kicked me" I say. "Did she? Yes finally. Our little angel is kicking" Minghao replies. "She is. Our precious little girl" I reply. "That's my princess. My precious princess" he said. "Yes. I just had to tell you. I'm so happy she started kicking. I was beginning to think there was something wrong" I say. "Me too, Y/ N" Minghao smiles. He puts his arms around me and hugs and kisses me. Our baby girl is finally kicking

Mingyu 🧡

Mingyu and I are having a chilling and lazy weekend at home. We haven't had one of these in a while as we've been busy. Not reply since we got married over 5 months ago. It's lovely to spend time together as husband and wife and soon to be mommy and daddy to our first child who we don't know is a boy or a girl. Mingyu and I are sat on the couch and he has his arms around me and is holding me close. "I love lazy weekends with you, jagiya" Mingyu said. "Awww. Me too, jagi. It's the best" I reply. "And we have a little extra person to share it with" he said. "Oh yes. Our baby boy or girl" I reply. "Could be either and ultimately wouldn't mind" Mingyu smiles then he shares a kiss with me. I then feel the baby move a bit. It feels funny. Almost like butterflies. "The baby just moved" I say. "Oh really? What's fantastic?" he replies. "Place your hand here. You can feel them kicking" I reply. "Oh yes I can. That's our little one. He or she is kicking" he said. I smile. "I've been waiting for them to kick. Oh, Y/ N. It feels so real now" Mingyu said. "It does indeed" I smile. The baby kicks away for a while longer and it feels so good. Our little baby just kicked for the first time. We carried on having our chill weekend and the baby kicks again later

Chan ❤️

The boys have gone out for a night leaving me and Chan to have some alone time together. I'm still living with them till we find our own place as my parents have kicked me out. We will find somewhere to live soon before our baby boy comes along. Can't wait to meet him. Chan and I are very excited to be parents. We are sat on the couch watching a movie on Netflix. I am snuggled up to Chan on the couch and he has his arms around me. "This is nice. Just a bit of you and me time" Chan said. "Yes it's great. Sometimes it's nice just to have silence" I say. "I bet you're glad. You know being pregnant and having 12 other guys around" he said. "Yes I am but the most important thing is that we are together and our baby boy too" I reply. He smiles and we continue to watch the movie together. More into the movie I feel a movement in my tummy. "Are you okay, beautiful?" Chan asks. "Yes. I think our boy just kicked" I say. "No way. Did he?" Chan replies. "He did. I think" I reply. Chan places his hand on my bump and feels where the baby is kicking. "Ohhhhh he's kicking more now" I say. "Oh yeah he is" he smiles. "It feels so good" I said. "I've always wondered what it's like when a baby kicks" Chan said. "Well you know now" I smile. Awwww it was so amazing that our baby boy kicked for the first time too

Soonyoung 💛

Soonyoung's favourite thing to do in an evening when he gets home is reading Kyungmi a bedtime story. She loves bedtime stories with her daddy. They have such a strong and special bond. He is reading a story to her now. It's The Little Mermaid tonight. Disney Princesses of course as Kyungmi loves princesses. She's our little princess. I sit and watch Soonyoung read to Kyungmi. Soon we will have two more little girls to have bedtime story with. It always puts a smile on my face seeing my favourite people together. Kyungmi keeps looking at me and saying "Mommy". Awwww bless her. "Do you want daddy to read you another story, baby girl?" Soonyoung said. Kyungmi nods her head and gets off the bed and goes and chooses another book. She chooses The Princess And The Frog next. Soonyoung sings to her while I watch. I feel one of the babies moving as they are having story time. I waited till Soonyoung had finished reading to Kyungmi. I didn't want to interrupt them. "Soonyoung, one of our little girls is kicking me" I say. "Oh. Wow! Is she? Which one?" he replies. "Baby B I think" I reply. He comes over to me and places his hand on my bump and feels while baby girl B is kicking. "Kyungmi, one of your sisters is kicking mommy" Soonyoung said. Kyungmi places her hand where the baby is kicking too. I then feel the second baby kicking too. It was such an incredible feeling that both of our beautiful girls were kicking during story time

A/ N; I really enjoyed this I've again (I know I say the same thing all the time. Haha). I think I'm mostly okay for ideas with the gender reveal party. Obviously Jeonghan and Mingyu's will be different as they don't know the genders

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