52. b. Baby Crawls

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Jun 💜

Timmy and I are at the studio watching Jun and the guys rehearse. We love going to the studio to watch him doing what he does best. The guys are working hard now and doing so well. Timmy loves watching his daddy dance. Jun hopes he'll be a star like him one day. Maybe he will be. Only time will tell. Timmy is sat on my knee as the guys are dancing. They won't mind us being here. We just sit quietly in the corner and watch. Timmy is smiling right now. He laughs too. Our bubbly little boy. His personality is really coming out now that he's 9 months old. A few minutes later, Jun comes over to see us. "Hey" he said. "Hi, Junnie" I say. "Are you enjoying watching daddy, Timmy?" he said. "Yes he is. He loves watching daddy and his uncles" I reply. He grabs Timmy from me and cuddles him. "I will teach you some cool dance moves one day" Jun said. "We all will" Wonwoo said. He sits on the floor with Timmy for a few minutes. Timmy smiles at the boys and crawls towards the boys. "Y/ N, he's crawling. That's the first time he's done it" Jun said. "It is. Way to go, Timmy" I say. "Who's a good boy?" Joshua said. "He's crawling" Minghao said. "That's awesome" Jun said pickling Timmy up. Yay! So little Timmy crawled today in the studio and made it much more exciting

Seungcheol 💙

Seungcheol and I are going out tonight for dinner. His parents are over looking after Chanwoo for us. We haven't been on a date night since he was a couple of months old. That was like six months ago now but we are going out tonight for a nice dinner and we can't wait for it. We are getting ready now and leaving shortly. "I'm looking forward to our date night tonight, sexy wife" Seungcheol said putting his arms around me. "Yep me too. Handsome husband" I smile. "I'm gonna miss our boy tonight" he said. "Yeah me too but he'll be just fine with your mom and dad" I reply. "Oh I know he will be" he said. A few minutes later we go into the lounge. "Mom, dad. We should get going soon" Seungcheol said. "Have a great night" his mom said. "We will. I'll call when we're on our way home" he said. "Stay out as long as you want. Get drunk if you wish" his dad said. "Maybe" Seungcheol laughs. Just as we were about to walk out the door and get in the cab. Chanwoo crawls towards us. "He's crawling to you. He doesn't want you to go" Seungcheol's mom said. "Aawww, son. You don't want us to go but we'll be back soon" Seungcheol said. "Yes we will. You're crawling, baby boy" I say. "That's our clever boy" he said kissing Chanwoo. It was so cute that Chanwoo crawled for us before we left tonight. He's adorable she didn't want us to leave. We did go and had a great date night

Minghao 🖤

We are getting ready for my moms 50th birthday party. My dad is throwing her a surprise party at her favourite restaurant. We are leaving soon. Mingmei is 10 months old now and she's doing incredibly well. You wouldn't be able to tell that she was born with spina bifida. Me and Minghao are such proud parents of her. She's our incredible and special little girl. We are so happy to have her in our lives. Our little angel. Mingmei is showing signs of crawling soon. We are in our room getting ready. Mingmei is dressed in a pretty dress for her grandmas birthday. She is in our room and we are getting ready. Minghao watches her as he's almost ready. "How are you doing, baby?" he asks. "Okay I'll be ready soon" I reply. I was ready soon. Mingmei was playing with something on the floor. "We are about to leave, Mingmei" Minghao said. Mingmei throws the toy and crawls over to get it. "Y/ N, Y/ N. She's crawling. Amazing" Minghao said. "Ohhhh she is. Mingmei, you are such a clever girl" I say. "Daddy is so proud of you. We are going to tell the whole family" he said. "We sure are. She's defied the odds" I reply. We were so proud of Mingmei crawling. So proud we almost were late for my moms party. Our baby girl is so clever

Mingyu 🧡


It's Daddy, Minhyuk day today as Y/ N us at the mall shopping with her friends. We are having a father, son day at home and it's going great. Anytime I get to spend with my boy is amazing. Y/ N will be back later this afternoon but we are loving father and son day. Minhyuk is 8 months old now and he's doing amazing. Me and Y/ N love him so much. Just after Christmas. He'll be turning a year old. Can't wait for his birthday. We are gonna plan something epic. I am sat on the couch with Minhyuk now. "Should daddy read you a story?" I say. I think he agrees. Minhyuk likes books. I like reading to him. I choose a book about dogs. I sit Minhyuk in my lap and read to him. After the story Minhyuk wanted to play with his toys on the floor so I put him down. He then started crawling across the floor. Wow! He's never done that before. I film it on my phone and send it to Y/ N. She'll be really impressed to see our boy crawl. "That's my boy. Minhyukie" I say. He laughs and carries on crawling. He's such a happy little boy. I tell Y/ N when she comes home and she was so happy. Minhyuk didn't crawl for her when she came home. He only crawled for me. Daddy and Minhyuk day was awesome today

Chan ❤️

Hyunsuk is now 9 months old and everything is amazing with him. Me and Chan love being parents to him. There's nothing more we love in the world. It was a lot to get used to at first being parents and everything but now we wouldn't change it for the world. Our little boy is the best thing that's ever happened to us. Chan is an amazing father to Hyunsuk. He always tried to juggle work with home life. Chan got home from work not so long ago and the first thing he always does before he gets changes or goes to the bathroom is he spends time with Hyunsuk. He loves to play with him. He's also crawling too. He started crawling a few days ago and we were so happy when he did. He is crawling right now. "Appa missed you so much today, Hyunsukie?" Chan said. "You did and we missed you so much too" I reply. "I love time with you and my boy" he smiles. I watch Chan play with Hyunsuk for a bit longer and it was so cute. "I can't believe how fast he's crawling" he said. "I know. He's so fast" I reply. "My super speedy big" Chan smiles. Hyunsuk is such a happy baby when he's crawling. I love a watching my boys spend time together. So cute. Can't believe Hyunsuk is almost a year old

Soonyoung 💛


Haeun and Eunmi will be turning a year old in just a couple of months. Can't believe they are almost a whole year old. Me and Y/ N can't believe where the last year has gone. Our baby girls are growing up so much. I love spending time with them so much and Y/ N too of course. Kyungmi loves dancing with me. I love teaching her how to dance. She goes to dance class anyway. She's our little ballerina. Haeun and Eunmi will be starting dance class soon. When they can walk they will. I am dancing with Kyungmi in the lounge now. We are dancing to Snap Shoot. It's Kyungmi's favourite song. She loves it. "You're a superstar, sweetie" I say. Kyungmi smiles. We carry on dancing. Haeun and Eunmi are playing nearby. I look over and Haeun is crawling to us. The first time she has crawled. "Haeun is crawling" I say. "She is" Y/ N replies. "Good girl. Do you wanna dance with Appa?" I say. "Awwww she will" Y/ N said. "Dance, Haeun dance" Kyungmi said. Awwww so cute. One of our baby girls just crawled. Eunmi crawls too. I carry on dancing with Kyungmi

A/ N: so I might as well say what my next book is gonna be. It's not a Kpop group. Sorry guys but I'm doing New Hope Club next. They are a British band if you don't know. They are one of my favourite non Kpop groups. I've had the book in planning for months so I'll look forward to doing it

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