20. b. Prenatal Class

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Jun 💜

Tonight me and Jun have our second prenatal class tonight. Last weeks was mostly an introduction class but tonight we are learning how to change diapers and how to bathe a baby so that should be fun. I just picked Jun up from the studio and we are on our way to prenatal class tonight. "I'm hungry" he said. "We'll get something to eat after the class. It's only an hour, Jun" I said. "Yeah I know. I'll be okay" he said. We arrive and walk in and take a seat inside with everyone else. The class starts when Helen walks in. "Hello everyone. How are you all? Today we are going to be learning how to change a diaper and bathe a baby. First we will learn how to change diapers" she said. Helen demonstrates how to change a diaper with a baby doll. She then hands out baby dolls and diapers for us to have a go ourselves. I have a go first. I lay the baby down on the table and take off his old diaper and wipe with a wipe and then put as new diaper on. "There we go. Easy as" I say. "I'll have a go now" Jun said. Jun takes the baby and does the same. "Yes easy. You were right" he said. "Yep" I reply. "Hope it's that easy when our boy comes along. Let's hope it's not stinky" Jun said. "Oh it will be" I say. The next part of the class was bathing which we enjoyed too. Our second prenatal class went very well tonight

Seungcheol 💙

My mom's friend who is a midwife has been coming over to our place for prenatal classes at home every other week. It's really helpful and she's lovely I've known her for years. My mom told her that we are having a baby and her friend said she would help to help with tips. Her name is Heesun. She's coming over to our place now for another little prenatal session and chat. Seungcheol and I have just tidied up the house ready for her arrival. She'll be here anytime. Can't wait for another one. There is a knock on the door and Seungcheol answers. "Hi, Heesun" he said. "Hi, Seungcheol. Hi, Y/ N" she said. "Hello" I said. "Can I get you a tea?" Seungcheol asks her. "Yes please" she replies. Me and Heesun talk while Seungcheol makes drinks. "Here you go" he said. "Thanks, babe" I said. "So how are things going for you two?" Heesun asks. "Good. We are doing the baby's nursery next week and we can't wait" I say. "Great I'll look forward to seeing it" she said. We talk with Heesun for a bit longer. "So I thought you might like a little demo today. How to swaddle and change a diaper?" Heesun said. "Sure that'll need cool" Seungcheol said. She showed us how to swaddle and change a diaper while she was there and we had a little go ourselves and it was pretty easy. We always enjoy having Heesun over for prenatal lessons and talks. She's so nice and reassures us

Minghao 🖤

Recently me and Minghao have joined a support group for parents to be like us who are having a baby or who have already had a baby born with a disability like our little baby girl will be. There is another couple we've met who's baby has spina bifida like ourselves. They are really nice and we've made good friends with them. It's nice to know that other people are in the same boat as us and that we have people to lean on when things get tough. We are having lunch with the couple now. They are called Claudia and Alan. They are part of the group just like us. We are having a nice lunch with them and a talk. "So, Y/ N I think our due dates are around the same time" Claudia said. "Yeah I know. But I think the baby will be delivered early" I reply. "We do too. They don't want to risk anything with him having a disability" Claudia. "Yeah exactly. My due date is around August 27th but it will be more like July" I say. "I'm August 17th so we're 10 days apart" she said. Minghao and Alan are talking too. They get on well. We had a nice lunch with Claudia and Alan today and we will be seeing them next week at the group. It's nice to have friends like them especially at this time. We think our babies will be best friends when they are here. Our baby girl and their baby boy

Mingyu 🧡


Y/ N and I have recently been going to prenatal class and it's been really fun. We have already learnt a lot and we've only been to three classes. This morning is our fourth class. We go on Saturday mornings when we are not working. I think tonight we are going to learn about how to look after and feed your baby which will be good as Y/ N wants to feel more confident when it comes to breastfeeding. She says she also wants to formula feed our little one too. I think that's a good idea. Anyway we've just arrived at prenatal class at the hospital now. We walk in together and hold hands and take a seat and wait for the class to start.  The ladies who run the group walk in. "Hi, everyone. Hope you are all doing well?" one of the ladies said. "Today we are going to talk about caring and feeding for your baby" the other one said. The presentation goes up on the board and we listen and take notes. Y/ N wanted to ask some questions. "Would a combination of breastfeeding and formula feeding work for the baby? Do you recommend it?" she said. "Yes it's good for you and the baby. Maybe Mingyu could bottle feed to give you a break sometimes. Also that's good for night feeds too" the lady said. "Thank you" Y/ N said. "Bottle feeding is good bonding for the baby and father. Right?" I say. "Yes it is and also skin to skin contact every now and then is a good form of bonding for both parents and baby" the other lady said. The class finished soon and we got some really good tips and Y/ N knows what to do now. Before going home we go for some lunch

Chan ❤️

Chan and I are heading to our first prenatal class tonight and we are looking forward to it. We are also a little nervous as we know we will probably be the youngest couple there as not many people choose to have babies at our age in Korea. We decided that we want to go for a four week prenatal course so we can get ready for the arrival of our son as we want to be the best parents to him possible. We are in the car driving there now and are almost there. Chan parks up and we walk. "This is it" he said. "It is" I reply. We go in and take a seat with everyone and they give us smiles. A few minutes later the coordinator comes in and introduces herself. Then we had to do a name game to introduce ourselves to everyone in the group. "Hello, I'm Y/ N and this is Chan and this is our first baby. A boy" I say. "Hey" Chan said. "How old are you guys? May I ask" someone asks. "We are both 21" I reply. "Nice to have you on board" said the lady running the class. "I'm sure you're all looking forward to knowing more about babies so without further ado" she goes on. She explains a little about eating healthy during pregnancy which I am doing and more about babies too. Chan wanted to ask some questions. "How long doe labor usually take? Is it long?" he asks. "It varies from mother to mother. With your first baby it can be 8-12 hours or more" she said. "Okay just wondered" he said. We asked more questions too and they were answered. We leave the first prenatal class already feeling a bit more confident about being parents. We will definitely be going to the next ones

Soonyoung 💛

Soonyoung and I have decided that we don't need to go to prenatal classes as Kyungmi is only two so it's not that long since we became parents. We already feel so ready for the twins arrival. Soon we are going to have two more princesses running around so we'll have three little ones. Soonyoung and I are a part of a parenting group. The parents y'all and hangout while the kids play together. Kyungmi's best friend Hyuntae's parents are in the group too and we are good friends with them. We are at parent group now and Kyungmi is playing with Hyuntae and her other friends. "I love seeing them play together" I say. "Awww me too. Soon our baby girls will be" Soonyoung says. "Oh yes they will be" I say. "I can't believe you're having two more little girls" Hyuntae's Mom says. "I know. We can't wait. We are so excited" I say. "Two more little princesses" Hyuntae's dad said. We carry on talking to them and watching the kids play. Kyungmi and Hyuntae are so cute together. They are definitely the best of friends. Soonyoung even joins in a bit. We love going to parent group and Kyungmi does too to play with Hyuntae and her friends

A/ N: I made Minghao and Soonyoung different because why not. Next part is gonna be cute

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