14. a. Finding Out The Gender

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Vernon 💙


This morning me and Y/ N are going to the hospital for her next scan and we are going to find out if our baby is a boy or a girl. We can't wait to find out. We are so excited. I really want a boy but Y/ N wouldn't mind either way. We are in the car on our way to the hospital now. "Is our little one a boy or a girl?" I say. "I don't know. We will find out soon" Y/ N replies. We arrived and pulled up outside the maternity unit and walk in. Y/ N checks in and we sit in the waiting room to be called in. "Y/ F/ N" said the midwife. We walk in and I hold Y/ N's hand. The scan started like Y/ N's first one. The lady put that weird jelly stuff on her tummy and started examining her. The baby's heartbeat was still strong. "You're 21 weeks so you can find out the gender if you want" the midwife said. "Yes we would" I say. "Please" Y/ N said. The midwife examines for a few more minutes. "It's a boy!" she said. "Yessssss a boy. We are having a son" I say. "A boy. Ahhhhh, Hansol. That's wonderful" Y/ N said kissing my hand. "I'm so so happy" I smile. We are having a little boy and I couldn't be happier. We couldn't be happier actually. Me and Y/ N leave the hospital feeling overjoyed that we are going to be parents to a son. We have so many people to reveal to at our gender reveal party soon


Joshua 💜

Me and Joshua can't wait to find out the gender of our little one today. We are so excited to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. Both of us are pretty sure it's a girl. But we are going to find out for sure today. We are sat in the waiting room ready to be called in for my appointment. "I cannot wait, babe?" Joshua said putting his hand on my bump. "Me too. If we are having a girl. I'll scream" I say. "Me too" he replies. Soon I get called in by the sonographer for my appointment. I had my first scan in Seoul but now we are in California but I just booked one as I'm an American citizen too. I lay on the bed and roll up my top and she starts examining me. Joshua sits by me and holds my hand. He kisses my hand too. The sonographer starts looks at the screen while she examines me and so do Joshua and I. She spends sometime look to see if everyone is okay. "Would you like to know the gender of your baby, Mr and Mrs Hong?" she asks. "Yes please we would" I reply. "Ohhhh yes" Joshua replies. "I am pleased to tell you that you are having a little girl. Congratulations" she said. "Yes we are having a baby girl. We both knew it. I'm so happy, my love" Joshua said. "Me too, Shua. Our little princess" I say. He pulls me in for a kiss. "I love you so much" he smiles. I smile too. Me and Joshua are having a beautiful baby girl and we cannot wait. Our little girl


Jihoon ❤️

Earlier today me and Jihoon went to the hospital for my next scan and we found out the gender of our pocket rocket baby too. Wait for it. We are having a.... baby girl. We couldn't be happier. We are overjoyed to be having a daughter. We can't wait to have a beautiful little princess in our live. Jihoon said he's always imagines having a daughter. I could just imagine him playing with and being cute with our daughter. Can't wait to welcome her into the world in the next few months. Jihoon and I are at home now. He walks into the kitchen and puts his arms around me. "I can't stop thinking about her" he says. "Our baby girl" I say. "Of course. No I've got another woman. What do you think?" Jihoon said. "Haha silly" I reply. "You're silly" he said. "No you're silly" I reply. Jihoon gives me a raspberry on my cheek. "Love ya" I say. "Love ya too" he said. "And her our baby girl" I smile. "Oh yeah I love her so much. Can't believe she'll be here in the next few months" Jihoon said. Love him so much. Me and Jihoon can't believe we are having a little girl. She is already loved so so much. She's the best thing in the world and we can't wait to keep her


Seungkwan 💖


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