52. a. Baby Crawls

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Vernon 💙


Isaac is now 7 and a half months old now. He's growing up so much. Me and Y/ N can't believe our little man is more than half a year old. Isaac is showing signs of crawling. We think he could be off anytime. I just got back from being away for a few weeks on a promo tour. I missed Y/ N and Isaac so much. It's great to be home with them. Isaac is playing in the lounge with his toys. He especially loves this one thing called a bumbo. It's a seat that babies sit on the floor. Isaac loves it. He could just sit in it all day. Bless him. That's what he's doing right now. He sits in it and watches what me and Y/ N are doing. I sit in the floor with Isaac and play with him. "Hey. Are you watching what mommy is doing, Isaac? She is filing her nails. Nothing that interesting" I say. "Yes it is. Interesting" Y/ N laughs. I laugh back. I continue to play with Isaac for a bit longer. He gets a little fussy and starts crying so I lift him out of his bumbo. "Okay you want to come out now" I say. I place Isaac on the floor next to me and he looks at me for a moment. He gets onto his tummy and starts crawling across the room. Y/ N was still filing her nails. "Look. He's crawling, baby" I say. "Yay! You're crawling, Isaac. Who's a clever boy?" Y/ N said. "He's a very clever boy. Aren't you, Isaac? I'm a proud daddy" I say. "And I'm a proud mommy" she said. I had to get the moment of my son crawling for the first time on my phone. Isaac is such a clever little boy

Joshua 💜

We are now back in Seoul. We have been for a while. We spent a lot of time in the US but now we are back in Korea for a while with little Olivia. She is now 8 months old and as lovely as always of course. The light of mine and Joshua's life. She's the most beautiful and adorable little girl in the world. Joshua is on tour now in Korea. They are in Daegu tonight playing a show and me and Olivia are there to watch. We are on the road with them of course. Olivia is starting tour life at a young age. She's loving being on tour with her daddy and uncles. They all love her so much. The boys are going out onstage soon to perform. Olivia and I will be watching the show backstage. We are hanging out with them till showtime. We ordered pizza for dinner to share. Olivia is sat on Joshua's lap and she's looking at the pizza. "I think she wants to try some, Shua" Vernon said. "Y/ N, do you think? Can she have a bit" he asks. "A little. I don't see why not" I reply. Joshua gives Olivia a little bit of pizza and she really likes it. "Was that nice, Liv?" he said. We continue to hangout before the show and the boys play with Olivia. Chan and Jun are playing with her now. She likes shuffling around on her bum. We find that really cute. Olivia shuffles around and gets on all fours. She starts crawling around Chan and Jun. "Look, guys. She's crawling" Jun said. "Ohhhh she is" Chan said. "That's my big girl, Olivia" Joshua said going up to her and picking her up. "Our big girl indeed" I reply. "Daddy is so proud of you, little girl" he smiles kissing her cheek. The boys perform soon and me and Olivia loved the show

Jihoon ❤️

Seoyeon loves tummy time every day. It's one of her favourite baby things to do. We've been doing tummy time with her since she was about 3 months old. They said it's good if you start them young. She's our beautiful little girl and we love her so much. Little Seoyeon is so adorable. She's the apple of her daddy's eyes. Seoyeon is having tummy time now in the lounge. Me and Jihoon are watching her. One of us needs to be there as she's too young to be left alone atm. Jihoon is next to her playing with her and making sure she's okay. "Baby girl, are you going to crawl for Appa" Jihoon said. "She will. Don't worry, Hoon" I reply. "Seoyeonie, you're so beautiful. You make Appa cry sometimes" he said. "Appa can be silly sometimes. Don't worry you don't hurt him" I reply. "Yeah I am silly" Jihoon replies. Jihoon makes some silly faces at Seoyeon for a while. Seoyeon smiles at him and starts crawling towards him a few minutes later. "Yessss. She's crawling. You're crawling, Seoyeon. You made apps so proud" Jihoon said. "I told you she'd do it. Well done. Clever girl" I said. "You're the best" he said picking her up and kissing her. Jihoon had a big smile on her face. Seoyeon just crawled for the first time. That's our adorable little girl

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