18. a. He Sings To Your Bump

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Vernon 💙


I love to cuddle with Y/ N and sing and rap to our son in her belly. I am definitely going to teach him going him now to be a star just like me. I want my son to be just like me. I would love that. But I guess it depends what he wants to do when he's older. Me and Y/ N are laid on our bed talking and cuddling. She's resting her bed on my shoulder and I'm holding her close to me. "Babe, do you think our son will be a rapper just like me?" I say. "I don't know, Vern. It depends what he wants to do" Y/ N replies. "Yeah I know but it would be really cool if he was just like his daddy" I say. "Yes. A mini Vernon" she laughs. "No I'm being serious" I reply. "It's okay" she says. I cuddle and kiss her cheek. "I need to rap to him" I said. "I'm sure he'll love that" she said. I start freestyle rapping to our son. I see Y/ N smiling and laughing. I carry on doing it. "Hope you liked that, son. Daddy can't wait to meet you" I say. Y/ N smiles at me again. I love rapping to my son and can't wait till he's here so we can rap together

Joshua 💜

I absolutely love Joshua to play the guitar and sing to me and our baby girl. He's so good and has such a beautiful voice of course. I'm so proud of my husband and I love him so much. I am laying in bed waiting to fall asleep and Joshua is getting ready. He'll be in soon. The door opens from in the bedroom and Joshua walks in playing his guitar. He sits next to me on the bed and smiles at me starting to sing Seventeen's song Second Life. He looks right into my eyes and sings to me and our baby girl. I couldn't help but smile. Joshua is so beautiful and talented. I'm the luckiest woman in the world to have him in my life. He's the best. Joshua carries on singing for a couple more minutes and it was amazing. "Oh, baby! That was so beautiful and amazing" I smile. "Awe. Anything for my two beautiful girls in the world" Joshua smiles. "I love you so much. I have the most amazing and talented husband in the world" I say. "Awww, baby I love you so much too. You and our baby girl are the best things that have ever happened to me" Joshua beams. "Ditto" I reply. He kisses me and puts his guitar down and lays next to me in bed. Joshua is the sweetest husband in the world

Jihoon ❤️

Even Jihoon comes home from work he always sings to our baby girl inside of me. It's so sweet if him. He misses us both so much. Our daughter loves to her fathers voice as I always feel her kicking and moving around when he's singing to her. I'm sitting on the couch waiting for Jihoon to come home. It's 7:30pm so he'll be home soon. I'm on my phone waiting for my lovely husband to come home. Can't wait to see Jihoonie. About 30 minutes later the front door opens and Jihoon walks in exclaiming "Hey, baby". "Hi, love" I said. "How's my girls?" he asks. "We're pretty good" I reply. He sits on the couch and kisses me. "Hi, darling" he said. He then kisses my bump. "My little princess. Daddy is here" he said. "Daddy is here and he's gonna sing to you, baby girl" I say. "Oh yes he is" he said. Jihoon places his head against my bump and starts singing to our baby girl. As soon as he starts to sing, I feel her move. Jihoon sings a sweet little lullaby to our little girl. "Did you love that, sweet girl?" Jihoon said to her. "She did very much" I reply. "Oh I'm glad she did" he said. "You're so cute. Love ya" I say. "Love ya both" he said. I love it when Jihoon sings to our daughter when he gets home from work

Seungkwan 💖

Seungkwan said that he's written a song for me and our baby boy today while he's been in the studio. He's going to sing it when he comes home tonight. The sound of my husbands sweet singing voice often sends me off to sleep. He soothes and relaxes me when he serenades me and our unborn son. I had a day off from work today so I've been at home all day waiting for Seungkwan to come home. He'll be back soon hopefully. Soon I hear the front door open. I'm taking a rest my laying on our bed. "I'm home, jagiya" he said. "Hello" I say. "Hey, babe. Are you resting?" Seungkwan smiles. "Yes I am" I reply. "I don't want to disturb you" he said. "No it's fine. Don't worry. So what's this song you've been writing?" I asks. "Do you wanna hear it, my love?" he replies. "Yes please. I'd love to" I reply. Seungkwan lays next to me on our bed and starts singing the song he wrote for me and our boy today. It's for both of us. My face lights up with a smile as he sings to me and our little boy. I doze off to sleep a little. "Kwanie, that was amazing. Awww our boy loved that" I say. "I'm sure he did" he smiles. "Love you. That was the sweetest and most beautiful song ever" I say. "Oh darling. I'm so glad it was" Seungkwan smiles as he kisses me on the lips. My lovely husband singing is the best thing ever

Jeonghan 🧡


Me and Y/ N can't wait to welcome our twins into the world in the next few months. We love to be surprised and that's by not knowing the genders. We love snuggling on the couch in the evening  and I love singing to Y/ N and the twins. I am sitting close to her and I have my arms around her. We are watching TV but cuddling too. "Hannie, you're the cutest" she said. "No you're the cutest, sweetheart and our babies too" I say. "Awwww, baby" Y/ N said. "I love you. I love you all" I say. "And we love you too, Hannie" she said. I lean down and kiss Y/ N's bump softly. "Sing for me and them, Jeonghan" she said. "Of course I will, baby" I say. I kiss her bump gently again and sing a sweet lullaby to Y/ N and the babies. My loves. Y/ N's face lights up as I sing. "Hannie, that was beautiful. Me and the babies absolutely loved it" she said. "Beautiful just like all three of you" I smile. "Jeonghan, you're too sweet. You're gonna be the best father in the world to these little beans" Y/ N said. I smile and kiss her bump and then her lips. Y/ N and I carry on watching TV till we fall asleep together on the couch before bed

Wonwoo 🤎

Wonwoo keeps teasing me that both of our boys are going to be rappers like him. I tease him that one of them will be a boxer and the other a football player. He really wants them to be rappers just like him. I don't really mind what they become when they are older. Can't wait to meet our boys. Wonwoo walks into the lounge while I'm sat reading a magazine. "Hey, baby. What's up?" he said. "Not much really" I smile. He sits next to me and smiles. "How's my babies doing? You and the boys" he said. "Fine. We're doing fine" I say. "Good" Wonwoo smiles. He looks at me and kisses my face all the way down to my bump. "You're so weird" I say. "Why? What's weird about kissing my pregnant girlfriends baby bump?" he replies. "No I'm joking but sometimes you are weird but I love you" I said. "I love you too. And for the record you are weird too" Wonwoo laughs. "I'll say it again I think our boys will be sporty" I say. "Oh no they won't. They will be rappers just like me" He said. "Yeah haha they can be whatever they want can our sons" I say. "Yes I guess so. Now let appa show then how it's done" Wonwoo said. He starts rapping a bit to the babies inside of me. I laugh and smile at the same time. Our boys can be whatever they want when they are older even though Wonwoo really wants them to be rappers. He can dream though

Seokmin 💚

Seokmin really loves to sing sweet little lullabies to our little girl in my womb. It's so sweet and it moves me so much. He's got such a beautiful voice and I have the best boyfriend in the world and father to my baby girl. Can't wait to welcome her into the world. Seokmin's favourite song to sing to the baby is Zero O'Clock by BTS. He sings it so well and I think our little girl loves it. We've fallen asleep on the couch watching a movie. Funnily enough it's about midnight now, zero o'clock in other words. Seokmin wakes up and yawns. "It's zero o'clock and you know what that means" he yawns. "Yes I do" I yawn back. Seokmin looks at me and starts singing Zero O'Clock to our baby girl in my belly. I smile but I yawn too as I'm tired. His singing could send me off to sleep anytime. Seokmin sings to us for a couple more minutes. "Awwww that was beautiful" I smile. "Thank you, sweetheart. We should get off to bed now but I just wanted to sing to my little princess before we headed off" Seokmin said. "Awwww, baby" I smile. Seokmin and I get into bed, snuggle and fall asleep together. I fell asleep with his beautiful voice in my head

A/ N: cute cute cute. Zero O'clock is one of my fave songs from MOTS7. It's so good

Jongdae from EXO has become a dad to a baby girl today. Congratulations to him and his wife. Can't wait to see what they named her. I'm sure she's beautiful

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