14. b. Finding Out The Gender

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Jun 💜


Me and Y/ N have been dying to find out the gender of our baby for a while and we are finally finding out today. I would really love a son. That would be amazing. I've always wanted a mini me. Y/ N knows how much I want a son. We are sitting and waiting for Y/ N to be called in for her scan. They are running a bit late on the clinic with one thing and another. "I've been waiting for this moment for so long" I say. "Me too. We are about to find out if we are definitely having a boy" Y/ N said. "Ohhhh yes I hope so" I reply. "What if it's a girl?" she asks. "Well I'll still love her of course" I smile. Y/ N gets called in by the midwife. She lays down and I sit next to her and hold her hand. She keeps smiling at me and I keep smiling at her too of course. "Can you tell if it's a boy? We really want to know please" I say. "Yes just hold on a minute" the midwife replied. She looks. "Yes I can confirm it is a boy. You were right" she said. "Yes a boy. Jun has always wanted a boy" Y/ N said. "Yessss. We are having a son. I'm so happy to be having a boy" I say. Y/ N smiles. The scan continues for a few more minutes and talk to the midwife. We were both so happy to find out that our baby is a boy. I am getting the son I've always dreamed of


Seungcheol 💙

Seungcheol and I are so excited today as we are going to find out the gender of our baby. Boy or girl. It doesn't matter to us at all. Either would be amazing and a blessing too. We are about to leave from home. "Shoot where are my keys" Seungcheol said in a panic. "Here" I say. "Good we can go. Sorry thought I lost them and plus I'm excited too" he said. "Don't worry" I reply. We get in the car and drive to the hospital and get there soon. "I couldn't possibly tell if this little one is a boy or a girl and I don't really mind anyway" Seungcheol said touching my bump. "I know I couldn't either. Boy or girl is amazing" I say. Soon we get called in for my scan. It was the same lady as last time and she was really nice. She puts the jelly stuff on my tummy and starts examining me. "Everything is great with the baby. Do you want to know the gender while you're here?" she asks. "Yes we would please" Seungcheol said. "Yep" I reply. "I see a little penis so you're expecting a baby boy" she said. "A boy. Oh wow! We are having a son, jagiya" he said. "We are. A boy. That's incredible" i say. "I'm so happy. A little Coups" he said. I smile and he gives me a kiss. Seungcheol and I leave the hospital holding hands feeling really happy that we are having a baby boy. A boy is incredible for our first child


Minghao 🖤

Me and Minghao are anxiously waiting at the hospital for my next scan and to find out the results of the tests that were taking weeks ago. We are going to get closure on the outcome of our baby and what's going on. We've been really anxious and nervous for weeks. We hope it's nothing to worry about. Minghao wouldn't let go of my hand as we are waiting. "I'll be glad when this is over and we know the full story weather it's good news or not" he said. "Yeah I know. I'm just so nervous, Hao" I reply. "I know you are, babe" he smiles. We get called in by the doctor who sits us down in her office. "Y/ N, as you know the midwife noticed something wrong on your last scan and took some tests. We have the results back" she said. "Yes" I reply. Minghao squeezes my hand hard. "I'm afraid the results are not too good. Your baby has spina bifida" she said. "Oh no. I knew it would be bad news" I cry. "What exactly is spina bifida?" Minghao asks. "It's when the baby's spinal cord doesn't form properly in the womb. We don't know how serve it will be till your baby is born" the doctor said. "Okay will it be life limiting for our baby" I reply. "Well she might be later walking and with development but it depends on how serve her spina bifida is. Some cases of spina bifida can cause brain damage" she said. "She. So we are having a baby girl" Minghao said. "Yes you are. Congrats. I will be here if you need support during your pregnancy or need to ask any questions" the doctor said. "A girl" I smile. The doctor examined me and everything looked okay. It's really disappointing and heartbreaking to find out our baby girl has spina bifida but hopefully it won't be too serve. We are having a little girl and we are so happy


Mingyu 🧡

Earlier this week me and Mingyu went to the hospital for my second baby scan. We got to see our little one for the second time. We decided not to find out the gender as we want it to be a surprise till our little monkey is here. We think that's the best thing to do. We love surprises. We will have the fun of guessing our babies gender and other people guessing too. We don't mind if we have a girl or a boy. Either would be amazing as our first child. "Babe, the suspense is killing me not knowing if the baby is a boy or a girl" Mingyu said. "But, Gyu I thought you both decided to wait till birth" I reply. "I know. We did but it's a long time" he replies. "I know but you just gotta he patient. I really want to wait" I reply. "I know and that's fine. I just can't wait to meet him or her" he replies. Mingyu smiles and places his hands on my bump. "Hey, little one. We don't know if you are a boy or a girl but this is your dad" he said. "Awe" I reply. "I think you're probably a boy and if you are, you're going to be tall just like your old man" he said. "Possibly" I laugh. I love how he's so cute by talking to the baby. Awwww he's gonna be a great father. "Jagiya, I would like to wait to find out the gender till he or she is born" Mingyu said. "Yes me too. I think it's a lot more exciting not knowing the gender of your baby" I reply. He smiles and kisses my cheek. I think we've done the right thing by not finding out the gender of our baby till they are born

Gender will be kept till the labor and delivery as they are not finding out till then. Any guesses?

Chan ❤️

Chan and I can't wait to find out the gender of our baby today. We can't wait to find out if we are having a little boy or girl. We don't know what the gender of the baby is but we can't wait to find out today. So excited to. Will it be a boy or a girl? We are sat in the waiting room ready to be called in. "I cannot wait to find out the gender of our baby" Chan said. "Me too. Well not long now. So exciting" I reply. "I would be so happy with a boy or a girl. I don't mind at all" he smiles. I smile back and he kisses me. The sonographer calls me in soon after. "Y/ F/ N, would you like to come here please" she said. "Hi" I say. We go into the room and I lay on the bed and she starts examining me. Chan sits by me and holds my hand throughout my scan. "Everything is looking very good with your baby you'll be pleased to know" the lady said. "That's great. Can you tell what the gender is?" I say. She nods her head and continues examining me. "It's a boy. Congratulations" she said. "Yay! A boy. Oh that's amazing" Chan said. "A baby boy. I'm so happy" I smile. "A mini me" he smiles. Chan and I leave the hospital feeling really happy that the scan went well and our baby is a boy and we are really happy


Soonyoung 💛

Soonyoung and I are on our way to the hospital for my next scan and to find out the genders of our twins. We cannot wait to find out. Kyungmi is at nursery today so it's just the two of us. We can't wait to find out if we are having boys or girls. We have just pulled up outside the maternity unit in the hospital now. "Here we are" Soonyoung said as we got out of the car. "Yep" I smile. He holds my hand as we walk in and take a seat in the waiting room. I check in and we sit in the waiting room and wait to be called in. "I think these two are both girls" Soonyoung said touching my bump. "Hmmm well I think they are a girl and a boy but we'll find out very soon" I reply. "Yes we will" he smiles. Soon I get called in by Jisoo who did my first scan and my scans with Kyungmi. "Hi, Y/ N" she said. "Morning, Jisoo" I reply. "Morning" Soonyoung said. We talk while she's doing my scan. "There are both the babies" Jisoo said. "Yes. Our little ones" Soonyoung said. "Our babies" I reply. I asked her that we wanted to know the genders of the babies. "I can see a girl and another girl. It's twin girls" Jisoo said. "Yesssss twin girls. We are having two more little princesses" Soonyoung said. "Two more little girls running around. Awe. I'm so happy, Soonyoung" I smile. "Me too, jagiya. Kyungmi is my pride and joy and these two girls will be" he said. "Kyungmi will have two little sisters to play with" Jisoo said. Soonyoung and I are having twin girls and we couldn't be happier. Two more little princesses will be arriving soon


A/ N: so that's all the genders of the babies. Mingyu's will be kept under wraps till the labor and delivery part. So Minghao's baby girl has Spina Bifida. As I said before I felt like I needed to do something different and make one if the babies have a disability just to be different and more creative. Hope y'all are okay with it. And I hope you're okay with Soonyoung's babies being girls. You probably thought it would be a boy and a girl. I could see him being a girl dad (dad of girls)

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