3. b. Finding Out You're Pregnant

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Jun 💜

Me and Jun have been trying for a baby these last few months but so far there's been no results so far. We would really love to have a baby even  though we are not married yet but maybe we will be soon. I think Jun will do the right thing and marry me if I got pregnant but you don't really have to be married to have a baby these days. My mom raised me and my brother on her own as my dad passed when we were young. Anyway I'm hanging out with my mom now. She is over at mine and Jun's place now. We have a mother, daughter day at least once a week. Jun is in the studio with the boys. Me and my mom are having breakfast. "Mom, how would you feel if me and Jun had a baby?" I ask. "Sweetie, are you pregnant?" she replies. "No I'm not yet but we've been trying" I reply. "Well that would be brilliant. I'd love a grandchild" she said. We eat lunch and tidy up. I start to feel a little funny and take myself off to the bathroom. I come over a bit lightheaded and take a few minutes in the bathroom. I probably ate too quick. I have a habit of doing that. My mom comes in looking concerned. "Y/ N, are you okay?" she asks. "Yeah I just feel a bit lightheaded and sick" I reply. "That can be a sign of pregnancy" she said. "I guess so but I've probably just eaten too quick and too much" I reply. "Tell you what. Why don't I pick up a pregnancy test for you? You might want to be sure" mom said. "No it's okay, mom. I don't think I'm pregnant as I had a period recently" I say. She insists and goes out and buys me a pregnancy test. I take it and yessss it comes back positive. I'm pregnant and Jun is going to be so happy

Seungcheol 💙

It's Seungcheol's and mine first wedding anniversary next week. We are going to be going out celebrating. We have also been trying hard for a baby since the spring. It would be amazing if I found out I'm pregnant before our anniversary. I want something special to tell him when we go out and celebrate our first wedding anniversary. Cannot wait. It would be even better if I got pregnant before then. Seungcheol and I are doing a few things round the house while we've got some time on our hands like tidying up and getting rid of things we don't need. We are thinking of when a baby comes along. We are clearing out cupboards now and making room for things. I've had a tummy ache for the the last half an hour. I probably need to go to the toilet. "Excuse me, Seungcheol. I need to go to the bathroom" I say. "Honey, you don't have to excuse yourself" he said. I go to the bathroom and sit on the toilet and go. I spend a few minutes on the toilet before Seungcheol walks in. "Jagiya, are you okay? You don't look so good" he said. "I'll be okay. Just needed the toilet" I say. He gives a reassuring smile. As I let off the toilet, I burp and feel sick. "Baby, are you alright?" Seungcheol asks. "Yeah I'll be fine" I say. "Dumpling, may I ask. Are you pregnant?" he asks. "I don't know, Seungcheol. I might be. I don't know. I wanted to tell you on our anniversary if I was. I don't want to take a test yet. I wanna see how I feel" I reply. "Okay, dumpling. That's okay. You can rest if you want. I can finish tidying out" he said. I smile. I started to feel better the day after but I still took a pregnancy test and guess what it was positive. I finally have something amazing to tell Seungcheol on our first wedding anniversary

Minghao 🖤

Minghao and I have sex a lot anyway but we've been doing it more lately and unprotected too. That's okay as we like doing it that way. I think I might be pregnant as I'm a week and a half late starting my monthly period. I haven't taken a test yet as I've been busy with work. I don't want to tell Minghao yet as we are not actually in a proper relationship so throwing a baby into the mix could complicate things but I think he'll be there for me if I'm carrying his child. I'm on my way to Minghao's place now for the night. I am in my car driving and I start to feel sick so I pull over at the side of the road near the supermarket. I rush out of my car and throw up in a trash can. Luckily there was no one around as it was hella embarrassing. I go into the store to get something to relive my sickness and also a pregnancy test. I pay for both items and go in the bathroom and take the test to get it out of the way. I read the instructions and pee on the stick as instructed. I waited for the results to show on the stick. It says pregnant. It's positive. What? I'm pregnant. How do I tell Minghao? Should I tell him later on tonight or leave it to another day. I'm pregnant with my best friends child. I can't quite believe it. You know we did talk about having a baby in the future if we don't find anyone else

Mingyu 🧡

It's been a couple of months since Mingyu and I got married and everything has been going great so far. We are going on our honeymoon in the next couple of weeks. We've also been trying for a baby since we got married. Since our wedding night. I haven't been feeling well for a couple of days. Mingyu knows I haven't been feeling well so he's been staying home with me to make sure I'm okay. Awwww he's the sweet and kindest husband ever. We are at home together now. Mingyu has gone to the bathroom and I'm sat on the couch. I start to feel a little feint. I pass out a little. Mingyu comes back and finds me. "Jagiya, are you okay? Can you hear me?" he said. I moan. He picks me up and takes me to the car. "Sweetie, I'm taking you to the hospital" Mingyu said. He puts me in the car and takes me to the hospital that's a few minutes away. He carries me in. I started to come round a bit when we got there. The doctors sees me soon. "My wife passed out at home. I didn't know what to do so I brought her here" Mingyu said. "You did the right thing" the doctor said. "She might be pregnant too. We've been trying for a baby since we got married two months ago" he said. The doctor checks me over and then takes a test. He comes back soon with the results. "Mrs Kim, the results are back and you are pregnant" he said. "Yes I thought I was. Does that explain why I feinted?" I ask. "Yes it does. You have low blood sugar too. You should eat a bit more but congratulations to the both of you" doctor said. "Honey, we are having a baby. I can't quite believe it. I'm going to be a dad" Mingyu cheers. "Yes we are" I feel. I come round and we are so happy to find out I'm pregnant

Chan ❤️

The other week me and Chan spent the weekend together at my place a few weeks ago when my parents were away. They didn't know that he was over and they wouldn't be happy if they did. We ended up having unprotected sex twice. It was good but I haven't been feeling well since then. I don't know if I'm pregnant or I've just got a stomach bug. My parents would kill both of us if I was pregnant. We are only 20 and 21 and we've got all our lives ahead of us. I know Chan loves me and he'll be there for me every step of the way. I'm going to my older cousins place today. She's like a sister to me. We are really close. She has two children of her own so she'll know what to do if I go to her. She doesn't know I'm coming. I arrive and knock on the door. Jiyeon answers. "Hi, Y/ N. Are you okay?" she asks. "Yes. Well no. Can I come in? I want to talk to you about something" I say. "Of course you can" she smiled. Jiyeon takes me upstairs to her room. "What's the matter, Y/ N? You can tell me anything" she said. I take a deep breath and say "Well Chan and I spent the weekend together the other week and you know and we had unprotected sex. I might be pregnant, Jiyeon. Can you help me?". She looks at me and says. "I will of course. I have some pregnancy tests here. I'll wait with you while you do it" Jiyeon said. "Thank you" I smile. I go into the bathroom and take the test. Jiyeon stands with me. "Two lines. You're pregnant" she said. I don't really know what to feel atm. Mixed feelings but I'll be fine once it's sunk in. "Promise me you won't tell my parents, Jiyeon" I say. "I won't tell a soul" she said. She smiles and gives me a big hug. I'm pregnant and I went to the right person for help. I will tell Chan when I can

Soonyoung 💛

Soonyoung and I have been trying for a baby for a few months now. About four months we've been trying for I would say. Can't wait till we have another baby. A little brother or sister for Kyungmi. I know she'd love to. I have just picked Kyungmi up from nursery now. She goes to nursery while Soonyoung and I are at work. I've finished work now and I'm picking my baby girl up and taking her home. I park outside the nursery and go in and go in and get Kyungmi then we go home. Soonyoung will be home in the next couple of hours. Can't wait to see him. When we get in the door, I start to feel a bit sick. I take Kyungmi into the lounge and sit her on the couch and she plays with a toy. "Hang on, Kyungmi. Mommy won't be long" I say. I go upstairs to the bathroom. I'm okay leaving Kyungmi for a few minutes while I go to the bathroom. I kneel down by the toilet and throw up quite a lot. I hold my hair back. I experienced the same kinda thing when I first got pregnant with Kyungmi so I think I might be pregnant. I reach in the drawer by the sink and grab a pregnancy test. I've been keeping a few since we started trying for another baby. The sickness seems a bit worse this time. Don't know if that's a good or a bad thing. I sit on the toilet and take the test. The results display a few minutes later and I'm pregnant by 6 weeks. I jump for joy and scream but not too loud as I don't want to alarm Kyungmi. I'm pregnant and Soonyoung will be so happy. We are having a second baby

A/ N: sorry if some are longer than others. Just the way it worked. Excited for the next part as it's when he finds out

Fallin' Flower is so good. I love it

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