40.a. Baby Comes Home

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Vernon 💙

Baby Isaac was born the night before last and me and Vernon are taking him home for the first time this morning. We can't wait to get our gorgeous little man home. He's beautiful and we love him so much. We are getting ready for leaving now as we got the all clear about an hour ago. We knew we would be going home sometime today. Isaac is all fed and changed. We are just getting him dressed now ready to take him home. "Which onesie do you think, Vern?" I ask Vernon. "They're both pretty cute but I would probably have to say that one" he said pointing to the blue one out of the blue and red ones. "Thanks. Me too. I'll put him in that with some pants and is cute jacket" I say. I get Isaac dressed and he's almost ready to go home. "There we go. You're all ready to go home with mommy and daddy, Isaac" I say. "Yes and you look adorable, son" Vernon smiles. He picks him up and lifts him into his car seat and buckled him in. "Come on. Let's go" he said. Vernon carries Isaac out of the hospital in his car seat. He has one of the bags on him and I have the other one in my hand. We say bye to everyone at the hospital before we get the elevator to the parking lot. We had a cab waiting to take us home. When Isaac was born, Seventeen we're doing a show so we didn't have our car so we are going in a cab which is not the end of the world I suppose. Isaac fell asleep when we got him in the car. Awww. Bless him. We made it home almost an hour later. It seemed a long time with a newborn but Isaac was very soon and didn't make a sound. It's great to have our boy home

Joshua 💜

Little Olivia was born at home in the early hours of this morning. She's about 12 hours old already. She's so gorgeous. Joshua and I are so in love with her. She's our beautiful little girl who we love so much. The first half day has been amazing already. It's amazing to have her here. Joshua is sat on the couch holding little Olivia now. I walk in and sit on the couch next to them. "Hey, how are you two doing?" I ask. "Good. Y/ N, I can't take my eyes off our beautiful girl. She's the most beautiful thing I've seen" Joshua smiles. "She is. The most beautiful little girl in the world. Look how she's snuggling on your chest" I say. "I think. I think she loves daddy already" he said. "Of course she does. She was a daddy's girl right from the moment she was conceived" I smile. "You're doing good. Aren't you, Olivia?" Joshua said. "She's doing great. Joshua, she's a miracle sent from above" I smile. "She is. Y/ N, we need to have a million more babies. Ha" Joshua said. "Yes that's right, Shua" I reply. He gives me a little kiss on my forehead and little Olivia too. We will be getting her ready for her first night soon. Olivia is gorgeous and we are so glad we made the decision to have a home birth. It was relaxing having her in our own home. Me and Joshua are so blessed to have such a lovely and beautiful little girl

Jihoon ❤️

Seoyeon was born a few days ago. We've been in hospital since she was born as I took a fall at home which caused me to go into labor. We are both okay now. They just wanted to keep an extra eye on us as I took quite a fall and lost quite a lot of blood so they just wanted to make sure we were okay. Seoyeon is gorgeous. She's so sweet and a blessing. Jihoon loves being a daddy already. He's taken to it so well. I always knew he would be a fantastic father. We are in the car on our way home from the hospital with baby Seoyeon now. It feels like we've been stuck in the hospital forger. Jihoon has been home for our things. I'm sat at the back of the car watching little Seoyeon. Jihoon is driving of course. "How's my baby girl doing back there?" he asks. "She's sleeping and minding her own business" I reply. "Good. Tell her we'll be home soon and she can have cuddles with daddy" Jihoon said. I smile. We arrived home to our house soon. Jihoon parked up and got Seoyeon from the back seat. "Let's get your inside, my little girl" he said. I open the door and I walk in. There's nothing like being home. "The steps I fell down. Ugh" I say. "It's okay, honey. You obviously didn't mean to. Don't blame yourself" Jihoon said. "I'm not doing" I say. Seoyeon needed feeding when we got in. I've been having trouble breastfeeding her. She won't latch on and feed so I've been told to formula feed her until the midwife comes next week. It's not too bad though but my milk keeps coining through. We got home with our little baby girl and it was great to

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