54. b. Baby's First Steps

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Jun 💜

We are on our first family vacation in the French Riviera and we are having a great time. It's a beautiful place and it's great to be there. Timmy is loving his time as well as Jun and I. Probably not the most child friendly place but we are still here and having a great time. We have decided to go to the beach today with Timmy. It's just the day for the beach. It's really hot. Our first family day out was at the beach back home when Timmy was just a couple of months old. Timmy loves playing in the sand. He's making a sandcastle with Jun right now. It's so cute to watch them. Timmy is putting sand into the bucket. "Do you want daddy to help you?" Jun said. "I think he's okay" I reply. "Okay" he replies. Jun and Timmy carry on making sandcastles. They make one but it falls down a minute later. "Uh oh. Good try though" I say. "Should mommy make one with you now, Tim?" Jun said. "Yes I can do" I smile. I make a sandcastle with Timmy and he enjoyed it. He stands up about halfway into it. "Ohhhh careful, Timmy" I say. He falls over a moment later. "Oh dear, Tim" Jun said. He picks him up back into his feet. Timmy looks at me and walks a couple of steps to me. "Junnie, our boy just walked" I say. "He did. Amazing, Timmy. Mommy and daddy are so proud of you, son" Jun replies. "We are indeed. Our big boy" I reply. We both give him a big kiss. We carry on our fun day on the beach in the French Riviera

Seungcheol 💙

Me and Chanwoo are waiting at home for Seungcheol to arrive home from work. He'll be back soon in the next half an hour or so. Earlier Chanwoo took his first steps for me. I haven't told Seungcheol. I wanna surprise him and see if he'll do it for him when he's home. "Chanwoo, daddy will be home soon. Will you walk for him when he gets home?" I say. He's thinking about it. Soon the door opens and Seungcheol walks in with a smile on his face. "Hey, familia. I'm home" he said. "Hey, Cheol. How was the day?" I say. "Great but I'm happy to be home to you and our boy now" he smiled. "Guess what, Seungcheol?" I say. "What?" he replies. "This little boy here just took his first steps for me earlier" I say. "Did he? Why didn't you tell me?" he said. "Because I wanted it to be a surprise" I reply. "Damn. I can't believe I missed his first steps" he said. "He might do it for you now" I say. Seungcheol goes over to Chanwoo and sits next to him. "Are you gonna walk for me, buddy? Please do" he said. After sometime, Chanwoo gets up on his feet and walks to Seungcheol. His face lights up and he's so happy to see his son walk for the first time. "I told you he'd do it. Well done, Chanwoo. You just made your Appa so happy" I say. "You did. Wow! I'm the happiest man in the world right now" he smiles. Chanwoo walks to him again. I knew he would walk for Seungcheol when he came home today. So amazing. We love him so much. Our amazing and adorable little boy

Minghao 🖤


The boys from the performance team and me are in the studio today rehearsing for our comeback. Y/ N and Mingmei have popped in to see us. My baby girl is now a year old now and she's doing amazing. Me and Y/ N are such proud parents of her and we are married now too. It feels great to be married. We are husband and wife. We got married two months ago on Mingmei's first birthday. Me and the guys are taking a break soon. Y/ N got some lunch on the way for us to have. She got Subway which is one of our favourites. The music stops and I go over to my girls. "Lunchtime" Y/ N said. "Thanks for bringing us lunch, Y/ N" Chan smiles. "No problem" she smiles. "I'm starving" Jun said. We sit down on the floor and eat. Y/ N brought something for Mingmei to eat. After lunch we could play with Mingmei for a bit before getting back to work. She can stand up now but assisted with mine or Y/ N's help. We don't know when she'll walk. Children born with spina bifida can be later walking. Mingmei stands up with my help. I hold her hands tight and she looks at me and the boys. "She's standing" Soonyoung said. "I know. That's my girl" I smile. "She's holding herself really well" Y/ N said. Mingmei moves her feet and takes a couple of little steps to me. "She's moving her feet, Minghao" Y/ N said. "She is" I say. "She's kinda walking I guess" Chan said. "She is. Mingmei is a big girl" Jun said. I daren't let go of her in case she fell. We all cheered at Mingmei taking her first steps assisted today

Mingyu 🧡

It's just been Minhyuk's birthday and he almost took his first steps on his birthday. He's now a year old and it's amazing that he is. Our boy is a year old. Our lovely baby boy. Mingyu is playing with Minhyuk in the lounge right now and I'm cooking dinner. I don't mind cooking. They just love to spend time together. I'm making spring onions and chicken noodles for tonight. It's gonna be delicious. I can hear Mingyu and Minhyuk having fun. There is lots of giggling going on. "You boys are having fun. I can tell" I say. "Yes we are. So much fun. Aren't we, Minhyukie" Mingyu said. The boys carry on playing and having fun together. I carry on cooking and making a delicious meal. When the meal is almost done, I hear Mingyu call over. "Y/ N, look. Minhyuk is on his feet" he said. "Oh is he" I reply. I go over to the lounge and see Minhyuk on his feet holding onto the coffee table leg. "Oh my gosh. You are standing, baby boy" he said. "He is. Our baby is standing. Are you gonna take your first steps for mommy and daddy, Minhyuk?" Mingyu said. A minute later, Minhyuk lets go of the table leg and takes his first steps to me and Minhyuk. "Well done, Appa is so proud of you" Mingyu said. "And Eomma too" I say. Mingyu picks Minhyuk up and kisses him. "I knew you could do it, son" he smiles. So amazing that Minhyuk took his first steps this evening just before dinner

Chan ❤️

Today we are at the park with Chan's parents this afternoon. It's a nice mild autumn day. Hyunsuk is now a year old and he's doing amazing. Everything is amazing with him. He loves playing and having fun. He's almost walking too. Chan's parents love spending time with Hyunsuk. He's their first grandchild. We are sat in the grass eating a picnic that Chan's mom made up. Hyunsuk is eating some fruit. Yes we've raised him to eat healthily like us. "He's really enjoying his apple. Isn't he?" Chan's mom said. "Yes he loves apples, mom. His favourite fruit" Chan replies. Hyunsuk carries on eating and enjoying his apple. I love to see him enjoying things. After we had eaten we let Hyunsuk play. He can stand up by himself with assistance from us. He is standing up now and Chan is holding one hand and his dad is holding the other. "He can balance well without wobbling much" Chan's dad said. "He can. He's our clever boy. I love being a daddy to this one"  Chan aid. I smile. Hyunsuk stays up on his feet and doesn't fall down. He lets go and Chan and his dads hands and out of the blue takes his first steps. "He's walking. He's walking. Our boy" Chan exclaims. "Well done, Hyunsukie. You're walking, baby boy" I say. "Such a clever boy, Hyunsukie" Chan's mom said. His dad recorded Hyunsuk's first steps on his phone. "I just had to get that moment on video" he said. "Ohhhh send it to us" Chan said. We were all reeling so much from Hyunsuk's first steps. It was incredible. Such an incredible moment. Our boy is now walking. What a great day at the park?

Soonyoung 💛

Our girls are a year old now. Don't know where the last year has gone with Haeun and Eunmi in our lives. We've been parents to three beautiful little princess for a year now. Soonyoung and I both adore our little girls. They are definitely all daddy's girls. Haeun is now walking and Eunmi is showing signs of walking like anytime. We are out playing in the backyard with the girls this afternoon. Luckily we have a nice big backyard for them to run around. Kyungmi especially loves to do it. She is three now. Anyway Soonyoung and I are playing with the girls. He is pushing Haeun on a swing and I'm playing with Kyungmi and Eunmi. "Eomma, I wanna go on the swing" Kyungmi said. "Ask Appa after Haeun has finished" I reply. We carry on playing with the girls in the backyard. It was Kyungmi's go on the swing when Haeun had finished. I stayed with the twins. Eunmi wanted to stand up so I helped her. "Soonyoung, she's standing up again" I say. "I know. Good girl, Eunmi" he smiles. Eunmi lets go of my hands and walks to Soonyoung. "She's walking. You're walking, Eunmi" he said. "You are. Eunmi" I reply. "Both our girls are walking" he said. "Incredible" I said. Haeun got up and walked too. Amazing. Both our baby girls are walking. It's such an incredible feeling. Our baby girls

A/ N: so only one more part to go guys. I really don't want this book to end. I've loved doing it

Heng:garae is so good. Atm I don't think it's my fave SVT album. An Ode is still up there. I love Left & Right though. Such a good title track

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