29. Labor/ Delivery- Jihoon ❤️

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I'm still a few days off my due date. Me and Jihoon are very ready to be parents to our little girl Seoyeon. We are so excited for her arrival. Jihoon has still got to work but he's on hand if I go into labor when he's out. He will be there in a flash. We hope Seoyeon comes on time. I've been thinking that for the last few days now. Jihoon doesn't like leaving me alone so he's asked one of my friends or relatives to stay with me for the day while he's at work. I told him I don't need babysitting but he insisted. My older sister Jangmi is with me today. I know Jihoon just wants me to have someone with me in case I go into labor. Jangmi and I are having sometime together sat down on the couch. "Jihoon worries about me too much" I say. "I know he does. He's a concerned husband" Jangmi said. "I know" I say. A little later I go up to the bathroom as I need to pee. Ahhh it's so much better when you pee. I leave the bathroom and I go down the stairs. All of a sudden, I loose my footing and fall down the stairs. My sister hears me and comes running. I think I hit my head and my bump. "Y/ N, what happened? I heard a bang" Jangmi says. "I fell. Ahhhh" I say. "It's okay. I'm calling an ambulance now. You're bleeding from your head" she said. I think I banged my bump too. I hope I've not hurt our little baby girl. Jangmi calls an ambulance and stays by my side till they come. She calls Jihoon too. I can't believe I fell

Jihoon comes as soon as he hears. I was rushed to the hospital. I was a bit unconscious and I didn't know what was happening but I knew I was taken to the emergency room. Jihoon runs in. "Baby, I'm here" he said. "Jihoon" I mutter. "What happened?" he asked Jangmi. "She fell down the stairs" she said. "I told you to watch her" he said. "I did. She just fell. Sorry" Jangmi said. "Sorry I yelled" Jihoon said. The doctors examine me. "Yeah she's in labor. The fall brought it on. Baby could be born soon" the doctor said. "What's gonna happen? Is my wife and daughter gonna be okay" Jihoon said. "Don't worry they will be" the doctor smiles. I start to come round a bit and then I start to haemorrhage and seizure. "She's haemorrhaging and fitting. We need to get this baby out now" the doctor. "No no is she gonna be okay. Are they both gonna be okay?" Jihoon yells. "We need to do this now or you could loose them both" the doctor said. The wheel me into the operating room rapidly. Jihoon comes running after me. Jangmi tries to pull him back. "You can't come in, Mr Lee. I'm sorry" one if the midwives said. Jihoon was so disappointed he couldn't come in with me but they needed to do what was best for me and our baby girl. They rush me into the operating room and start the c section immediately. They put me under anaesthetic so I wasn't conscious. I can't imagine how Jihoon and Jangmi is feeling right now. He must've been beside himself. I know he worries a lot. I needed sometime to recover after the big ordeal and the c section. I lost a bit of blood and needed a transfusion


I am waiting in the waiting room with Jangmi as Y/ N gets an emergency c section. I'm so worried. It was so bad what happened to her. I can't believe she fell down the stairs. I almost lost them both. The door opens and the doctor walks out. "Everything went well. Your daughter is healthy and you may meet her. Y/ N is in the recovery room coming round. You can see her later" he said. "Thank you. Thank you" I say rejoicing. The doctor leads me into the nursery where our newborn daughter is. Jangmi didn't come with me as she didn't want to deprive me of the first moments with my daughter. "Here's your daughter. She's beautiful" he said. "Thanks. Hello, baby girl" I say. "Does she have a name yet?" the doctor asked. "Yes we are calling her Seoyeon. Can I hold her?" I say. He nodded and picked up Seoyeon and I held her for a bit. Later I could go into see Y/ N. I had Seoyeon in my arms. I couldn't put her down. She's so sweet and adorable. Y/ N was awake when I walked in. "Hey, jagiya. There is someone here who would like to meet you" I say. "Hi, Jihoon. She's here. Our little girl" Y/ N said. "I'm so relived and glad I didn't loose you two. I was fearful I would" I say. "Jihoonie, we are both here. Our little girl is so beautiful. Let me hold her" Y/ N said. "Of course, sweetie. Seoyeon, this is your mommy. She's been so brave today" I say handing Seoyeon to Y/ N. "You're so beautiful" she said. "She takes after her mommy" I say. Y/ N smiles. She spends sometime holding Seoyeon. Today was a really traumatic day but our baby girl is here safe and well and Y/ N is okay after her fall

 Today was a really traumatic day but our baby girl is here safe and well and Y/ N is okay after her fall

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💗 Lee Seoyeon 💗
Born August 25th @ 3:12pm
Weight 6lbs 11oz

A/ N: baby Seoyeon so beautiful. I find all these adorable baby pictures and it just makes me want one. In the future ofc. I did say it was going to be dramatic

Kwanie is next

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