3. a. Finding Out You're Pregnant

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Vernon 💙

Lately I haven't been feeling well. I've been feeling pretty sick and tired. I haven't changed my diet or done anything different recently. Vernon and I have been more sexual active quite often so I might be pregnant. I have a feeling I might be. I'm kinda scared to take a test just in case I'm not and it's something else. I'm at home on my own. Vernon is working in the studio with the boys long hours. I am talking to my best friend Amy back in California now. We have been besties since high school. We try to keep in touch as often as we can. "Amy, can I tell you something?" I say. "Sure, Y/ N. You are my best friend" she said. "Lately I haven't been feeling well. I think I'm pregnant but I'm too scared to take a test" I say. "When was the last time you had a period?" Amy ask. "I don't know. Like three or four weeks ago" I reply. "Take a test, Y/ N if you're worried" she said. "Vernon and I have been more sexually active recently" I said. "Well I would take a test then. Don't be scared. Have you guys discussed having a baby" Amy said. "Yeah kinda. Not that I think Vernon would be mad or anything. He supports me through everything" I reply. I talk to Amy for a bit longer and I take her advice and next day buy a pregnancy test. I take the test and it comes back positive. I'm pregnant. Yes I'm happy and I think Vernon will be too

Joshua 💜

I've been feeling pretty nauseous and sick for the last few days. Joshua and I have been trying for a baby so hard recently. I haven't taken a pregnancy test as I'm not due to start my period yet. I'm waiting till then or till I feel worse. I'm sick at all times of the day. Sometimes when I'm eating or just eaten. Joshua and I are going to have dinner now. He's cooked tonight as I wasn't feeling up to it. Awwww he's the sweetest husband in the world and I love him so much. As we sit down at the kitchen table for dinner I start to feel a bit sick. "Sorry, Joshua. I need to go to the bathroom" I say. "It's okay, honey. Do you want me to come with you" he said. "Sure if you want to see me throw up" I say. "I want to make sure you're okay, my angel"
Joshua said. I go up the bathroom and kneel down by the toilet and throw up a bit. "You don't have to eat anything if you don't feel like it" Joshua said. "I don't know yet, Shua" I reply. He kneels beside me and holds my hair back and rubs my back. "Do you think you could be pregnant, babe?" he asks. "I don't know yet. I'm not due to start my period yet" I say. "Oh okay" Joshua said. I was sick a bit more but I did eat something which was good. A few days later I felt a bit worse so I took a pregnancy test and it came back positive. Joshua wasn't with me so he doesn't know but I'm going to tell him very soon and I know he'll be so so happy just like me

Jihoon ❤️

Jihoon and I have been trying for a baby for a while. Quite a few months. We really want a little one running around soon. We've been married for a while and we feel like now is a good time to have a baby and start a family. We want a couple of kids to start off with but only one for now. Jihoon is an amazing husband so he'll be an amazing father. I've just got back from work. Jihoon is still our working but he'll be back in about an hour or so. I walk in the door of our beautiful condo. I grab a glass from the sink and have a drink of water. I go to the bathroom and sit on the toilet and start to have stomach cramps. "Ahhhh ahhhh" I say. I sit for a few minutes wondering what to do. I start to feel a bit nauseous but I don't feel like I can be sick. I then get off the toilet and decided to head down the street to the local pharmacy to pick up a pregnancy test. I realise that I might be pregnant. Early signs of pregnancy can include cramps and nausea which is what I'm experiencing. I grab the pregnancy and go back home and take the test before Jihoon arrives. I sit on the toilet and pee on the stick and yesss it comes back with a positive result. I'm pregnant. 4 weeks to be precise. I hide the test back in the box out if Jihoon's way where he can't find it. I can't wait to tell him once i find how to

Seungkwan 💖

I haven't been feeling good lately. I haven't been feeling well. I haven't told Seungkwan as he's a worrier and I don't want to worry him in case it's nothing to worry about. I might be pregnant but I don't know yet as I've been holding back from taking a test. I don't know what do. I guess I'll just wait for it to pass. I might feel better in the next few days. It's 2am in the middle of the night now. Seungkwan is asleep but I wake up feeling uneasy. I don't want to wake him up so I get out of bed quietly and go into the bathroom. I go to the toilet and sit for a few minutes. I don't want Seungkwan to know I'm having a bad night. I then remember that I have an unused pregnancy test laying in the drawer somewhere. I find it in one of the drawers and get it out of the drawer and take it. The door is closet so Seungkwan shouldn't hear me. I pee on the stick and wait for the results to come back. A few minutes later it comes back with a positive result for pregnancy. Yessss I'm pregnant. I try not to scream but I know Seungkwan will be happy when I tell him. If he wakes up I'm not going to tell him right now in the middle of the night. I hide the pregnancy test somewhere he won't find it and go back to bed. Seungkwan wakes up. "Are you okay, honey?" he asks. "Yes I'm fine. I just needed the bathroom" I say rolling back into bed. "Okay" he yawns. I'm pregnant and I can't wait to tell him

Jeonghan 🧡

I took three pregnancy test the other day. Two of them came back positive and one negative so it looks like I'm pregnant. I'm going to the doctors this morning just to 100% make sure I'm pregnant. I think I am but I want to be sure. I haven't told Jeonghan I'm pregnant and doing to the doctors. I don't want to yet I want to make sure I am. I am on my way now. I'm going into work after. I find a parking space and park up and get out of the car. I sign in and take a seat in the waiting room. I just wanna find out if I'm pregnant. Two out of three tests were positive so I probably am. I get called in by the doctor. "Morning, Mrs Yoon. What's your problem?" he said. "Hello, Doctor. The other day I took three pregnancy tests and two of them came back positive. I just want to make sure I'm actually pregnant" I reply. "Sure would you like to go into the toilet. Come out when you're ready" the doctor said. A few minutes later I take the test and come out handing it to the doctor. He runs it by the labs and comes back. "Mrs Yoon, I can indeed confirm that you are pregnant. Congratulations. The tests were correct" he said. "Yes I knew I was. I just wanted to be sure. Can't wait to tell my husband" I smile. The test were right indeed and I'm pregnant. A few weeks along. Cannot wait to tell Jeonghan. He'll be so happy

Wonwoo 🤎

I haven't been feeling right since a few days after Wonwoo and I got drunk at the party. We had really drink hot sex. Unprotected of course. It was worth it thought. I'm also almost a week late starting my period so something tells me I'm pregnant. Wonwoo and I have kinda discussed having kids but not right now. He said he would be happy if I got pregnant. I know he's gonna be a good dad. I'm heading home from uni and I decided to stop by the pharmacy to pick up a pregnancy test. I think I'll take one just in case I might be pregnant. I want to do it when Wonwoo isn't around. I go in and find where the section is. Clear blue is the most accurate pregnancy test I've heard. It's quite expensive so I hope it turns out to be positive. I pay for it and head home. Hopefully Wonwoo won't walk in when I'm in the middle of taking the test. I head straight for the bathroom and read the instructions before I jump in. I pee on the stick and wait for the results to show. Two lines show on the stick so that's a positive result I'm pregnant. Just as I was finished, the door opened and Wonwoo walked in. "I'm home, gorgeous" he said. "Just in the bathroom" I say. I fumble and drop the pregnancy test but I mange to hide it in a temporary place. Hopefully he won't see it but I'm pregnant and Wonwoo and I are having a baby

Seokmin 💚

I really haven't been feeling well for a couple of weeks. Me and Seokmin have been trying to have a baby for a couple of months. I am going to the doctors this morning to see if I'm pregnant or if it's another kidney flare up. Some of the signs can be the same to pregnancy so I just want to know what's going on. My mom is going with me. She doesn't want me to have a baby if I'm putting my life at risk but she said she'd support me like Seokmin. We are sat in the doctors office waiting now. Seokmin doesn't know I'm at the doctors. I don't want to worry him and I kind he'll support me whatever happens. "Mom, I'm nervous" I say. "It's okay, sweetie. I'm here. Whatever happens it will be okay" she said. "Mommy, you're the best" I say. I get called in a few minutes later. "Y/ N, hello" Dr Kim said. "Hi, Doctor" I said. He has known me since I was a child. "So, Y/ N. I have heard you having been feeling well" Dr Kim said. "Yes that's correct" I reply. We discuss about my symptoms. "If you don't mind me asking but have you been sexually active" he asked. "Yes me and my boyfriend have been trying for a baby" I say. "I will take some blood and run some tests to ease your mind" Dr Kim smiles. He takes a blood test. Ugh I hate needles so I look at my mom. He goes into another room and was a while but he came back. "The blood test has come back with a positive result for pregnancy. Congratulations to you and your boyfriend, Y/ N" Dr Kim said. "I thought so. I'm glad it wasn't another kidney problem. Phew" I say. "I'm going to be a grandma" my mom said. "You do know there might be a few complications on the way, Y/ N but you can keep coming to me for regular check ups" Dr Kim said. I'm pregnant and I'm gonna be a mommy. I can't wait to tell Seokmin. I know he'll be happy too

A/ N: finding out your pregnant. Doesn't necessarily feature the boys (apart from Joshua in this case) but is still a key part of the book

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