50. a. Family Day Out

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Vernon 💙

This afternoon we are going to the mall for our first family day out with baby Isaac. He's two months old so it's a good time to go out for the first time. I've missed going to the mall and shopping. It's one of my favourite things to do. We are getting ready now and leaving soon when Isaac is all fed and changed. I do that and dress him in a cute outfit for going out. "Little man is looking cute today" Vernon said. "He always is" I smile. "For sure" I reply. When we were ready we walk out of our apartment with Isaac in his car seat and find the car and get in it and on the way to the mall. "I can't wait to do some shopping" I say. "Yeah me too. It will be fun and we have our little boy now. We got a lot of Isaac's things from the mall we are going to" Vernon said. We arrived soon and found somewhere to park before getting out of the car and walking in. Isaac has just gone to sleep. Awe bless him. We will get some shopping in now that he's asleep. "Where should we start" Vernon asks. "Anywhere" I smile. Vernon sees a store he wants to look in first. It's a guys shop so I just keep my eye on Isaac. He could spend all day looking at clothes if I let him. He's very stylish is my guy. I told him he could take sometime looking. Then we went somewhere I wanted to look. Vernon pushed the stroller while I looked at what I wanted to. We shopped around for almost a couple of hours before we got hungry and wanted something to eat. So we find a restaurant to eat at. We order the food and sit down. Isaac has just woken up. He starts to fuss a little. "Hey, Isaac. What's up?" I say. "He's awake" Vernon said. "We are at the mall on our first family day out" i say. I lift him out of the stroller. "He's hungry. Better feed him" I say. I luckily pumped some milk so I could feed Isaac while we are out. Don't know how I feel about breastfeeding in public. I feed Isaac till our food comes. We had a delicious meal and then carried on shopping for a bit. We had a great day out at the mall with baby Isaac

Joshua 💜

Joshua and I are going out with baby Olivia this afternoon. We are going on a walk to a nature reserve nearby. It's a mild springs day so why not. We've been before and it's a beautiful place if you like nature like we do. We are in the car on our way now. Olivia is asleep in the back of the car. We haven't been out at all with her and she's 8 weeks old. Only on walks around the neighbourhood every now and then. We can't wait to get out on this nice day for a little while. "Almost there" Joshua said. "Yes. Can't wait" I reply. About 10 minutes later we arrive at the nature reserve. There are a few cars in the parking lot. We get out of the car and Joshua grabs the baby body carrier. He's going to carry Olivia on his chest as we walk. It's a hassle taking a stroller to a place like this. He lifts her out and straps her in. "Hey, Livie. We are here. You're going to be close to daddy today" he said. He grabs the bag and I grab the picnic bag with our lunch in. Joshua holds my hand as we start walking around. Little Olivia looks content in the carrier. "I've been dying to try this out since she was born but we haven't been out to use it. We smile at each other as we walk around. We've only bumped into a few people so far. After about an hour of walking we stop for lunch. We find a bench to sit at. Joshua got Olivia out if the car to make it more comfortable to eat. "Are you enjoying our day out, Olivia?" he said. "I think she is, Shua" I smile. We tuck into our sandwiches I prepared earlier. "Good" Joshua said. I nodded my head. We waited a little while for lunch to go down before carrying on our walk. Joshua puts Olivia back in her carrier as we walk. She's awake now for a while. People were saying what a cute family we are and how beautiful Olivia is. Awwww we blushed. We walked for less than an hour and then turned back to the parking lot and went home. We had a great afternoon at the nature reserve this afternoon

Jihoon ❤️

Jihoon, Seoyeon and I are going to his parents place today. It's the first time we've been to someone else's house since Seoyeon was born. We can't wait to see his family and spend sometime over there. Seoyeon is all ready to go. "Seoyeon, are you ready to go see halmeoni and hal-abeoji. They can't wait to see you" Jihoon said. "She can't wait" i say. We get Seoyeon into the car and on our way to Jihoon's parents. They are expecting us anytime. He tells them we are on our way. About 30 minutes later we arrive at Jihoon's parents. Their house is pretty big. We get Seoyeon out of the car and grab our stuff before knocking on the door. "Hi, Eomma and Appa" Jihoon said. "Hello. All of you" his mom said. "So good to see you, nae adeul" his dad says. We go in and they great us. "How is this beautiful granddaughter of ours?" his dad said. "She's great. Say hi, Seoyeon" Jihoon said. We go in and they get us drinks and snacks. "It's so good to have you over. We've only seen Seoyeon twice since she was born. We have missed her" his mom said. "You should've come more, mom" he said. "We love being here and seeing you" I say. We sit for a while and catch up with Jihoon's parents. They wanted to hold Seoyeon for a while. They've only seen her twice since she was born. We have FaceTimed them a few times though. "You're the cutest little girl in the world. You are definitely like your mother" Jihoon's dad said. "Yes she's beautiful just like her mother. That's what I tell her everyday" Jihoon said. "Y/ N, you're everything we ever wanted for Jihoon. You're the most perfect daughter in law we could ask for. He's a lucky boy to have you" his mom said. "Thank you, Mr and Mrs Lee. Jihoon is everything I ever wanted in a husband and father of my child" I reply. I still call them Mr and Mrs after all this time. We had a great few hours at Jihoon's parents with little Seoyeon and of course she was the main talk and centre of attention

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