51. b. Baby's First Smile

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Jun 💜

Timmy is two months old and he's growing up so much. Me and Jun can't believe he's been on this earth for two whole months. Just a little over actually. Our beautiful little boy. I am going to make a surprise visit to the studio with Timmy this afternoon. Jun doesn't know we are coming and he's going to be surprised when he sees us walk in. We are on our way now. "Are you looking forward to seeing daddy, Timmy?" I say. Timmy is chilling in the back of the car. I keep on talking to him while he's in the back of the car. Soon we pull up at the studio. I get Timmy out of the back and walk in. The studio staff always welcome me with open arms when I walk in. I know what studio Jun and the guys rehearse in. I quietly walk in and open the door. Jun stops and sees me. He almost falls over when he's dancing. "Y/ N, Timmy. What are you two doing here?" Jun says. "We've come to surprise you, sweetie. Timmy really wanted to see his daddy" I reply. "Awwww that's so good. We might get into a trouble if we stop" he said. "No it's okay. You have sometime with Timmy and Y/ N" Soonyoung smiles. Jun lifts Timmy out of his car seat and holds him. He smiles at him and makes cute faces at him. A few minutes later. Timmy smiled back at his daddy. He did it the other day for me. "Look, guys. My boy is smiling at me" Jun said to the boys. "Awww so cute" Seungkwan said. "Cutie" Seokmin said. "That's an adorable smile, Tim" Mingyu said. Me and Timmy stayed at the studio for a bit longer. It was great to see Jun this afternoon and Timmy smiled for the first time

Seungcheol 💙


We are at the park again this afternoon with Chanwoo. Me and Y/ N love the park. It's one of our favourite places to go. We are there this afternoon again with our boy. We went to the park last week with the boys. It was the first time they saw him too. It's just us today and we are having a great time. We are sat on the grass on a blanket. We've just had a nice picnic prepared by Y/ N. "Thanks for the picnic, jagiya. It was so good" I smile. "You're welcome, my jagi" Y/ N smiles. "I love you so much" I smile. I play with Chanwoo. I love playing with my boy. He's just like me. I smile at Chanwoo and make funny faces at him like I do. I throw up up gently. "Careful, you might hurt him, Cheol" Y/ N said. "No I won't. He's my boy" I say. "Okay as long as you won't" she said. I carry on playing with Chanwoo as we sit in the park. He lays down in between us. "Was that fun, boy?" I say. Y/ N laughs. We look down at Chanwoo and he's smiling a lot. "Baby, he's smiling. He's smiling so much" I say. "Awwwww he is. Our smiley boy, Chanwoo" Y/ N said. "You smiled, my boy" I smile. Chanwoo smiles for us again and it was so cute. We love him so much. We had a great day in the park today with our little boy

Minghao 🖤


Mingmei is almost 12 weeks old now. She's doing so well as is as lovely and adorable as ever. Me and Y/ N absolutely love being parents to our little princess. Our precious baby girl. She's the best little thing that's ever happened to us and we wouldn't change her for the world. It's the weekend and me and Y/ N are at home with Mingmei now. We like having chill weekends with her. We are planning to go shopping next week with her. I am sat on the couch cradling Mingmei in my arms. Y/ N is in the kitchen making herself a drink. I told her I didn't really want one. I talk to Mingmei and make faces at her. "My beautiful girl. Dada loves you so much" I say. "Ohhhh you do" Y/ N smiles from the kitchen. I smile at Mingmei and she smiled back at me. The first time she's smiled properly. Awwww amazing. "Y/ N, come here. Our little princess just smiled at me for the first time" I say. "Hang on, I'm coming, Hao" Y/ N replies. She comes into the lounge with her drink and sits next to me. "Did you smile at daddy, Mingmei?" she said. "Yes she did. Didn't you, my beautiful girl" I reply. "That's amazing. Can mamma see what beautiful little smile" Y/ N said. "Smile for mommy, Mingmei" I say. A few minutes later, Mingmei looks at Y/ N and smiles at her. "Yay! That's what i wanted to see. So beautiful, my darling" she said. I smile. Little Mingmei just gave us her first smile this afternoon and it was such an adorable moment

Mingyu 🧡

Little Minhyuk loves laying on his new play mat we got him. He's definitely his favourite thing. It's a cute play mat with toys and a mirror dangling down. He likes looking at his cute face. Mingyu and I are happy we got Minhyuk the play mat. It will be beneficial when he gets older too. Minhyuk is laying on his play mat now and having a good time. Mingyu is on the floor next to him smiling at him and making sure he's okay. He's only 10 weeks old but he's very inquisitive for a young baby. "Are you enjoying that, Hyuk?" Mingyu said. "He is. It's his favourite thing. He can't get enough of it" I reply. "Are you looking at yourself in the mirror? You're so handsome. Aren't you, son?" Mingyu said. I smile. Minhyuk continues to play with the mirror and look at himself. A few minutes later he smiles at himself in the mirror. "Was that a smile?" Mingyu said. "He it was a smile. Good boy" I reply. "Smile again, Minhyuk" he said. Minhyuk smiles again a few minutes later. "Aawww so cute. Mommy and daddy have been wanting to see your smile for ages" I say. "Yes we have. Our cute smiley boy" Mingyu said. I smile. We were so happy that little Minhyuk smiled for the first time today. So cute. He loves his play mat too

Chan ❤️

Chan left for Seventeen's US tour the other day. He's gonna be away for the next month. It's gonna seem like a long time without him. He's gonna miss a month of Hyunsuk's life. It's only been a few days but we miss him terribly already. Can't believe we won't see him for another few weeks. Hopefully it won't seem too bad as we are FaceTiming like everyday. I am sat on the couch holding Hyunsuk now. I finished feeding him not so long ago. "Should we FaceTime daddy, Hyunsukie? See what he's up to" I say. Okay I think he agrees. I grab my phone and FaceTime Chan. I don't even know what time it is in America now. He answers a minute later. "Hey, my loves" he said. "Hey, Channie" I say. "How's it going?" he asks. "Good good. We are missing you, babe" I say. "I'm missing you two more. Let me see my boy" Chan said. I point the camera to Hyunsuk. "Hey, Hyunsuk. Daddy is here. He misses you very much" Chan said. "Hyunsuk misses you very much too" I say. We talk for a few minutes and catch up. Hyunsuk keeps on looking at his daddy on the screen. "Babe, I think he's smiling at me a little" Chan said. "Is he?" I say. "Yeah look. He's smiling. Our boy is smiling" he said. "Awwww, Hyunsukie. You're smiling at daddy. You're so cute" I say. "He's adorable. I can't wait to see his little face again" Chan said. We talked for a bit longer. We miss Chan but he'll be home in the next few weeks

Soonyoung 💛

The girls will be 3 months old pretty soon. They are both so adorable and doing amazing. Haeun smiled for the first time the other day. Eunmi is yet fo give us her first smile but don't worry there is time. Our girls are so beautiful and that's all that matters. Soonyoung is doing the cooking tonight and I'm watching the girls in the lounge. He's good in the kitchen. Kyungmi is cuddling up next to me watching TV. She loves all things Disney. The twins are in their comfortable lounger pillows. They love them. They could lounge about all day in those. "Hows it going, Soonyoung?" I ask. "Well. It will be ready to eat soon" he said. He carries on cooking and I carry on watching TV and having time with the girls. I look down at Haeun and Eunmi and they are both smiling away. "Soonyoung, come" I say. "What's up, sweetie?" he replies. "Our beautiful girls are both smiling away" I reply. "Awe no way" he said. Soonyoung comes into the lounge and sees her girls smiling. "Beautiful, beautiful. My beautiful girls" he smiles. We could watch our beautiful girls smiling all day. Awww Eunmi's first proper smile too. They are smilers just like their sister

A/ N: the next part will be set a few months down the line when the baby crawls. Looking forward to it

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