11. b. Starting To Show

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Jun 💜

I am approaching the three month mark in my pregnancy now and I'm starting to show just a little bit. I finally feel like I'm pregnant now that I'm getting a little bump. Jun thinks it's so cute too. I'm in the kitchen cooking dinner. Jun arrived back from work not so long ago. He's getting changed and freshened up for dinner which will be ready soon. I am doing the orange chicken dish that we learnt a few weeks ago when we were celebrating our baby news. As I'm finishing off the meal, Jun comes into the kitchen. "Can I give a hand?" he asks. "No not at all. I got this" I reply. "Awe but baby I love to help you cook" he said. "I'm okay, Junnie but it was so sweet of you to ask" I reply. He comes over to me and gives me a big hug. "Baby, can I see that cute little baby bump of yours" Jun asks. "Sure" I reply. I roll up my top. "So cute and adorable just like him or her" he said. "Yes so very cute" I smile. "The cutest. I can't believe we'll be having a baby in the next six months. It's crazy" he said. I smile. Jun bends down and places his hand on my little bump and we both smile. I love how cute he is and he'll be so cute with our baby. The cutest guy he is. Anyway soon the meal was ready and we sit down and tuck in. Jun thanked me for making him a delicious meal

Seungcheol 💙

Seungcheol has had to go to Busan for a few days for some band promo. I'm missing him a lot and he's on been gone since yesterday. He'll be back in the next few days though. He won't be away much between now and the baby coming along. I'm meeting my sister for lunch this afternoon as I was feeling lonely and needed someone to hangout with as Seungcheol is away. Me and my sister are close and I can't wait to meet her today. I start by getting ready in the bathroom by doing my hair and makeup. I do that and then choose an outfit for lunch. Ummm what to wear. I debate for a few minutes and choose a nice summer dress with shoes. I put on the dress and notice that I'm getting a little baby bump. I smile and wish Seungcheol was here to see it. I decide to give him a quick call on FaceTime. "Hey, sweetheart. How are you doing?" he said. "I'm doing fine. About to meet my sister for lunch soon" I reply. "Have fun" he replies. "Cheol, I wanted to call you because I've noticed that I'm starting to show" I say. "Are you, jagiya? That's amazing" Seungcheol replies. "Look. I'll show you" I reply. I point my phone to the mirror. "Can you see? I have a small baby bump" I say. "Ohhhh yes you too. I'm so happy sweetie. I will get to see it in person when I'm home" he said. "Yep you will. Seungcheol, I'm missing you so much. Can't wait for you to come home to me" I say. "I'll be home in the next few days, baby. I'm missing you so much too" he said. Seungcheol and I talk for a few more minutes. Ahhhhh I'm missing him but I had to call him when I started to show today

Minghao 🖤

The other day me and Minghao told the boys about our news about getting engaged and about the baby. They were happy to know that we got engaged but very sad to hear there might be something wrong with our baby. Hopefully everything will be okay in the end. I don't think I'm really starting to show much. Maybe that's because the baby is tiny due to the possibility abnormality. I am laying on the bed resting when Minghao walks in. He sits by me on the bed and smiles at me. "Are you okay, honey? Don't look sad" he said. "Hao, I'm not showing. I'm worried. I should be getting a little baby bump at this point" I say. "Sweetie, don't worry. I'm sure you will soon" he said getting on the bed next to me and laying next to me. "Let me see. I'm sure you're getting a little bump" Minghao said. I roll up my top and Minghao looks. "Baby, I think that's a small baby bump. Don't worry. I don't wanna see you sad anymore" he said. "Yeah maybe it is" I reply. "Y/ N, smile for me please. I wanna see that beautiful little smile" Minghao said. I let out a little smile and he kisses me. "Love you, Y/ N" he smiles. "Love you too, Minghao" I say. "You and our baby are the best things that ever happened to me" he said. "Yes" I smile. So I am starting to show a bit which is good I suppose. I'll just be glad when the best few weeks are out of the day and we know what's going on with our little one

Mingyu 🧡

My pregnancy is progressing as I'm getting a little baby bump. Well I think I am. It's really cute. Me and Mingyu can't wait to meet our baby who's gender we are not going to know since till he or she is born. Me and Mingyu are going out today to the park. We are getting ready to go now for a nice little afternoon in the park. I've just done my hair and makeup and I'm getting dressed now. "Gyu, what do you think I should wear?" I asks. "Don't know. Whatever you want, baby?" he replies. "Help me choose. Don't know what I'm in the mood to wear" I say. Mingyu helps me choose my outfit and he finds me the perfect one. He stands by the mirror and watches me get dressed. "Baby, I could watch you all day. Getting dressed and undressed" he said. He starts to kiss me while I'm getting. "Mingyu, I'm trying to get dressed" I say. "Okay. Sorry, honey" he replies. "Sorry I didn't mean to snap at you" I said. "Don't worry" he said. I get dressed and stand by the mirror. "Look, jagiya. I can see a baby bump coming on" Mingyu said. "Yep that's right. Love you, Gyu. Sorry if I got cranky" I reply. "I love you too and it's okay, jagiya. Don't worry. I still love you with all my heart" he smiles. So we hit the road and go to the park and have a great afternoon together. Awww I'm starting to show. How cute?

Chan ❤️

I am over 3 months on in my pregnancy now and I have a cute little baby bump developing. Me and Chan still can't believe we are having a baby at this age. I think we are ready to be parents but we do have a lot to learn before the baby comes along. We told the boys and they were surprised and shocked at the news but they said they will be supportive of us as time goes on. I am still at the SVT house as my parents have still kicked m out and are not on speaking terms with me. I will be there till Chan and I find somewhere to live together. I'm sure the boys won't want to be in a house with a screaming crying baby. Anyway, Chan and I are laying on his bed in his room cuddling. "Baby, I love cuddling with you and can't wait to do it when our little one comes along" he said. "Yep me too, Channie. I love you so much. You are my first, forever love" I say. "Me too, beautiful. This child is going to be the best thing to ever happen to us" Chan said. "Yes I definitely have to agree" I reply. "Don't worry. I'm sure your parents will be okay eventually" he said. "I don't know, Chan. They are tough cookies" I say. "Sweetie, we don't really need them. We got each other and this little munchkin in here" Chan said. He sits up and kiss my little bump gently. "You're so cute, Channie" I say. "No you're so cute. You both are" he replies. I blush and smile at him. He's the cutest boyfriend and he's going to be the cutest father to our little one in the next few months

Soonyoung 💛

Soonyoung and I still can't believe we are having twins in the next few months. Wow! It's crazy but a cool and good crazy of course. Can't wait to welcome two more little monkeys into the world. Kyungmi is so excited to be a big sister to her little siblings. We will find out the genders soon. A boy and a girl would be nice. I'm showing now of course as I'm four months on. I have a nice baby bump with two babies growing nicely inside. Kyungmi is sat in front of the TV watching Disney+. She loves all things Disney. I am in the kitchen cleaning the benches. I'm a bit of a neat freak and like everything clean. Soonyoung walks in and puts his arms around me and touches my bump. "Settle down now, jagiya. I don't want you tiring yourself out" he said. "Youngie, I'm fine but thank you for your concern" I reply. He was the same when I was pregnant with Kyungmi. Very overprotective and concerned. Awww I love him for that. "How are my little babies doing?" Soonyoung asks. "Good" I smile. "Such a cute little bump, my love" he smiles. "Yes I know. Remember when I was this stage with Kyungmi" I reply. "Yes I do and it was so beautiful" he smiles. I smile back. Soon we sit down and watch TV with Kyungmi. We are so excited for the twins now

A/ N: I'm doing another update later today as it's a quick one. Telling the fans. Almost at 1k now

Anyone else stan Cravity, Starship's new boy group. They are so good. My biases are Allen and Taeyoung. What about you? I think they're the next big thing

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