26. b. Anticipating The Birth

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Jun 💜

I am approaching 40 weeks in my pregnancy now so baby Timmy could get here anytime now. I feel like he could be as I think he's moving down a bit. Hopefully it won't be too long as I'm feeling absolutely exhausted like I can't do anything. Me and Jun just want our boy to be here. The wait is killing us. We are so excited to meet Timmy and to be parents to him. We know he's going to be a wonderful little boy. Jun has his arms around me and we are laid on the couch right now. "I just want this baby to be out of me" I say. "I know, honey but it won't be long till Timmy is here" Jun smiles. "Junnie,I hope you're right" I reply. "I am, baby. Our little boy will be here soon. I know he will be" he said. "I didn't mind being pregnant at first but I hate it now. Timmy needs to show his face" I say. "It's okay. I'm here. I love you" Jun smiles. "I love you too" I smile. "Honey, I don't want you stressing and being anxious. The time will come when it's time" he said. "Awe, Junnie. You're the best and you'll be the best father in the world" I reply. "Oh, my love" I say. Hopefully baby Timmy will be here any day now

Seungcheol 💙

39 weeks and Chanwoo could be here in the next week or so. We hope so as both Seungcheol and I are so excited to meet our son and welcome him into the world. Parenthood and babies are the greatest gift in the world and we have already been so blessed. We know Chanwoo is going to be a great kid. Seungcheol is still going to call him baby Coups when he's born. Maybe he'll be like his father one day. I am waiting for Seungcheol to come home. He should be home anytime now and I can't wait. I always look forward to him coming home and is spending the evening together. About 30 minutes later the front door opens and Seungcheol walks in with a smile on his face. "Hey, jagiya. I'm home" he said. "Hey, Cheol. I missed you" I reply. "I'm here now" he smiles. Seungcheol smiles and sits next to me on the couch. "How's you and baby Coups?" he said. "We're doing good" I smile. "Great. I'm so excited for the next week" he said. "Hopefully it will be a week" I said. "Baby, don't worry. It will be" he smiles. "Hope you're right, Cheolie" I say. "Don't worry. Everything will be fine" Seungcheol smiles pushing the hair back from my face. "Love you. You're the best husband in the world" I say. "Love you too. You're the best wife in the world and you're going to be the best mother in the world to our boy" he smiles. Seungcheol is always so kind and loving when he comes home from work. Well he always is. Our boy will be here soon

Minghao 🖤

Our precious baby girl could be arriving next week. I am going to be having a c section due to get spina bifida. The doctor said it's the safest thing for me and her. They don't want to risk our lives. Me and Minghao can't wait to meet our special little girl. We already love her so much. She's gonna be the best thing that's ever happened to us. But I'm starting to worry a bit that we won't be able to handle a child with a disability but hopefully we will get through it together as a couple. I'm feeling very tired and I'll just be glad when the baby is here. "Sweetie, just relax. I don't like seeing you all tense" Minghao says. "I'm okay. Minghao, I'm just worried that we won't be good parents to our daughter" I reply. "Baby, we will be. I know we will be. Hopefully our little girl will be okay" I say. "Yeah that's what I'm worried about. What if something happens and we don't get to hold her in our arms" I say. "Y/ N, please don't say that. We pray for a miracle. Okay. We've already been blessed with this new life. Our daughter" he said. "Sorry, Hao. I'm just thinking about the worst case scenario. Sorry I'm stupid" I say. "Honey, you're not stupid. I know how you feel" Minghao smiles. "I love you, Minghao. I love you with all my heart" I reply. "I love you too with all my heart, sweetie" I smile. Minghao calms me down. Hopefully everything will go well when our little girl arrives

Mingyu 🧡

I'm gonna be 40 weeks in the next few days. Me and Mingyu are so excited for the arrival of our first child. We are thinking it's a boy as boys can be overdue. We both think it's a boy. Are we right? But boy or girl. It doesn't really matter to us either way. We cannot wait to meet our little one no matter what. We just can't wait till he or she is here. I am laid on our bed having some quiet time right now. "How are you, honey?" Mingyu asks walking into our bedroom. "I'm good" I say. He gets on the bed next to me. He cuddles me and looks into my eyes. "Our little munchkin will be here very soon, jagiya" he said. "Oh yes they will. Do you still think a boy?" I say. "Yes I do but I wouldn't mind a girl either. I'd just really love a son" Mingyu said. "I know you do, baby" I say. "Well all we know is that he or she will be here soon" he said. "Yeah exactly" I say. Mingyu smiles and bends down to kiss my bump gently. "Love you, Y/ N" he said. "Love you too, Gyu" I reply. We snuggle together for a bit longer in bed. I'm almost full term now so our baby boy or girl will be here soon we hope. We just can't wait to to meet them

Chani ❤️

Baby Hyunsuk will be here soon. Chan and I are both nervous and excited about the birth of our son. It's gonna be a huge thing being parents to a little human. We are only young but we are determined to be good parents to little Hyunsuk. We can't wait to meet our little man. It's a really exciting time. Chan's mom already said that he'll come and stay with us the first night when we bring Hyunsuk home. I'm having a hospital birth but I'm a bit nervous about the pain and everything. Chan said he'll be right by my side throughout it. He's just the sweetest. Chan and I are chilling and relaxing at home. We love our cuddles and just time together as a couple. "Y/ N" he said. "Yes" I reply. "I can't believe our lives will be changing forever so soon" he said. "I know but it's for the best, Channie" I say. "Yes it absolutely is. We are going to be a mommy and daddy soon" he said. "Oh yes we are. Can't wait to meet our little man" I smile. "I cannot wait to meet him too. Hyunsuk will be here soon" Chan said. "Love you and I'm having a baby with the love of my life" I say. "Love you too. You're gonna be a great mom" he smiles. It's only a matter of time till baby Hyunsuk will be here. Me and Chan can't wait to be his mommy and daddy

Soonyoung 💛

Haeun and Eunmi will be here soon and me and Soonyoung can't wait to meet our two little princess. Kyungmi can't wait to meet her two little sisters too. Not long and we will be a family of five. I'm 35 weeks now so another week and a half or two weeks and they will be here. I want to have a natural birth and I should be able to have that. Soonyoung and I are snuggling up with Kyungmi. Could be one if the last times we do it before the twins are here. I don't think Kyungmi will be jealous of the time we give to her sisters when they are here. She will love them with all her heart. Soonyoung has his arms around Kyungmi. I love their bond. It's inseparable. "Baby girl, you're going to  be the best big sister in the world to our little sisters. Aren't you?" he said. "Yesssss" Kyungmi exclaims. "Oh yes you are, sweetheart" I say. "Appa and eomma will always love you even though they are two new babies coming. Kyungmi, you will always be our baby" Soonyoung said. "We love you so much, Kyungmi" I reply. "Love you" Kyungmi said to us both. "You will always be my first little princess. Daddy's girl" he said. "You're the apple of his eye, Kyungmi" I smile. Kyungmi smiles at us both and gives us a kiss. She especially loves hugging my bump and talking to her baby sisters. Haeun and Eunmi will be here so soon. We are so ready for them. Our second and third little princesses are almost here

A/ N: so the labor and delivery parts start tomorrow with Vernon of course. Can't wait. My favourite parts of the book. I will post them over the next week and a half to two weeks. Some days I might do two parts. Obviously the best few parts won't be labelled a and b

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