27. Labor/ Delivery- Vernon 💙

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I am over a week off my due date and there is no sign of baby Isaac yet. Me and Vernon are ready to meet our son and just want the time to come soon. The doctor said it might not be long till I go into labor. I hope not as I hate being pregnant now. It's taking the piss but I'm not complaining as our boy will be here soon. Seventeen have a one off show tonight in Seoul so I am to watching them. Vernon said I shouldn't be coming as I'm at this point in my pregnancy but I insisted. I really wanted to come and support my guy and his hand. All the boys have been giving me the special treatment since I arrived earlier. It's a couple of hours till the show and I can't wait to see Vernon and the boys perform. The boys have left me alone to have a bit of quiet time together. They completely understand how I feel. I hear the door open and Vernon quietly walks in. "Hey, baby. I've come to see how you feel" he said. "I'm alright" I yawn. "Can I sit with you?" he asks. "Yeah sure" I reply. Vernon smiles and sits next to me on the couch I'm laying on. "Can I get you anything?" he asks. "No I'm fine. Thank you" I reply. "Good. I didn't want to disturb you. I just wanted to check on you" Vernon said. "Awwww that's awfully sweet of you, Vernie" I reply. "I love you, Y/ N" he smiles. "I love you too, Hansol" I smile. Vernon stays with me a while and have sometime together before the boys had to get ready for the show later. I cannot wait to watch them perform tonight

A couple of hours later and the boys are ready to take to the stage for their performance tonight. I'm sitting backstage and I can't wait to see them go and smash it. I'm so excited. Vernon comes over to me. "Good luck, hun" I say to him. "Thanks, babe. I won't really need it because you're here cheering me on" he said. "Yeah" I laugh. He gives me a kiss before he has to go. I'm watching the show from a TV in the back while putting my feet up. The backstage team arranged that for me. The boys first song was HIT. I sit backstage and sing along to it. About half an hour into the show I start to feel funny. I have a sharp pain that feel like contractions. I hope it's just Braxton hicks. I sit up straighter to see if it passes. About 10 minutes later it gets worse. I try to time and keep track of my contractions. They were coming every few minutes so I let one of the crew members know I'm going into labor so they can let Vernon know. I know he's onstage performing but he will come. A few minutes later Vernon comes off stage with Jeonghan and rushes to me. "What's the matter, sweetie? You're in labor" he said. "Yes I'm having contractions every few minutes" I reply. "Should we call an ambulance yet?" he said. "Yeah I'm a few minutes" I reply. I ask Jeonghan to call an ambulance a few minutes later. "Hey. I need an ambulance. My friends girlfriend has gone into labor. She's having contractions every few minutes" he said. The show is put on hold till the paramedics come and the boys come backstage to see if I was okay. I didn't want too many people around me though. The ambulance came and they got me to hospital soon. Contractions were getting worse and my waters broke just when we got there. Vernon wouldn't leave my side. I got taken into a maternity room and they examined me. "You are 6cm dilated, Miss Y/ L/ N. Could still be more time before the baby is here" one of the midwives said. They boys still continued the show but asked us to call them when baby Isaac is here. Vernon stayed by my side till labor progressed some more. Several hours later and it was the early hours of the next morning. I'm about ready to push now. Vernon stayed by my side and I squeezed his hand really hard. The pain was pretty unbearable. "You're doing so well, baby. Our beautiful boy is almost here" Vernon kept saying to me

After an hour of pushing and pain, our baby boy Isaac Henry Chwe came into the world. When he came out he cried straight away which was a good sign. They cleaned him off and wrapped him in a blanket and handed him to us. "He's here. Our boy is here" Vernon said. "He is" I reply. "He's amazing. You did so well, darling. I'm so proud of you" he smiles. "Thank you, Vern" I reply. We held Isaac and got to know him before letting the guys know. Vernon FaceTimed then. "Hey. He's here" he said. "Hi, boys" I say. "Congratulations" Seokmin said. "Let's see him" Chan said. "Here he is. Issac Henry Chwe" Vernon said. "Welcome, baby boy" Jihoon said. "I can't believe we are uncles" Soonyoung said. "He's so handsome just like his daddy" Wonwoo said. "Thanks. I knew he would be just like me" Vernon said. "Our gorgeous boy is here" I said. "Can't wait to see him when you take him home" Seungkwan said. We talk to the boys for a few more minutes. They didn't want to keep us too long. Baby Isaac is here and he's safe and well. Our boy is here and we are so happy he is

💙 Isaac Henry Chwe 💙Born March 14th @ 6:23pm Weight 7lbs 100z

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💙 Isaac Henry Chwe 💙
Born March 14th @ 6:23pm
Weight 7lbs 100z

A/ N: the first baby is here. Baby Isaac. He's so gorgeous. Awwww so cute (I'm gonna say that a lot). There is 13 members of the band and 12 months of the the year too so I can use a month each for each

Might do another part later

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