6. b. Becoming A Father (His POV)

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Jun 💜

Y/ N is pregnant and I cannot wait to become a dad. It's something we've been talking about for a while and we can't believe it's happening. I'm thinking Y/ N and I should get married before the baby is born. That would be nice but it would be a very small wedding. Maybe just the two of us. We don't know yet. I guess we'll figure it would soon. Our main priority is getting ready to welcome our baby into the world and we can't wait for that. We are so excited to meet baby Wen. This is definitely the right time for us to have a baby. In fact it couldn't have come at a better time for us both. We are going to be parents in the next few months and we absolutely cannot wait. It's so exciting having a baby and possibly getting married

Seungcheol 💙

I am going to be a dad in several months and I absolutely cannot wait. It was the absolute best surprise Y/ N telling me she's pregnant on our one year wedding anniversary. It was the best anniversary ever because we were celebrating one year of marriage and my beautiful wife told me she's pregnant. That's when I found out I'm going to be a daddy for the first time. We said we definitely wanted to start a family by the time of our one year anniversary of marriage. Our dreams have come true and Y/ N is pregnant with our first child and we absolutely cannot wait to welcome our baby into the world and be parents. We gave quite a lot of months to wait till we are parents but we will enjoy our time together waiting for our baby to be born

Minghao 🖤

Y/ N and I are engaged now and we are having a baby together. We both couldn't be happier. Especially me. I am so so excited to be a daddy. I couldn't think of a better person to be having a baby with than Y/ N. I have loved her since we became friends. I don't know why we started a sexual relationship without being boyfriend and girlfriend. We should've got together sooner but now we are happily engaged and excepting a baby together. We can't wait to be parents. I think I'm more than ready to be a dad. I'm going to love my son or daughter unconditionally with all my heart. Just like I love Y/ N. We are going to tell our families aged the boys soon our two bits of big news. They will probably be shocked at first but we need to tell them and we are looking forward to telling them that we are getting married and having a baby. Don't know weather we will get married before or after Y/ N has had the baby. We will have to see his things go. Nevertheless I can't wait to be a father in these coming months

Mingyu 🧡

Things couldn't be better at the moment. Me and Y/ N got married and now we are expecting a baby. I really couldn't be happier. People are gonna think it's too soon for us to have a baby as we've only been married a couple of months but what can they say. There is a little one on the way. We can't wait to tell so many people. Can't wait to. Y/ N makes me the happiest man in the world and I'm so happy I found her. We are married now and expecting a baby and we are so happy together and we are going to be parents in the next few months and we cannot wait. This baby is already so special and we can't wait to meet him or her. I think it would be cool if we don't find out the gender for a while. I can't wait to be a dad and that's all that matters. I got the most amazing wife in the world and we are going to have the most amazing kid in the world

Chan ❤️

I am excited but also a bit nervous to become a father in the next few months. When Y/ N told me she was pregnant I was pretty shocked. We did have unprotected sex twice on that weekend her parents were away. She still hasn't told them but she will soon. She's too scared to tell her parents as they will be mad and disappointed in her. We will find a way to tell them. We also need to tell my family too. We don't think they will be mad, I think they will just be a bit shocked and surprised. My family have always been supportive of mine and Y/ N's relationship. We have quite a lot to learn before we become parents in the next few months but we still have time. We are determined to be good parents to our little one when he or she comes into the world. We are going for Y/ N's first scan soon and we are looking forward to it. We will tell Y/ N's parents when she feels ready. The next few months are going to be big for us

Soonyoung 💛

I am so so excited to become a father for a second time. I'm already a father to my little princess Kyungmi and she's the most precious thing in mine and Y/ N's life. We've been trying for a second baby for quite a few months. When Y/ N told me she was pregnant for the second time, I couldn't believe it and I was so happy. She drew a cute picture for me telling me that I'm going to be a daddy for the second time. Kyungmi is our world and we love her so much. We told her that she's going to be a big sister. We know she won't understand as she's only just two years old. She's going to be a a great big sister to our little brother or sister. We cannot had to tell our family and friends and of course the boys who love being uncles to Kyungmi and I'm sure they can't wait to be uncles again to our second child. Such exciting times for the Kwon family as we become a family of four or even five

A/ N: I always like this part in the book as I think it's cute. Next is telling his family

I've had to reorder my Neo Zone Album as it's got lost in the post. I've ordered it from a Kpop store in London this time and hopefully I'll get it by next week. Annoyed it happened but happy I don't have to wait another month

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