13. a. Babysitting For A Friend/ Relative

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Vernon 💙

Today me and Vernon are doing some baby sitting for Seventeen's producers twins Seohyeon and Seojun. They are two years old and they are so cute. Their dad sometimes takes them to the studio when the boys are recording new music. I've briefly met them before. Their parents are out for dinner and needed someone to babysit the twins so me and Vernon offered. The twins are sat on the couch looking at us. "So what do you wanna do, kids?" Vernon asks. "Maybe they want to play or maybe they're hungry" I say. "Hungry" Seojun says looking at me. "What should we make you to eat? What do two year olds like?" Vernon said. "Ummm I don't know. Fruit vegetables I guess" I reply. We got some hints from around the kitchen and made Seohyeon and Seojun something to eat. They weren't that keen at first but they ate it up. "I guess we are pretty bad chefs" Vernon said. "We're okay I guess" I reply. We get ourselves something to eat too while the kids watch TV. We could help ourselves to anything in the fridge. "We'll make it to you, kids for making you yucky food by watching some TV with you" Vernon said. The twins laugh at him. "He's funny isn't he, Seohyeon and Seojun" I say. They laugh again. I think we did a pretty good job at babysitting Seventeen's producers twins this evening

Joshua 💜

Joshua and I are looking after my cousins son Jacob today. She is a single mom and works a lot and sometimes needs someone to look after her son so me and Joshua volunteered to look after Jacob today. He's a sweet kid and he loves to play soccer. Joshua is playing soccer with him in the park. He's not really a very sporty person. He said that would be the only downside of having a son if our baby turns out to be a boy. I think he'd be great if we had a son. I watch Joshua play soccer with Jacob in the park. Jacob is definitely beating him. I think he could definitely play professionally one day. "Are you having fun boys?" I asks. "Yes" Jacob yells. "Yep" Joshua say. "Awesome" I say sticking my thumbs up. They carry on playing and I carry on watching them. They were having fun. They played for a couple of hours at least. "Y/ N, can I get an ice cream please? My mommy doesn't usually let me" Jacob asks. "Of course you can, Jacob. Why not? Today is a fun day" I reply. "What ice cream can I get you, buddy?" Joshua asks. "Ummmm let me think....chocolate" Jacob said. "I think I'll join you in a chocolate too" Joshua said. Joshua gets the ice creams while me and Jacob wait. He comes back. "Strawberry for you, my dear and chocolate for you, little fella" he said. We thank him and sit and eat. "Are you enjoying your day in the park, buddy?" Joshua asks. "Yes it's so much fun. My mommy never plays soccer with me" Jacob replies. "Well you've got uncle Joshua to play with" I say. "You sure have" Joshua said. Me and Joshua had a lot of fun with Jacob in the park today

Jihoon ❤️

Tonight me and Jihoon are doing some babysitting for three children who my best friend babysits. She can't do it tonight as she has something on so we offered to set in. The parents have met us and approved us first. The children are, Donghyeon 5, Suyeon 2 and baby Minju who is 6 months old. They are all adorable kids and Jihoon and I can't wait to babysit them. We arrive at the house and the parents leave, leaving us in charge of the kids. "Hi, kids. We are babysitting you tonight" Jihoon said. "What should we do with you cuties?" I say. "How about we play or watch TV?" Jihoon said. "Superheroes" Donghyeon said. "Okay, bud. Me and you can play superheroes" he said. Donghyeon drags Jihoon to his superhero box and they dress up and play for a bit. Suyeon sat on my lap and I looked at a book with her. Minju was getting a little sleepy. When the boys had finished playing superheroes we put on some TV but they got a bit sleepy while watching so we put them to bed. They were all good and went to bed. Me and Jihoon waited for their parents to come home. "Well that was fun. Just think when we have three kids of our own" Jihoon said. "I know it was and yes I can't wait to have three kids with you, Jihoonie" I reply. "Well we are having one adorable one now" he smiled. "Yes we are. I'd like to babysit the kids again maybe in another few weeks if they ever need us again" I say. "Oh yes me too" he smiles. Soon the parents arrive home and thank us for babysitting. It was great

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