10. b. Telling The Boys

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Jun 💜


We are hanging out with the boys today so it would be the perfect time to tell them that we are expecting a baby. Y/ N is almost 3 months on in her pregnancy so it's about the right time to tell them our amazing and wonderful news. Me and the guys are doing a photoshoot for a magazine today and Y/ N has come along with us of course. I love having my fiancée with me on photoshoots. We are posing for group photos now. Y/ N is sitting and watching from a distance. I can see her smiling at me. We have a few more shoots before the individual shoots. I was up first. The others guys had photos taken after me. The photoshoot wrapped up later and it was a lot of fun. We get changed and hang out backstage before leaving. "So that should was pretty awesome, guys. What do you think?" Soonyoung said. "It was. I loved it and I looked fabulous too" Wonwoo said. "I did too" Jihoon laughs. We talk for a few more minutes before we bring up about our baby news. "Since we are all here together today, me and Y/ N thought it would be a good idea to tell you some news" I say holding Y/ N's hand. "Yeah we do. We will tell you now" she said. We leave them guessing for a minute. "Well me and Y/ N are happy to tell you that we are having a baby" I say. "Oh I thought you were gonna day you had a date for the wedding" Vernon said. "Having a baby is even better. But we might get married before the baby is born" I say. "Yeah we can't wait. I had my first scan the other day" Y/ N said. "That's so nice. I'm sorry happy for you, guys" Joshua said. "Thank you" Y/ N said. "There's a baby on the way" Mingyu said. "Jun is going to be a daddy" Chan said. "Yes hopefully a very good one" I say. Y/ N and I smile at each other. Shortly we leave and go home. It was just the right time to tell the boys our wonderful news

Seungcheol 💙

Seungcheol and I had our first scan last week. We got to see our little one for the first time and it was amazing. Today we are finally going to tell the boys about the baby. We are going to find a way to tell them today. They are all over for a fun night at our place. A pizza and game night. We are all having a lot of fun. Pizzas are all gone. Where is none left. We did order eight to be on the safe side. The boys are playing Twister. I'm not playing as it's dangerous when you're pregnant if you fall. "Y/ N, why don't you join in?" Wonwoo asks. "Come on, Y/ N. Join in the fun" Seungkwan said. "No thanks, guys. I'm good" I reply. They boys carry on playing Twister while I observe. It was funny to watch. "What game should we do next?" Jihoon asked. "Actually I think we should have a rest for a few minutes and you kind catch our breath" Seungcheol said. "Okay" Minghao replies. "Me and Y/ N. Would like to tell you something?" he said. "Let me guess. Are you pregnant?"
Jun replies. "Yes I am pregnant. How did you know?" I said. "Because you didn't play Twister" he said. "You're having a baby. Congratulations" Vernon said. "Yes we are. We couldn't be happier. She told me she was pregnant on our first wedding anniversary too and it was so special" Seungcheol said. "I did. We said that we wanted to have a baby by the time it was our first anniversary" I say. "First Seventeen baby" Mingyu said. "Yeah we gonna be uncles" Seokmin said. "I just knew you were pregnant when you wouldn't play Twister" Jun said. "Yeah I kinda did too" Soonyoung says. We had such a fun pizza and game night with the boys tonight and told them our baby news and they are all so happy for us

Minghao 🖤

Last week Minghao and I had our first baby scan. We found out there might be something wrong with our baby. That breaks our hearts. We just hope it's a mistake and everything will be okay. We told our families and they will be with us every step of the way. We are going to tell the boys today that we are engaged and having a baby and that our baby might have an abnormality. We hope they will react well to it. It hasn't been a good week for me and Minghao since finding out the news that could change our lives. We are going over to the boys place today. They know we are coming but they don't know what we are about to tell them. Minghao and I are in the car on our way. "I don't know where to start when we tell them" I say. "Don't worry. I'll tell them. I'll tell them we're engaged first and then about the baby" he said. "Okay thanks" I reply. Soon we arrive at the boys place. Minghao knocks on the door and Soonyoung answers. "Hey, guys. Come on in" he said. "Hey" Minghao said. "Hey" I say. We go into the lounge where the other guys are. They could tell I wasn't okay from the look on my face. "Is everything okay, guys? You both don't seem yourselves" Joshua said. "Well me and Y/ N have something to tell you. Two things, maybe three things" Minghao said. "Yeah we do. Minghao you can tell them" I say. "First we are engaged" he said. "Wow! Really. That was unexpected" Vernon said. "Also we are having a baby" he said. "A baby" Jihoon said. "Yes we are. There might be something wrong with our baby. When we went for our first scan last week, the midwife thought there might be a wrong with the baby. She ran some tests and we will find out in the next few weeks. We hope there isn't anything wrong with our baby. Me and Y/ N really want this baby. It will bring us closer together" Minghao said. "I'm so worried. I haven't been sleeping just thinking about it" I say. "Don't worry, guys. We will all be here for you" Seokmin said. "Yes we will. If you need anything, anytime. Let us know" Wonwoo said. "I hope it's just a mistake on the scan. You two deserve happiness" Chan smiles. So we told the boys about our news. They were happy to hear that we got engaged but very sad to hear about the news of our baby. They will be here for us no matter what

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