25. b. Getting Ready For Baby

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Jun 💜


Y/ N is just a few weeks off her due date so baby Timmy will be here soon. We are so looking forward to becoming parents to him. We just got married too so it's such a great time for us. Newly weds and parents to be. It's the most amazing time right now. Me and Y/ N are in Timmy's nursery getting some of his things ready. We are doing his clothes right now. All his cute little clothes. Mostly newborn for now. Hopefully he won't be a big baby as we've got all these adorable clothes. I am passing the clothes to Y/ N and she's hanging them up in the closet and folding in drawers. "This is fun. Eh" I say. "It is. It feels more real now, Junnie" Y/ N replies. "It does. Our baby boy will be here soon" I reply. "Yep so soon" she replies. We carry on chatting and putting clothes away in the closet. When we did that we move onto the draws and put things like plain onesies, bibs, socks and blankets etc. Timmy's closet was complete soon. It was a lot of fun sorting out his things today. We still have a few more things to do but we can do that another day. Y/ N is tired now so she needs to rest. Timmy will be here pretty soon

Seungcheol 💙

Me and Seungcheol have been super busy getting the house and things ready for when our son Chanwoo is born. We cannot wait to be parents very soon. Not long now anyway till our little man will be here. Our Choi Chanwoo. Seungcheol and I have just been getting things ready in the nursery now we are vacuuming the nursery and also in the lounge as well so it's spotless. Seungcheol is doing that as I shouldn't be lifting heavy things at this stage in my pregnancy. "Doing good" I say to him. "Haha thanks" he said. He carries on doing it and I sit down and put my feet up. Seungcheol comes in a few minutes later when he's finished vacuuming in the nursery. "All done" he said. "Thanks for doing that. I appreciate it" I reply. "No problem. Baby, you don't have to thank me. I'm your husband" Seungcheol replies. "I know but I still do" I say kissing him on the cheek. He's so sweet, kind and thoughtful and would do anything for me. Seungcheol and I spend sometime together before we think about what needs doing next which us not a lot but it can be done another time. Parents to be deserve sometime together for a while

Minghao 🖤

Our baby girl will be here in just a few weeks and we are busy getting together for her arrival. I'm 34 weeks now and she will be here by 36 weeks. With her having spina bifida. They want to deliver her early by c section. She will most of need a little operation to close her spine when she's born depending on the severity of the condition which we don't know yet. We will when she's here. Me and Minghao can't wait to be parents and meet her. We are aware that it could be challenging along the way having a child with a disability but we are ready for it and can't wait for our little girl to be here. We are still deciding on her name. We are torn between Lanying and Mingmei. The hospital bag is all packed and ready with things in. Minghao helped me with that as I was stressing a bit. I'm still worried now that I haven't got everything packed. That I've missed something out. "Hao, I'm worried I haven't got everything we need for the hospital" I said. "Sweetie, don't worry, you have. I've checked through everything a couple of times. You're just panicking" Minghao replies. "I know. I know. I shouldn't. It's not good for me or the baby" I say. "Honey, just relax. You need to. I don't like to see you getting stressed and into a state like this. Don't worry everything is fine" he said. "I know, Hao. You're the best for calming me down when I get stressed" I say. "Baby, please smile. I want to see that smile" he said. I smile a little bit for Minghao and he smiles back. I calm down and stop stressing and take a chill pill. I know everything is ready and under control

Mingyu 🧡

Today me and Mingyu are getting things ready for the baby. I'm 36 weeks on now so he or she will be here in the next month or so or less. Can't wait meet our little boy or girl. It's such an exciting time for us. We are in the nursery getting things ready now. All the babies clothes are in the closet and put away in drawers. We don't have a lot of clothes. Only a few newborn onesies and sleepsuits. We will get blue or pink things when the baby is here. Also I've decided that I want a home water birth so we've bought a pool thing. I've always liked the idea of giving birth in your own home. I am sorting out the diaper caddy with diapers and wipes now. Everything we need when we change the baby. Mingyu has been helping me earlier. We have got a lot done between us today. "How are you doing, sweetie?" he asks. "Alright" I reply. "Can I help?" he asks. "Nope in fine actually. I'm almost done" I say. "I like your arranging skills" Mingyu said. "It's nothing special. Just putting them in" I say. I carry on doing that for a few more minutes. "So what else should we do now?" he asks. "I don't know. I think we are okay for a bit" I said. "Okay" he said. Mingyu and I check around the room to see if everything is sorted which it is. We cannot wait to be parents in the next few weeks

Chan ❤️

Chan's parents are over at our place helping us get some baby things ready. My due date is 3 weeks off so baby Hyunsuk will be here soon. It's nice to have Chan's parents here helping out as I'm still not on good terms with my own parents. Let's say things are a little better than they were at first. Me and Chan's Mom are getting some of Hyunsuk's clothes ready in the nursery. They've just been washed. "I can't believe my first grandchild will be here in a few weeks" she said. "Me too. I think me and Chan are ready to be parents" I reply. "Don't worry. You'll be great parents" Chan's mom replied. "Well we hope so" I reply. A few minutes later Chan and his dad walk in. "Hey, how are you doing, girls" Chan asks. "Good" I reply. "Can us men so anything?" he asks. "No I think we are okay but thank you" his mom replies. "I can't believe how good the nursery looks" Chan's dad said. "It does. We've all done amazing job. We couldn't have done without you, appa and eomma" Chan said. "You're welcome. Can't wait to meet this little boy" his dad said. "We absolutely cannot wait to meet him. Can we, Channie?" I say. "Ohhhh yes" he replies. "All this is amazing" his mom said. "I can't believe we are having a baby so soon" Chan said. We all smile and hug. We carry on doing a bit more in the nursery till we had done everything. Chan's parents love to come over and help us get ready for baby Hyunsuk's arrival in the next couple of weeks

Soonyoung 💛

Me and Soonyoung have been crazily busy getting things ready for the twins. I'm 34 weeks now so they could be here in a couple of weeks. They never let twin pregnancies get passed 36 to 37 weeks. We can't wait to meet our little girls Haeun and Eunmi. They will be here so soon and we will be a family of five with three beautiful little girls. Kyungmi is so excited to be a big sister to her little sisters. We are in the nursery now getting things ready and putting some finishing touches to the girls beautiful nursery. Kyungmi is helping us too. "Kyungmi, are you going to help eomma organise your baby sisters things?" Soonyoung said. "She nods her head. I take Kyungmi over to the changing table. I have a choice of two outfits for the babies when they come home from the hospital. "Which outfits do you think for your sisters?" I say. Kyungmi looks at then for a few seconds and says "Those ones". "Okay. That's it then. Our daughter has decided on the twins outfits" I say. "Great. Good choices, Kyungmi" Soonyoung said. We do a few more things till the nursery was complete. "There we go, we are ready for the arrival of our two little princesses" Soonyoung said. "Yes we are. We are ready" I reply. "Yay!" Kyungmi cheers. She smiles and Soonyoung picks her up and cuddles her. I get in on the cuddle too. Family cuddles. Can't wait to do that till Haeun and Eunmi to be here so we can have big family cuddle time together

A/ N: just one more part till the babies are here. Can't wait

We are getting a SVT documentary series. It's gonna be lit. BTS's launched today. Can't wait to see it

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