Chapter 1: The Hospital

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Author's Note: This is a Zessa story, with a few Hessa scenes. I'm also a Hessa fan, so don't think I'm a total Hardin hater! Just thought a story about Tessa choosing Zed might be interesting =]

"Stop blaming yourself! And stop making excuses for him Tessa!" Zed yells from his hospital bed. He's just been beaten to a pulp by Hardin, the on again off again guy who has been playing with my heart for months. The same guy who's hurt Zed countless times for so much as looking at me. And yet, here Zed is  – still caring for me and concerned while I've been nothing but selfish.

I'm standing at the end of his hospital bed, trying to keep it together while my hands shake at my sides. "But he can't help it... He's had problems you'll never understand," I reply. My voice trembles as I  feel the tears try to form in my eyes, and instead blink them back, swallowing hard.

"Tessa," he lets out in an exhausted whisper, "everyone has problems. Everyone is fighting their own battle. It's not an excuse to treat you like crap. To manipulate you. To fight over you like you're a piece of property to be won. He almost killed me! Look at me!"

I hadn't noticed I was looking away. Bringing my eyes back to him, I find a hurt man, pleading with me to understand his side of this, this...I don't even know what to call it. Mine and Hardin's relationship has been so tumultuous from the beginning. Are we friends or enemies? Are we lovers or two parts of a poisonous concoction? For the first time, I'm starting to believe it's the latter.

"I'm so sorry Zed. I know. I know you're right, and that you're just trying to help me. It's just so hard because he found his way into my heart. It's almost like I can't breathe without him. I've never loved someone like him." I instinctively move closer to Zed's bedside, urging him to understand what's going on in my head and in my heart.

I feel a tear spill over my wet lashes and cascade down my cheek.

Zed reaches up, lifting his back off the reclined bed, and wipes it away, wincing in the process. "Don't cry," he says soothingly. He gives me a small smile and brings his hand back down to the bed.

I notice the knuckles on his hands are scabbing over, covered in dried blood. I can see the bruises forming on his arms. My eyes make their way up his body to find black circles forming on both under eyes from his broken nose. The cut on his head has started to bleed through the gauze... Hardin really did try to kill him.

I feel my chest ripping open. I can't believe Hardin's done this. Again. And that part of me still can't help but love him.

"Zed. Are... are you going to press charges?"

I instantly see his eyes go wide in shock, and then strain into anger. Almost rage. He pinches them shut in the next instant, as his fists clench at his side.

Through strained breaths he hisses, "You can't be serious Tessa. You're actually asking me not to press charges against a man who attacked me and tried to kill me. A man who has repeatedly hurt you both emotionally and physically."

"But he would ne – "

"DON'T tell me he would never physically hurt you like that's some great achievement! Especially since he has done just that during his psychotic outbursts. And every time you forgive him. What, because he has a few nightmares and 'needs' you. So that makes it okay? Can't you see he's alienated you from your family, your friends – me!" Zed screams. His chest is heaving and the cut above his eye has started to bleed again.

I don't know what to say. He's right. Hardin has pushed me down while fighting others, only to apologize because he didn't realize it was me he was pushing. As if that should matter. As if it's okay to do that to someone so long as it isn't me.

"Zed. I'm just scared for him. He could go to jail! I know what he did to you is unforgivable but what will happen to him!" I'm honestly having trouble with my own reasoning at this point. Responding only with my emotions instead of my logic - dealing with Hardin always makes me crazy and irrational.

Zed huffs out a long breath. "Well Tess, maybe that's what Hardin needs. He's never had consequences for anything. In fact, I think it's exactly what he needs. I will be pressing charges. And I'll even be filing a restraining order against the guy to help ensure this doesn't happen again." He looks away from me with his final word, bracing for my reaction.

I open my mouth, ready to tell him exactly why shouldn't. Ready to tell him that they were friends once, and Hardin can change. That I love Hardin and don't want to see his life thrown away because of one bad night. But then I stop myself.

Zed turns back to see me staring down at him. Still bracing for an answer he knows will hurt.

I stop myself because the boy looking up at me, this broken-down man both inside and out, is looking at me in a way I've never seen. His eyes are pleading with mine. His lip is a hard, quivering line. I can see the tears forming in his eyes as they glaze over.

I take another step closer to him and sit on the small amount of space beside him in the hospital bed. I grab his hand, and his face seems to relax just the slightest. The ripping sensation in my chest fades a little as well. He almost looks confused or uncertain as he gazes up at me.

"Okay. I understand. Do what you have to do," I whisper. Then, I give his hand a gentle squeeze, being sure to avoid the sensitive areas around his wounded knuckles.

Getting up to leave, I feel my arm softly being pulled back. Zed hasn't dropped my hand and is still gaping at me with a growing but cautious smile on his face.

"Thank you for understanding. I know this is extremely hard for you. And I know you're not happy with me for telling him I slept with you," he whispers. I drop his hand and look away.

"I shouldn't have said that. I was just so angry. I wanted to hurt him Tessa. He was literally trying to kill me and I knew I was going to lose. I wanted to get back at him the only way I knew how. I hope you can forgive me someday. Please."

I look back, give him a small nod, and mutter, "bye Zed," as I walk out of the hospital room. Before I close the door, I swear I hear a soft sob behind me, but can't bear to look back.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

I feel my phone vibrating in my purse and decide to check it once I'm outside the building. Walking out of the hospital, tears still streaming down my face, I see 4 missed calls and a text from my boss, Christian Vance.

Tessa. It's Christian. I need to speak with you immediately. It's about Hardin. I'm sorry.

Author's Note: This is my first story on Wattpad! Feel free to vote on any chapters you love and leave comments. I used to write on before and loved the comments most! Critiques, random thoughts, or any comment at all makes my day <3

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