Chapter 13: Hardin Is Here

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"ZED!" I hear Tristan's voice echoing on the other side of the door.

I sit up quickly and shake Zed awake.

"Zed," I whisper frantically, "Zed, they're saying Hardin is here!"

He looks up at me, hair wild and eye's sleepy, not understanding what I'm trying to say.

"Zed!" I yell, placing both hands on his chest.

Zed looks around the room, Tristan pounding on the door even louder this time, and then jumps to his feet.

"Tessa, stay here." He yells, grabbing his jeans and quickly pulling them on.

Once on, Zed unlocks the door and Tristan storms in, also looking as if he just woke up.

"He's outside man, a couple of the guys are holding him back. He found out Tessa is here."

"What the fuck?" Zed yells, running both hands through his hair and pacing the room.

"Don't let him in here. I'll call the police if he comes in. I have a restraining order for a reason," he says, rushing around the room as if he's looking for something.

"Have you seen my phone Tessa?" Zed says, shuffling around the books and dirty cups on the desk.

"No," I say back, getting out of the bed and shooting Tristan an anxious look. If Hardin comes in, he really will kill Zed this time. I have to stop this.

"I'll go talk to him," I say aloud, walking towards the door.

Before I can even take a step, I feel two strong arms grab me. Looking back, I see Zed's wild eyes inches from my face, his arms a steel grip.

"Don't, Tessa. He's fucking dangerous." His eyes are pleading with mine.

"I can't let him come in here. He'll - he'll kill you Zed!" I plead back, moving to remove his arm from mine.

"No," he says furrowing his brow, and scoops me up.

"Hey!" I yell, feeling my weight leave the floor. He firmly places me on the bed, holding both my arms to the mattress and says, "I won't let you do this. I won't let you get hurt again."

He's practically shaking, terrified I might go down there, despite his desperate plea.

"Okay, Zed. I won't", I say as his grip loosens. "But I need to talk to him. Tristan, you said he's out front right?"

He nods, still pacing in the doorway.

"Alright then," I say, squirming out of Zed's grip and opening the window behind me. Leaning out, I see an extremely angry Hardin arguing with four of his former frat brothers.

"Tessa, stop!" I hear Zed yell, as he once again grabs my arm, pulling me partially back inside, his voice begging.

"It's fine", I say back. "I won't go down there. Plus, you and Tristan are right here," I reassure him.

He nods slowly, releasing my arm, and I lean back out, greeted by Hardin's extremely angry expression.

"Tessa! What the fuck are you doing in there!" Hardin yells almost two stories below. Damn, he must have heard Zed.

"Hardin, stop this!" I yell back. I wonder how I must look. I'm sure he's seeing my crazy hair and last nights makeup smudged across my eyes. Not a good look, especially for Hardin to see.

"Tessa, come down here now or I'll fucking come up there and get you!" He screams, pushing forward against a boy with brown hair. Hardin takes a swing at the boy, but thankfully misses.

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