Chapter 20: Maternal Instinct

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My mother rushes in, looking perfect in slimming black pants and a gray blouse. She even had time to throw on some makeup - despite getting a call that her daughter was in the hospital.

"Theresa! I was so worried when I got the call. What happened?" she says, her forehead wrinkled with concern.

"I, I don't want to talk about it right now," I answer, slowly flipping over and turning away from her. I just had a room full of people tell me I what I saw wasn't real, including my own friend. And my mother is definitely not inclined to believe me after my previous incidents, as she likes to refer to Hardin.

"Tessa, please talk to me. Wait, what's wrong with your arm?" she barks, grabbing for my bandaged wound. She really lacks maternal instinct when it comes to these things. I can't help the yelp that escapes my throat as I feel the burn of my cut under her less than gentle touch.

"Ouch, mom!" I say, yanking my arm back.

"Well, what happened?" she says. It's clear she won't stop asking until I answer.

"Ugh, I fell on glass, okay?" I mutter, rolling away from her.

She grabs my shoulder lightly, rolling me back to face her.

"How?" she demands, crossing her arms.

"You want to know how? Because I was at a party with Steph. Yes, that Steph that you hate. And I went upstairs just to relax when Hardin barged in, got pissed off, and started throwing things. So of course, I tried to leave the room because despite that face you're making right now - I'm not an idiot! But then he threw a freaking lamp and I fell on it and almost bled to death. There, you happy?" I yell, giving her a smug smile before rolling back over.

I don't hear her reply, or even hear her breathe. And after a few moments, I can't help but peek over my shoulder at her, curious as to what has shut up the Carol Young. It's very unlike her to be silent for this long.

She looks down at me, tears brimming her eyes. Woah, that's different.

"Uh, Mom?" I murmur, waving my good arm in front of her face. Is she having a stroke?

"Where are those police?" she demands suddenly, rising for the door.

"I already told them what happened, and they didn't believe me," I answer, dropping my head to my pillow and staring at the floor.

"What? What do you mean they didn't believe you? Of course, that, that boy, would do this. I've always known he was capable of something like this. And I never liked you with him - look at where it's gotten you!" she yells, pointing a finger at me, her eyes wild.

I shoot up off my pillow, careful not to move my arm too much.

"For your information, Carol, I broke up with that boy weeks ago! He's the one who won't leave me alone! It's not like I tried to see him or even tried talking to him. So, don't put the blame on me, when I was just trying to have a normal fun night like everyone else in college," I scream, the heat from my face burning through to my ears.

She falters a bit and her eyes soften. Crossing her arms, she says, "So, you really left him this time? You're not going back to him?"

"No!" I yell and lie back on the bed.

"Well, I don't care what those cops say. We're filing a restraining order and pressing charges," she says, walking out of the room.

A small part of me almost tells her to stop. That a restraining order would be ridiculous. But, for once, Carol Young is not being ridiculous. Look where being near Hardin has gotten me: in a hospital bed, my arm wrapped in gauze, while someone else's blood is being pumped through my veins to keep me alive.

It hurts to admit it to myself, but it's what needs to be done. I'll gladly go ahead with filing the restraining order, though I doubt they will let me press charges.

She returns in a huff, her face red and eyes wild. "Those moron cops actually laughed at me when I said I wanted to report that dangerous boy for what he did to you! And they said if I wanted to file a restraining order, I'd have to do it tomorrow morning at the station. I thought cops were supposed to help people!" she shouts, aiming her last statement at the door and raising her voice even louder.

"Believe me mom, I know. I had to deal with them earlier," I sigh.

"Weren't you living with that boy? How have you been able to afford that apartment just from working for Mr. Vance?" she asks, squinting her eyes and scratching her forehead.

Oh, crap. She doesn't know. I guess it has been a while since we've talked...

"Oh, about that..." I say, biting my nail.

"Tessa," she says, her voice laced with suspicion.

I breathe out. "Okay, listen mom. Don't freak out. But I'm not working for Christian anymore. And I haven't been living at that apartment for a while..." I say, avoiding her intense gaze.

"Tessa! What happened? And why didn't you tell me?" she yells, throwing her hands in the air.

"Well, I knew you'd be angry or say I told you so and I didn't want to deal with that when it was all happening," I huff, finally looking up at her.

She begins pacing the room, and I can see she's trying to process the bombshell I just dropped.

She pauses, placing her hands on the brim of her forehead. "Okay, so if you moved out, where are you living now?"

Biting my lip, I mutter, "...with Steph. In... my old room."

"Tessa," she breathes, "why are you living with her. And also, how did you get your spot back in the dorms?"

My head aches as we go back and forth. The trauma of the night combined with my lack of sleep is starting to hit. I glance up at the clock to see it's now 1:05am.

"Well, she's letting me stay for free. She hasn't been assigned a new roommate and doesn't mind. It was the only option I had after you cut me off and I left Hardin," I say, frustrated thinking about the decision they forced me into.

She sits down in the chair next to me, a touch of fatigue playing on her face as well.

"And what about your internship?" she says, surprisingly calm, rubbing her eyes, carefully not to smudge her perfect eyeshadow.

"Well, actually, I was able to get a new internship. And it's going well. I'm not making as much, but I don't have to worry about Hardin or his family taking it away from me," I reply.

She takes in a deep breath, mulling over the new information I'm throwing at her.

"Well, I'm going to work on finding you a new place to stay," she says calmly, smoothing down my hair, "Maybe an apartment somewhere. I'll pay half the rent if you can use your internship money to pay for the other half."

Who is this woman and where is my mother? Maybe having a near death experience is what it takes to bring out the mom in her.

I smile back, and the pounding in my head feels more manageable. "Wow, that would be great mom."

"I know you don't always agree with me Tessa, but I just want what's best for you," she says, and even gives me a smile, "Now, why don't you lie down and try to get some sleep?"

I lay back, closing my eyes while my mother continues to rub my head. I guess the silver lining of this terrible night, is that I might get a relationship with my mom back.

After only a few minutes, I hear her say, "Can I help you?" She sounds annoyed.

Opening my eyes, I look to see Zed standing in the doorway.

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